

Din sökning på "*" gav 532830 sökträffar

Computerized Agents from a Linguistic Perspective

There are many fashion words in AI, such as introspection, reflection, metalanguage, belief and intention. The usual way of looking at such concepts is proof theoretical even if it is not at all clear that these concepts can be described in a formal language. I shed light on some of these concepts from a semantical point of view, and show that it is impossible to describe them to a computer. This

Understanding the Politics of Perikles around 450 BC: the benefits of an economic perspective

Perikles is usually seen as a great statesman and clever leader of the Athenians. In the mid fifth century BC, he seems however to have been in serious political trouble and may well have been in danger of losing the struggle for power and of being ostracised. The fact that his Incentives changed considerably at this point in time is ignored in traditional historical accounts. In contrast, we see

Image Processing for Quantitative Scintillation-Camera Imaging. Application to Radionuclide Therapy.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Behandling med radionuklidterapi baseras på radioaktiva läkemedel, d.v.s. läkemedel som i sig består av ett radioaktivt ämne, eller som kopplats till en radionuklid. Den strålningsenergi som avges vid de radioaktiva sönderfallen absorberas i vävnad och ger en lokalt absorberad stråldos där läkemedlet tas upp. Viktigt är härvid att upptaget är högre i patologisk vävnad äIndividual-based determinations of the absorbed dose in radionuclide therapy largely rely on absolute measurement of the activity distribution and its redistribution over time. Scintillation-camera imaging is the most commonly employed measuring technique, applied in planar or SPECT mode, sometimes in combination with structural images from CT. In this thesis, methods for processing and analysis o

Critical Thinking in Scholarship : Meanings, Conditions and Development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska fenomenet vetenskapligt kritiskt tänkande, när det gäller dess olika innebörder, villkor och utveckling. Kritiskt tänkande studeras genom att analysera olika filosofiska och pedagogiska texter, utifrån ett hermeneutiskt-fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Avhandlingen som är skriven på engelska erbjuder läsaren en inblick i hur min egThe purpose of this thesis is to explore the phenomenon of critical thinking in scholarship as regards its meanings, conditions, and development using a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach. This exploration takes its departure in ancient Greece, following a historical movement of the phenomenon up to present day perspectives on critical thinking, revealing a range of different meanings and condi

DESIRE Toolkit Components - Matcher

The Matcher tool implements a subject classification process using a subject-specific thesaurus by which terms are intellectually mapped to categories or subject classes. The classification process is made up of several steps. First, the document to be classified is fetched. Text is extracted from this document, and all thesaurus terms are matched to it. Some heuristic processing rules are applied

Social welfare, Social exclusion, A life course frame

Have you ever experienced standing on the sidelines unable to participate despite wishing to? It has happened to us in various situations: in school,at sports practice, at work, or even at parties. Our experiences are normal episodes in everyday life, but imagine if they were consistent. Being systematically excluded from basic opportunities, rights and services in society is a different matter. T

A New Rounding Method Based on Parallel Remainder Estimation for Goldschmidt and Newton-Raphson Algorithms

Newton-Raphson and Goldschmidt algorithms can be sped up by using variable latency hardware architectures for rounding division, square root and their reciprocals. A new approach based on a rounding method with remainder estimate calculated concurrently with the algorithm was proposed in [5]. This paper presents an study of the hardware implementation of this approach and shows that does not suppo

More than Metaphor. Approaching the Human Cadaver in Archaeology.

Developments in body theory have had a strong impact on archaeology in recent years, but the concept of the body has tended to remain abstract. The term “body” is often used as a synonym for self or person, and the remains of bodies and body parts have often been approached theoretically as signs or symbols. While this has emphasized the importance of the body as a cultural construct and a social

Compaction, Flow and Dispersion in a Chromatographic Column

An experimental and theoretical study of compaction, flow and hydrodynamic dispersion in a chromatographic column containing non-rigid particles is presented. Experiments were performed using chromatographic columns packed with either a dextran-based chromatographic gel or glass beads. It was found that both the velocity variations and the dispersion irregularities in the column containing the co

Conquering Complex and Changing Systems through Recognition of Individual Uniqueness

From the point of view of each individual’s sense-making, an organization is an emergent property of inter-individual sense-making processes and activities. The organization is a result of emergence from individual sense-making perspectives. A critically informed approach to research involves recognition / understanding of this emergence. Without the recognition of the uniqueness of each particula

Walking Along, Wandering Off and Going Astray A Critical Normativity Approach to Walking as a Situated Architectural Experience

Popular Abstract in Swedish Gående som mellanmänsklig handling Traska, spatsera, flanera, power-gå, ila, dra fötterna efter sig, ta en stärkande promenad eller bara vandra bort i tankarna för en kort stund. Att gå är en komplex handling som omfattar allt från upplevelsen av marken som vi går på till människorna vi möter. Både när vi är ute och går själva eller tillsammans med andra så förhåller vThere is a lack of attention toward the diversity in experiences of architecture that are expressed through walking. Through the application of autoethnography and critical perspectives of queer and feminist theory, this dissertation develops a method for investigating experiences of architecture in regard to the activity of walking. In addition, this thesis addresses the influence of form, materi