

Din sökning på "*" gav 526299 sökträffar

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This Thesis is based on online ethnography done in multiple virtuel groups of individuels following the latest fad diet in Denmark. The diet is called the paleo diet and enjoyed great popularity in leading individuals who follow the concept back towards the prehistorical way of healthy in a holistic manner and far away from the modern socity of obesity, illness and unhappiness. It is argued that t

Demokrati och globalisering

Kopplingen mellan demokrati och globalisering är ett nutida omdebatterat ämne. Mycket forskning har berört ämnet med skilda resultat. Åtskillnaden är någonting denna uppsats tar avstamp i. Uppsatsen kartlägger kopplingen mellan demokrati och globalisering med hjälp av paneldata som sträcker sig mellan åren 1980 till 2010. En kvantitativ, deduktiv ansats används för att bidra med ytterligare bevis

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I have chosen in my Bachelor thesis to analyze how terror and terror actions are described in the contemporary American writer Don DeLillo’s books, Mao II and Falling Man. The French theorist, Jean Baudrillard’s thoughts about the identity of USA, globalization and terrorism will be applied to what I find in DeLillo’s books. I will be discussing in which way Don DeLillo examine and explain terrori

Empowerment through Sanitation: A qualitative study on public participation in Community-Led Total Sanitation

Public participation has gradually gained a stronghold within development theory during the last three decades. Researchers, policy-makers and aid workers share the belief that inclusion of beneficiaries in the development process is a prerequisite for purposeful and sustainable development of rural communities. The purpose of this thesis is to examine if participatory development leads to empower

Självkänsla i förändring: En jämförande studie om 7-9-åriga barns självkänsla år 1981-83 och 2012

Studien undersökte hur självkänslan har förändrats hos 7-9-åriga barn i Sverige idag jämfört med 1981-83. Sammanlagt deltog 268 flickor och pojkar i studien genom att fylla i självskattningsformuläret ”Jag tycker jag är”. Resultaten visade att både pojkarna och flickorna i samtliga åldrar år 2012 uppvisade ett signifikant högre medelvärde jämfört med barnen på 80-talet. Flickorna uppvisade därtillThe study examined how self-esteem has changed in Swedish 7-9 year old children today compared to 1981-83. A total of 268 boys and girls participated by filling out the self-assessment form "I think I am". The results showed that both boys and girls of all ages in 2012 demonstrated a significantly higher mean compared to children in the 80´s. It also demonstrated that in 2012 the girls h

Stigma och de professionella: en undersökning av svenska psykologers grad av stigmatisering av personer med psykisk sjukdom

Studiens syfte var att utifrån en modell av stigma som bestående av komponenterna kunskap, attityder och beteende beskriva psykologers stigmatisering av personer med psykisk sjukdom samt att jämföra psykologers stigmatisering med den övriga befolkningens. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar psykologers attityder till personer med psykisk sjukdom. Yrkesverksamma p

In-Yer-Face: A Study of Unsettling British TV Comedy, Critical Discomfort and Public Offence

In this essay I explore contemporary British TV comedy that unsettles and offends its audience by pushing humour to its very outer limits. Attempts to breach decorum and provoke the reader/audience is not a new phenomenon, and by looking at the Modernist rejection of bourgeois values I try to contextualise this fascination with transgression and provocation. The British writer and director Chris

Idéer bakom de svenska regionerna-en idéanalys av den svenska regiondebatten 1968-2012

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine which ideas that have been influential in the Swedish debate on regionalization and to analyze the change in the usage of these ideas. This study is a descriptive idea analysis based on the official state reports on regionalization that have been published between 1968 and 2012. The main focus is therefore on the official viewpoint in the discussion on

Business Fighting Poverty: The Rise of New Private Sector Strategies in Swedish Foreign Aid

This thesis aims to explain the rise of CSR and the increasing private sector strategies within foreign aid in Sweden. The theoretical approach is grounded in three hypotheses that could explain the rise of this I) that the global idea on a changed role for business has fostered the development II) that it is due to a conservative more pro-business government in power or III) that it is a developm

Regions as Security Providers: The Evolution of the West African Regional Security Complex

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the region in its role as a regional security provider through a within-case study of West Africa. The point of departure is on one hand that contemporary threats to international peace and security are increasingly regional, arising within states rather than from a global or out-of-region origin, and on the other hand that the regions among the world has b

Fienden Inifrån - Mediekonstruktionen av en annorlunda fiende mot det moderna samhället

Abstract Uppsatsen Fienden Inifrån granskar medierapporteringen kring Anders Breivik – gärningsmannen bakom terrordåden i Oslo den 22 juli 2011 med syftet att nå djupare insikt i hur media konstruerar fienden när denne kommer inifrån det egna samhället, samt vilka konsekvenser denna konstruktion får. Genom att undersöka 16 artiklar publicerade i Dagens Nyheter analyseras mediekonstruktionen av fi

En storm blåser från Paradiset: Om hur Judith Butler och Giorgio Agamben läser Walter Benjamin

In resent years essayist and cultural critic Walter Benjamin has enjoyed an increased interest by intellectuals and academics. Benjamin’s texts has for many taken the form of a starting point from which to launch a discussion on contemporary political problems such as that of state violence, sovereignty and law. In this thesis I focus on the specific readings of Walter Benjamin’s famous essay ”On

Myndigheternas betydelse i arbetsmarknadsintegrationen

This essay compares the two Swedish municipalities Landskrona and Värnamo, in order to understand the difference in achieved integration on the labor market. By using Mill’s method of disagreement, and conducting interviews with persons with key positions in the integration process, based on theories of integration, the essay reaches the conclusion that authorities can be the difference between su

Den kosmiska revan: utomjordlig resursutvinning och dess betydelse för liv på jorden

The growing interest and practice in outer space activities is the cause of a developing and more various space industry. The implication of an increasing human presence in outer space, as a result of such a development, is questioned in this study through an analysis of extraterrestrial mining. Three leading actors’ business-plans in the industry of extraterrestrial mining are examined, with the

Invandringskritiska partier i Skandinavien: En statistisk undersökning utifrån ett efterfrågeperspektiv

The three Scandinavian anti-immigration parties Sweden Democrats, Danish People’s Party and the Norwegian Progress Party all have representation in their respective national assemblies. A large number of theories are available explaining the success of this party family. My purpose is not to perform a general study but to analyze the effects on the anti-immigration vote from a demand-side perspect

The Spiritual Rift - A Deep Ecological Approach to Marx' Concept of Alienation

Inom den moderna vetenskapen finns inget utrymme för emotionella argument eller yttranden. Vetenskapen byggs på den kalla rationella tanken; humanekologen blandar inte in subjektiva förhållningsätt eller erfarenheter i sin vetenskap. Detta reflekteras i det moderna samhället där det specialiserade arbetet alienerar människan då hon bara producera ensidigt istället för allsidigt och därmed förlorar

Kvinnosoldaten - beväpnad med vapen och vänlighet. En kritisk diskursanalys av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete

The aim of this thesis is to investigate why the Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarsmakten) still consist of so few women. This is done by analysing the Armed Forces’ documents regarding equality. The hypothesis is that there are discourses concerning gender and women in the organization which reproduce stereotypical dichotomies of men and women. By using Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis I have