

Din sökning på "*" gav 530555 sökträffar

Transparency through Labelling? Layers of Visibility in Environmental Risk Management

The aim of this chapter is to move the issue a bit beyond the polarized views of profound critical reflection versus excessive trust in the checking procedures behind standards. We claim that the polarized views are largely due to an over-simplistic understanding of transparency. By comparing practical policy processes surrounding various standards, we aim to provide nuance to the issue of transpa

Optics for Low Vision Enabling

Popular Abstract in Swedish För människor med centrala skotom är den excentriska synen den enda som finns att tillgå. Också för den som lär sig att använda sin excentriska syn är denna sämre än den centrala synen, och det av två helt olika skäl: att ögonoptiken kan ge stora avbildningsfel excentriskt respektive att näthinnan utanför makula har en lägre funktion. Denna avhandling handlar om den föFor people with central visual field loss, eccentric vision is all that they have to rely on. Even for those who learn how to correctly utilize their eccentric vision, it will never be as good as the central for two entirely different reasons: the off-axis optics of the eye can result in large refractive errors, and the low function of the peripheral retina. This thesis deals with the first of the

Multidisciplinary Research on Integration of Human Factors and Production Concepts such as TQM - A Participatory Discussion Session

A discussion session where the conference participants are invited to participate is planned. One topic for the session is to discuss experiences of multidisciplinary research on integration of human factors and different production concepts applied in change processes within Swedish companies. An important question that the discussion will focus on is: How to get high quality in multidisciplinary

Metapopulation ecology of Osmoderma eremita - dispersal, habitat quality and habitat history

Popular Abstract in Swedish Jag har huvudsakligen studerat läderbaggen Osmoderma eremita, en ca tre cm lång skalbagge som lever inne ihåliga träd. Larverna av denna s k bladhorning lever av den döda veden på stammens insida i levande ihåliga lövträd (i Sverige främst ek) och av mulmen inne i trädet (den mjölliknande blandning av nedbruten ved, vedsvampar, löv, gamla fågelbon, fladdermöss, insekterThis thesis starts with a review of different biodiversity assessment methods in forests and the rest deals with the metapopulation ecology of Osmoderma eremita, a threatened beetle living in hollow trees. I concentrate on the effect of dispersal, habitat quality and habitat history for the presence, population size and future survival of this species. Dispersal was studied by using both capture-m

Linking Reforms and Energy Efficiency to Explore the Possibilities for IRP and DSM in the Liberalized Internal European Electricity Market

This paper investigates the impact of the completion of the liberalized European Internal Electricity Market on Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) and Demand-Side Management (DSM). The results presented are part of the outcomes of a study analyzing the possibilities of IRP and DSM in this new industry environment. The study, finished in May 2000, is based on empirical surveys of both the present a


Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA (COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY IN SWEDISH) Bakgrund Kritisk extremitetsischemi (KI), d.v.'s. cirkulationsstörning på grund av åderförkalkning i nedre extremiteterna's tillförande blodkärl med vilovärk och/eller sårbildning, har dålig progno's. Förekomsten av KI i Sverige har tidigare varit bristfälligt känd. Samtliga patienter meIn Conclusion Paper I. In patients undergoing aorto-iliac angiography, no effects of the procedure were seen upon inflammatory mediators. On the other hand, angiography influenced markers of platelet activation in these patients. Paper II. The incidence of CLI in southern Sweden is 38/100 000 subjects/year. Both medical risk factors for atherosclerosis and concomitant cardiovascular disease

Self-consistency and the GW-approximation

The effects of self-consistency in the GW-approximation are studied. The $GWA$ is known to describe the electronic properties of a wide range of materials very well. However, the calculations made so far have not taken into account the issue of self-consistency, which is implied in the original formulation of the $GWA$. The role of self-consistency is investigated by calculating the electronic sel

Grapes in the Desert : Metaphors, Models, and Themes in Hosea 4-14

This study explores the textual world of Hosea 4-14. To this end it uses a melhod informed by modern metaphor theory. At the outset, the hypothesis that chapters 4-14 in the book of Hosea constitute a coherent literary composition is submitted. The perspectival theory advanced by Eva F. Kittay is selected as a theoretical basis for the analysis. This theory is iupplemented by mslghts derived from

A Social Node Model for Realising Information Dissemination Strategies in Delay Tolerant Networks

In the emerging Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) content dissemination platform, mobile nodes opportunistically exchange content as they meet, with the intent of sharing content among nodes with common interests. During a meeting, nodes can exchange both content of direct interest to themselves as well as content that is of interest to a larger set of nodes that may be encountered in the future. The

Effects of Denervation and Infravesical Obstruction in the Rat Urinary Bladder

Popular Abstract in Swedish Råttans urinblåsa har studerats ur olika aspekter, sedan antingen ett standardiserat avflödeshinder åstadkommits eller hälften av urinblåsans nervförsörjning avlägsnats. Avflödeshindret har åstadkommits genom att en silkestråd knutits runtom urinröret så att det försnävats. Genom att en knappt mm-vid metallstav knutits om samtidigt och sedan avlägsnats, har graden av avMedian micturition volume decreased early after partial outlet obstruction, 24 hrs total obstruction and hemidenervation. Degeneration release of transmitter may explain this, assuming that bladder wall distension causes nerve degeneration. Micturition pressure decreased simultaneously in the partially denervated and 24 hrs obstructed groups, probably due to the reduced number of functionally inta

Mannan-hydrolysis by hemicellulases: enzyme-polysaccharide interaction of a modular beta-mannanase

The enzymatic degradation of plant polysaccharides is a process of fundamental importance in nature which involves a wide range of enzymes. In this work, the structure and function of hemicellulose-degrading enzymes was investigated. The focus was on a beta-mannanase (TrMan5A) produced by the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei. This enzyme is composed of a catalytic module and a carbohydrate-bi

Industrial challenges in the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for ethanolic fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass

Popular Abstract in English The production and use of bioethanol can help reducing the dependency on oil, and also represents a renewable source of energy. Bioethanol can be obtained from biomass such as agricultural and forest residues, after appropriate pretreatment and fermentation. This thesis addresses some of the challenges that must be overcome for the production of ethanol from biomass to The sustainable production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass requires the combination of efficient hydrolysis and complete fermentation of all the monomeric sugars present in the raw material. The present work was aimed at tackling some of the major challenges that will be encountered in commercial-scale ethanol production using Baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the preferred microorg