Din sökning på "*" gav 538782 sökträffar
The Politics of European Collaboration in Big Science
Intergovernmental collaboration in Big Science has been an important resource for European science since the 1950s, as a means to compete on global level. But interestingly, collaboration in (basic) science has traditionally been left outside of the political integration work of the European Community/Union, which has resulted in a cluttered policy field and a situation where European Big Science
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This book chapter discusses gender and sexuality in contemporary Scandinavian stagings of Henrik Ibsen's plays, with a special focus on the characters Nora (The Doll's House) and Hedda (Hedda Gabler).
Nebulous Nexus : Modernity and Perlustration in Maoist China
This chapter posits the existence of a nexus of modernity and surveillance in the People’s Republic of China in the untidy post-Liberation decade of the 1950s. It identifies the state’s interception and perlustration of ordinary people’s correspondence for the purpose of discovering what they were thinking as a central component of that nexus, and it illustrates this identification with contempora
Preference change through choice
Rectal Cancer - Tumor Biology and Prognostic Markers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer i tjock- och ändtarm drabbar årligen drygt 5000 svenskar. En rad faktorer har satts i samband med tumöruppkomst i tarmen, bl a ärftlighet, inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom, kost och motion, men det är till stor del okänt hur dessa faktorer orsakar cancerutveckling. Genetiska förändringar styr tumörutvecklingen Tumörerna utvecklas oftast från ett godartat förstadium, Colorectal cancer is one of our most common malignancies and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. About 1/3 of the tumors are located in the rectum. Treatment advances such as the introduction of the standardized surgical technique total mesorectal excision (TME), pre-operative radiotherapy, and adjuvant chemotherapy have reduced the previously high local recurrence rates and improv
Review of Herman Lindqvist, "Jean Bernadotte: Mannen vi valde"
Naqshbandiyya in Damascus : Strategies to Establish and Strengthen the Order in a Changing Society
Elektronisk avtalsignering och elektroniska handlingar inom arbetsrätten
Reconciliation and the search for a shared moral landscape in Northern Ireland and South Africa : Insights, challenges and some lessons for Europe
Numerical Modeling of Beach Topography Change
Lighting, Mood, and Seasonal Fatigue in Northern Argentina. Comparison to Countries Close to and Further from the Equator
The main problems in this thesis concern the impact of seasonal variations in daylight and ambient temperature on people's mood and the prevalence of various symptoms related to seasonal affective disorder. Questions are also raised about the role of the indoor environment and of the individual's personality as moderators of such an impact. In contrast to most previous research, the present study
Privattjänstemännens fackliga organisationsmiljö 1880-1930
Framväxten av facklig organisering bland olika tjänstemannagrupper inom privat sektor redovisas i denna artikel. Det sker mot bakgrund av att den första större fackliga centralorganisationen i Sverige - DACO (De anställdas centralorganisation) - 1931 bildades just av privatanställda tjänstemän. Genom att använda en rad olika indikatorer på facklig orientering (första kollektivavtalet, första strej
Punktintensiven, om att lyfta sig själv i håret för att kunna läsa
The Street Art World
In recent years, street art has become embedded in popular culture and received growing attention from the art market and art institutions. Work by street artists has entered galleries, auction houses and museums, and some artists have been given the opportunity to create large-scale sanctioned public art projects. Simultaneously, widespread photographic documentation of street artworks and the ci
Minnesteckning över Kai Siegbahn
Etik och marknadsföring: Skäl till självkritik?
Marknadsföringen av läkemedel är ständigt omtvistad. Branschen klandras inte sällan för en alltför aggressiv marknadsföring för att maximera försäljningen. I synnerhet har kritiken mot industrin varit hård i USA, där flertalet bolag dömts för eller ingått förlikningar i miljarddollarklassen efter omfattande och tillsynes medvetet oetiskt försäljningsarbete.