Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar
A longitudinal study of group work in an online course
Innovations and social problem solving: A comparative study
This article explores the practical implementation of two innovative projects in Denmark and Sweden. The research is motivated by the high political interest for innovations as a modern quick fix to societal problems. Innovations are regarded as an all-round solution; however, research has mainly been focused on technical and economical factors without considering social problem solving. Utilizing
A Test Data Compression Architecture with Abort-on Fail Capability
Modern arabisk litteratur under 100 år
On the screening power of incentive schemes
Detailed Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Flames at Moderate and High Karlovitz Numbers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förblandad förbränning har sedan lång tid tillbaka varit en av grundbultarna i industriellt applicerad förbränning såsom i bensinmotorer och gasturbiner. Genom att direkt kunna kontrollera blandningsförhållandet mellan bränsle och luft kan utsläppen av skadliga ämnen hållas på en minimal nivå. Detta gör förblandad förbränning mycket attraktiv. För att industriellt appliIn generally accepted and applied flamelet combustion models, a turbulent flame is mainly assumed distorted by the large-scale turbulence eddies, whereas small-scale turbulence effects on the local flamelet structures are neglected. However, in a lot of industrial applications rather high turbulent intensities are often imposed, which induce turbulence scales at ranges smaller than the flame thick
Bureaucracy and Finance
Structure and Motion Estimation in Rigid Body Perspective Dynamic Systems
Abstract This thesis concerns different aspects of recursive estimation of structure and motion in dynamic rigid body perspective systems, where the three-dimensional position of observed object feature points are expressed as states in a system of deterministic or stochastic differential equations describing the object motion, combined with a set of output equations in the form of two-dimensional
Body part terms in Jahai
This article explores the lexicon of body part terms in Jahai, a Mon-Khmer language spoken by a group of hunter–gatherers in the Malay Peninsula. It provides an extensive inventory of body part terms and describes their structural and semantic properties. The Jahai body part lexicon pays attention to fine anatomical detail but lacks labels for major, 'higher-level' categories, like 'trunk', 'limb'
Proton-Conducting Sulfonated Aromatic Ionomers and Membranes by Chemical Modifications and Polycondensations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Växthuseffekten och klimatförändringar har de senaste decennierna påskyndat forskning och utveckling av alternativa energikällor, däribland bränslecellen. En första skiss på en bränslecell föddes redan på 1830-talet. Det dröjde dock till 1950-talet innan den första kommersiella bränslecellen användes i ett av NASAs projekt. I Sverige har forskning runt bränsleceller medProton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC)s are increasingly regarded as promising environmentally benign power sources. Intensive development is today directed towards reducing the cost and increasing the durability of the fuel cell, as well as expanding the operational window for the PEMFC for a range of applications. The proton-conducting membrane is one of the key components in the PEMFC. The
Force, Fear, and Consent to Marriage: Parental Authority and Filial Duty in Early Modern Jesuit Writings
Max-Min Fair Optimization Models in Network Design
Max-min fairness (MMF) is a general objective of multi-criteria optimization with important and natural applications in communication network design. The notion of MMF and optimization models involving MMF seem not to be commonly known to network designers and therefore they are not used to an extent they deserve. Moreover, the MMF approaches are sometimes “reinvented”, in some cases not correctly