Din sökning på "*" gav 538782 sökträffar
Ett nationalekonomiskt perspektiv
The impact of new services and new control architectures on overload conrol
Parity-violating electroweak asymmetry in ep scattering
Double Binds: Sovereignty and the Just War Tradition
A system of innovation? Biomass digestion technology in Tanzania.
Reglermöte '98 : preprints
Media Abstraction Framework for the Pervasive Middleware PalCom
Pervasive middleware systems are important for enabling the configuration and coordination of the services provided by devices in pervasive environments. PalCom is an example of such a system that aims to enable interaction among pervasive services over heterogeneous networks. In this paper we discuss the need for providing networking-media independent messaging among pervasive devices, and identi
All-diode-laser ultra-violet absorption spectroscopy and temporal gas correlation spectroscopy
Here, we present a scheme producing UV radiation around 302 nm by sum-frequency generation in beta-barium borate employing a blue and a near-infrared diode laser. The diode-laser-based spectrometer has a mode-hop-free tuning range of 50 GHz and can be used for high-resolution spectroscopic detection of sulfur dioxide. Differential measurements of several sulfur dioxide gas concentrations, at low p
Christendom in decline : the Swedish case
Bed material deposition in cyclones of wood fuel fired circulating fluidized beds (CFBs);
Bed material samples were collected at different times from a full-scale combustion boiler, and bed material deposits were taken from the cyclone and the riser at two different occasions from a wood-fired circulating fluidized bed boiler (104 MWth). The bed materials and the bed material deposits were analyzed with environmental scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (ES
Force, dislocation, partisanship. International law in the state of the exceptional
No title
Heat gain from thermal radiation with wet underwear in permeable and impermeable garments
An experimental study of the nuclear reaction F¹⁹(p,αγ)O¹⁶
[abstract missing]
On the cytotoxic and proinflammatory properties of eosinophils
Popular Abstract in Swedish VADÅ CYTOTOXISKA OCH PROINFLAMMATORISKA EGENSKAPER HOS EOSINOFILA? Vårt immunförsvar är nödvändigt för vår överlevnad, men des's komplexitet gör det svårt att greppa. Man brukar dela upp det i ett ospecifikt och ett specifikt försvar. T och B celler ingår i det ospecifika och vita blodkroppar i det specifika. En andra uppdelning är första försvarslinjen (den barriär soEosinophils are multi-functional leukocytes involved in the pathophysiology of inflammatory diseases such as asthma and inflammatory bowel disease. Participation in some neoplastic diseases and in the host defense against helminths has also been postulated. They are considered both good and bad, protecting or harming the host. The exact roles of eosinophils and their mechanisms of action are poorl
Gendering Theories of European Integration
North Athabascan story songs and dance songs
Urbanization in Sweden 0-1700 : an overview
No title
Abstract is not available