

Din sökning på "*" gav 532105 sökträffar

A Subset of CD5- Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphomas Expresses Nuclear Cyclin D1 With Aberrations at the CCND1 Locus.

In 231 diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, the expression of cyclin D1 and CD5 was evaluated. All cases were CD5-. Ten (4.3%) were positive for cyclin D1 and were subjected to fluorescence in situ hybridization at the CCND1 locus. One case showed the t(11;14). In another case, the telomeric probe signal for cyclin D1 was lost in most tumor cells, and in a small proportion of the cells, there were fluo

Ser649 and Ser650 are the major determinants of protein kinase A-mediated activation of human hormone-sensitive lipase against lipid substrates.

BACKGROUND: Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is a key enzyme in the mobilization of fatty acids from stored triacylglycerols. Its activity is regulated by reversible protein phosphorylation. In rat HSL Ser563, Ser659 and Ser660 have been shown to be phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA) in vitro as well as in vivo. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study we employed site-directed mutagenesi

Software product line testing - a systematic mapping study

Context: Software product lines (SPL) are used in industry to achieve more efficient software development. However, the testing side of SPL is underdeveloped. Objective: This study aims at surveying existing research on SPL testing in order to identify useful approaches and needs for future research. Method: A systematic mapping study is launched to find as much literature as possible, and the 64

The welfare mobility dilemma : Transnational strategies and national structuring at crossroads

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar välfärd med fokus på internationell mobilitet och immobilitet. Den tar avstamp i två olika konceptuliseringar av organiseringen av vardagen i relation till nationalstaten: en som konceptualiserar vardagslivet som relativt mobilt och föränderligt över nationalstatliga gränser, och en som konceptualiserar det som relativt immobilt och oföränderligt The dissertation considers welfare with regard to international mobility and immobility. It addresses a tension between two different conceptualisations of the organisation of everyday life with regard to nation-states: one that views everyday life as relatively mobile across nation-state borders and boundaries, and another that treats everyday life as relatively confined within such limits. The o

Efficient Provisioning of Bursty Scientific Workloads on the Cloud Using Adaptive Elasticity Control

Elasticity is the ability of a cloud infrastructure to dynamically change the amount of resources allocated to a running service as load changes. We build an autonomous elasticity controller that changes the number of virtual machines allocated to a service based on both monitored load changes and predictions of future load. The cloud infrastructure is modeled as a G=G=N queue. This model is used

Gamma-ray spectroscopy of neutron-deficient Te-110. II. High-spin smooth-terminating structures

High-spin states have been populated in Te-110(52) via Ni-58(Ni-58,alpha 2p gamma) reactions at 240 and 250 MeV. The Gammasphere gamma-ray spectrometer was used in conjunction with the Microball charged-particle detector. The high-spin (I>30) collective level scheme of Te-110, up to similar to 45h, is discussed in this paper. Four new decoupled (Delta I=2) high-spin structures have been observed f

Efter 50 år – mindre principer och mer politik i konkurrensrätten

Huvuddragen i det konstitutionella fördragsutkastet har bevarats i Lissabon-överenskommelsen, men de högtflygande formuleringarna har tonats ned och ambitionen att skapa en bred förankring för den europeiska tanken har övergivits. Känslomässiga bindningar ska elimineras och ersättas av tekniskt formulerade ändringar i existerande fördrag. Återigen ett tilläggsavtal till det ursprungliga Romfördra

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Chaos in time: On the consequences of chaos-theory in the study of the past. The importance of minor events is stressed and the part and the whole are related in a new way.

Nuclear Janus-Activated Kinase 2/Nuclear Factor 1-C2 Suppresses Tumorigenesis and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition by Repressing Forkhead Box F1.

Progression to metastasis is the proximal cause of most cancer-related mortality. Yet much remains to be understood about what determines the spread of tumor cells. This paper describes a novel pathway in breast cancer that regulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), motility, and invasiveness. We identify two transcription factors, nuclear factor 1-C2 (NF1-C2) and Forkhead box F1 (FoxF1

Distributive justice and the welfare state

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen innehåller fyra artiklar som berör olika aspekter av offentlig omfördelning i välfärdsstaten. Avhandlingen syftar till att ge kunskap om konsekvenser av, motiv för och mätande av och denna omfördelning. Den första artikeln ställer frågan: Hög hög skatteomfördelning från arbetande till icke arbetande kan motiveras av grundantagandet att naturresurser är gemThis thesis is an attempt to generate knowledge about the justification, measurement and consequences of public redistribution. The first paper poses the following question: How much redistribution from working to non-working can be justified by arguing that external resources are owned jointly by all, or that ownership should ideally be divided equally? This question is analyzed using bargaining

A distance approach to window decoding

In convolutional coding, code sequences have infinite length; thus, a maximum-likelihood decoder implies an infinite delay. Due to memory and delay constraints in practical coding schemes, convolutional codes often are either terminated or decoded by a window decoder. When a window decoder is used, the convolutional code sequence is not terminated; instead, the window decoder estimates information

Motion detection - a neural model and its implementation

A model for motion detection is presented. In this approach, motion is viewed as a stable pattern propagating over the image - a technique that makes the model unusually insensitive to noisy input sequences. The model is based on a neural network and requires spontaneous activation of the nodes in order to be operative. The model has been tested in computer simulations with over 300 000 nodes and