

Din sökning på "*" gav 532678 sökträffar

Nuclear Fuel Bundle Design Optimization using a Simplex Method

En kokvattenreaktor är en typ av kärnkraftverk där energi frigörs genom fission i uranstavar arrangerade i bränsleknippen. Genom reaktorn strömmar vatten vilket genom den intensiva värmeutvecklingen från uranstavarna kokar, den bildade vattenångan driver sedan via ångturbiner elektriska generatorer. Att bestämma en nukleär design, d.v.s. en distribution av urananrikningar och brännbar absorbator, A strategy for nuclear fuel bundle design optimization in boiling water reactors(BWRs), using a simplex method, is presented and examined. The objective of the study is to see how an automatic optimization scheme can create nuclear designs for use in BWR fuel bundles and how the scheme can be improved. Challenges with applying linear simplex optimization to non-linear bundle physics lie in approx

μLEDs for optogenetics

Optogenetics is unfolding new ways for us to study the nervous system and could one day be a standard approach to treat neurological diseases like epilepsy. To selectively study the effects on a subcellular level, microscopic light sources are needed. Nanostructure, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can realize this criteria but processing to connect and protect them is necessary before any fruitful op

Med sagan som verktyg

Mitt arbete utgår från sagan ”Tomtebobarnen” av Elsa Beskow. Jag återupptäckte sagan som vuxen och kände en stark inspiration. Jag brukar inte ha en tydlig inspiration från ett annat medium kopplat till min gestaltning inom arkitektur, så detta var något som jag ville utforska. Inom arkitekturen är skapandeprocessen är en viktig del, därför tycker jag att det är intressant att undersöka den proces

English Mother Tongue Instruction - Hidden Curriculum and Heteroglossic Repertoires

In contrast to the peripheral role of mother tongue as a subject in Sweden, English has retained an elevated position. Together with Swedish, English is characterized as being crucial to Swedish society, positioning both languages at the top of the linguistic hierarchy. Given the generally perceived low status of mother tongue instruction (MTI) and high status of English in Sweden, an interesting

Green is the new Grey: Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions in urban areas

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) is an emerging concept which has the potential to address several sustainability challenges. In this multiple case study research on three NBS projects in Gothenburg (Sweden) the projects objectives and evaluated impacts are studied to provide insights into how NBS interventions are implemented in urban contexts. In addition, barriers and drivers for up-scaling are ide

SOFT POWER - The Intercultural Bilingual Education policy as a window onto larger processes of governance

This study looks into Intercultural Bilingual Education among the Indigenous Peoples of the Andes. Using the policy as a vantage point it shows the interconnectedness of the different parts of a larger network of processes influencing it. Spring boarding of Foucault's second notion of biopower, that which concerns the regulation of the population, and the governmentality concept, the study con

Good meadows, good farmers? An assessment of the cultural sustainability of an Irish pilot results-oriented agri-environmental scheme

Agri-environmental schemes [AESs], which pay farmers to manage their land more environmentally sustainably, are the European Union’s primary policy instrument for addressing rural environmental problems. The majority of AESs in Europe are action-oriented (meaning they pay farmers to adhere to specified management prescriptions). However, a new approach, the results-oriented scheme (which pays farm

Spatiotemperal variation in butterfly wing pattern colouration – are there latitudinal, regional or temporal variation in female wing colouration in Polyommatus icarus?

This study explores the roles of genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity for explaining patterns of local wing colour variation in the common blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus. Polyommatus icarus is one of the most widespread species of butterflies in Europe. Across its range, the female varies a lot in its dorsal colour, from all brown to almost totally blue. It has been suggested that, in S

E-mobility charging sites. Assessment of power system impacts, consumption patterns and feasibility aspects to explore a new business opportunity.

Electrification of energy demand is seen as one of the key elements of energy transition toward decarbonisation. E-mobility is one main side of the electrification process, and it is considered as a crucial way to reduce the emissions of the transport sector. A core element for a widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is the deployment of the charging infrastructure, and installing a micro

Doing Business in the Age of Transparency: A case study of Full Material Disclosure in the electronics sector

Electronic products consist of substances that can be harmful to human health and the environment if exposed or leaked during the product use and end-of-life phases. Full Material Disclosure (FMD), which usually requires suppliers to disclose on the concentrations or masses of all substances in a product, is one method of increasing supply chain transparency on chemicals in products. This case stu

A Conservative Discretization of a Hamiltonian System

The reaction–diffusion equation (RDE) is a natural way of describing a system where there is not only diffusion but also interaction with its surroundings. The RDE has been the topic of interest in previous papers for its usefulness of explaining pattern formations in nature. The static RDE has, in one dimension, the form of a Newton equation. We study a discretized version of this equation, with

Categorizing Software Defects using Machine Learning

We analyze how automatically generated crash reports can be used to aid in the process of software defect categorization. The crash reports are automatically generated logs, which vary widely in both format and in information content. Each crash report used is linked to its corresponding, human-written bug report. The problem is handled as a long text-based classification problem. Several differe

Det moderna jordbruket och fastighetsbildning

Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur fastighetsbildningen för jordbruksändamål kan anpassas till det moderna jordbruket. Nedan följer bakgrunden till mina förslag på anpassning av fastighetsbildningen till det moderna jordbruket: Jordbrukarna föredrar stora jordbruksfastigheter. Idag är det bara riktigt stora jordbruksfastigheter som anses skyddsvärda enligt 3 kap. 6 § FBL. Det är viktThe purpose of this master thesis is to examine how property formation for agricultural purposes can be accommodated to the modern-day agriculture. Agricultural holdings in the size ranges 15-30 and 30-100 hectares are declining rapidly in Sweden. It was common that agriculturalists in Helsingborg municipality that had an agricultural holding in the size range of 30-100 hectares had a hard time t

Practitioners’ view on command query responsibility segregation

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) have long been a predominant technology in information systems (IS). Today, however, the ever-changing technology landscape seems to be the proving grounds for many alternative approaches. For instance, alternative databases are currently used in many cloud services that affect everyday life. Similarly, a novel way to design applications has come to f

Chrome spinel grains from the Komstad Limestone Formation, Killeröd, southern Sweden : a high-resolution study of an increased meteorite flux in the Middle Ordovician

I mellersta ordovicium var inflödet av kosmiskt material till jorden högre än idag, i sviter-na efter uppbrytningen av den L-kondritiska asteroidkroppen i asteroidbältet mellan Mars och Jupiter, vilket beri-kade den forna havsbottnen med meteoriter och kosmiskt damm. Komstadformationen i Killeröd, Skåne, innehåller ett lager särskilt rikt på L-kondritiska kromitkorn vilket indikerar en hög grad avIn the Middle Ordovician period the influx of cosmic material to Earth was increased, following the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body in the Main Asteroid Belt, enriching the ancient shelf environment with meteorites and cosmic dust. The Komstad Limestone Formation in Killeröd, Scania, contains an interval exception-ally rich in L chondritic chromite grains indicating a very high degree of co

Nyttjanderättsersättning mellan makar

I samband med äktenskapsskillnad kan frågan om nyttjanderättsersättning aktualiseras om en av makarna tillsvidare bor kvar i en tidigare gemensam bostad. Då det i svensk rätt saknas lagstadgande om nyttjanderättsersättning syftar denna framställning till att klargöra rättsläget, genom att analysera framförallt praxis och doktrin. Avslutningsvis syftar framställningen till att diskutera om tillämpnA question of tenancies compensation can arise during a divorce, if one of two spouses re-mains settled in a former joint home. Due to the fact that Swedish law is missing enactment of this kind of compensation, the purpose of this depiction is to clarify the legal situation by analysing mainly established practice and doctrine. In the conclusion the author will discuss whether the regulations sho

Att förstå tvångssterilisering idag: En genealogisk studie av människan genom tolkningen av tvångssteriliseringen från tidigt 1900-tal till 2014

Between 1934 and 1975 62 888 persons were sterilized in Sweden. About 21 000 of these cases were described as forced sterilization on people mainly seen as psychologically or morally disabled. My ambition is to scrutinize the interpretation of the sterilization laws both now and in the time when they were applied. Regarding method and theory it will be carried out through a Foucauldian genealogica

Friktion i fredsoperationer: De globala, nationella och glokala freds- och säkerhetsdiskurserna gällande Afghanistaninsatsen under åren 2010–2012

This study focuses on friction between global, national and glocal actors and discourses regarding the military operation in Afghanistan, with the delimitation to the years 2010-2012. The study aims to explain and gain a deeper understanding of the friction between global, national and glocal actors that exists in peace operations and to further develop the theory about global and local friction i

Ansvar i myndighetssamverkan - En studie som undersöker betydelsen av ansvar och dess påverkan på legitimiteten i den svenska förvaltningen

Abstract Studien behandlar betydelsen som ansvar har i myndighetssamverkan, och hur legitimiteten i den svenska förvaltningen påverkas av den betydelsen. För att besvara studiens frågor och få en generell förståelse utreds teoretiska begreppen samverkan, legitimitet och nyinstitutionalism. Därefter analyserades material hämtat från Statskontoret som har en utvärderande roll av myndigheters verksam