

Din sökning på "*" gav 530280 sökträffar

Implementation of a Tool for Control Structure Assessment

A method for assessing disturbances in SISO loops has been developed. The method indicates if the SISO loop under consideration will benefit from an addition of feedforward control from a measured disturbance. An implementation in Java of the methodology is presented in the paper.

Dynamic Fetal and Placental Circulatory Changes during Uterine Contractions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Oxytocin-stresstestet (OST) introducerades för mer än 30 år sedan som ett kliniskt test att bedöma moderkakans reservkapacitet att tillgodose fostrets behov av syre. Vid ett OST framkallas med hjälp av oxytocininfusion ett regelbundet ”värkarbete” i avsikt att imitera värkarbetet under förlossningen. Under livmodersammandragningarna stängs blodcirkulationen i livmodern The best mode of delivery for fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and umbilical artery (UA) blood flow changes is not well elucidated. Uterine artery, fetal UA, middle cerebral artery (MCA), and venous blood flow changes during uterine contractions during an oxytocin challenge test (OCT) have not been observed systemically. AIMS: To evaluate outcome in IUGR with UA blood flow chang

Spatially Coupled Turbo Codes: Principles and Finite Length Performance

In this paper, we give an overview of spatially coupled turbo codes (SC-TCs), the spatial coupling of parallel and serially concatenated convolutional codes, recently introduced by the authors. For presentation purposes, we focus on spatially coupled serially concatenated codes (SC-SCCs). We review the main principles of SC-TCs and discuss their exact density evolution (DE) analysis on the binary

Studies on Thiol-Disulfide Oxidoreductases in Bacillus subtilis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bacillus subtilis är en modellorganism för endosporbildande bakterier. Endosporen är ett vilostadium som kan bildas av vissa bakteriarter vid svält. Endosporer är mycket tåliga. De kan t.ex. överleva extrem värme, UV-strålning, uttorkning och farliga kemikalier utan att skadas. När tillgången på näring på nytt kan tillåta växt av bakterien, kan endosporen germinera och Bacillus subtilis is a model organism for endospore-forming gram-positive bacteria. Endospores are formed in response to nutrient starvation. They can resist harsh environments and last for long periods of time. Once nutrients again become available, the endospore can germinate and the vegetative life cycle be resumed. The outermost layers of the endospore are cortex and coat that protect the cell

Pre-Whitened Dithered Signed-Error Constant Modulus Algorithm for Efficient Blind Channel Equalization

Blind channel equalization has gained great importance in the world of communications. Among a large number of available blind equalization algorithms, the CMA (Constant Modulus Algorithm) enjoys widespread popularity because of its LMS-like complexity and robustness. Two important improvements on the CMA performance are the Dithered Signed-Error CMA (DSE-CMA) and the Pre-Whitened CMA (PW-CMA). Th

A study of the mechanical designer's strategies and tactics during the later phases of the engineering design process

This paper presents the results of an explorative study on the strategies and tactics applied by the mechanical designer during the later phases of the design process. The method chosen for this study is experiment-based, which is appropriate for an in-depth examination of the designer's activities. Six experiments have been run based on three dimensions: 1) the carrying out of basic design tasks

Beta-Lactamase in Haemophilus ducreyi: Purification, Characterization, and Mutagenesis

Chancroid caused by Haemophilus ducreyi, has been described as a significantly predisposing factor of HIV heterosexual transmission in an endemic region of both diseases. Antibiotic resistances are extensively found in H. ducreyi and many of the resistances are due to the presence of resistance plasmids. A high tendency of drug resistances has commonly been found among isolates derived in Thailan

Underhållsstödet - familjepolitikens albatross : 1997 års underhållsstödsreform och dess betydelse för de bidragsskyldiga föräldrarna

A new law regarding child-maintenance was issued in Sweden in 1997. The main purpose of the reform was to make the system more cost-efficient, in order to minimise government expenditure. This was done by advocating a more individualised economic responsibility, as well as new rules for how to calculate maintenance levels. Almost five years later it is clear that the economic goals have not been

Ars moriendi i kampen om det goda samhället

This article deals with the view on death and cure of dying persons in Scandinavia from the middle of the 19th century up to the present. In this period, there is a change from a Christian understanding of death as a transition to eternal life to the present, secularised attitude. This development was, however, not clear-cut. There was a trend towards secularisation but at the same time, there wer

Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal - Carbon Sources, Nitrate as Electron Acceptor, and Characterisation of the Sludge Community

Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) was studied in laboratory scale experiments as well as in a full scale EBPR process. The studies were focused on carbon source transformations, the use of nitrate as an electron acceptor and characterisation of the microflora. A continuous anaerobic/aerobic laboratory system was operated on synthetic wastewater with acetate as sole carbon source. An ef

Arkitekturens kroppslighet. Staden som terräng

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arkitekter har kritiserats för att ha en vag föreställning om begreppet kropp och hur det förhåller sig till den arkitektur de gestaltar. Om kropp alls medvetandegörs är det på ett allmänt och självidentifierande plan, alternativt genom de standardiserad mått som olika byggnormer föreskriver. Arkitekturens kroppsliga relationer och kroppens sensoriska meningsskapande ärBeginning with the notion that spatial and material qualities of architecture set limits and create conditions for how we make use of it, the overall aim and ambition of this thesis is to develop this notion and to contribute to a deeper understanding of the relationships that are produced between the materiality of architecture and a bodily appropriation of it. To investigate this the thesis esta

Analytical expression of the efficiency of phantom zero compensation applied on negative-feedback amplifiers

This article reviews the phantom zero compensation technique, applied on negative-feedback (NFB) amplifiers, followed by an analysis of the important efficiency parameter, 0, of the implemented phantom zero. The effect of the efficiency on the root locus is presented, and it has been found that δ 7 will give near ideal behavior of the applied phantom zero. A reduced small signal model of the ampli

Finding a path of superlogarithmic length

We consider the problem of nding a long, simple path in anundirected graph.W e present a polynomial-time algorithm that ndsa path of length (log L/ log log L)2, where L denotes the length ofthe longest simple path in the graph.This establishes the performanceratio O|V |(log log |V |/ log |V |)2 for the Longest Path problem, whereV denotes the graphs vertices.