Nihal: Noter om de dödas städer
Short overview of the theme of death and necropoles in works by Emanuel Swedenborg, Derek Walcott, and Albert Engström
Short overview of the theme of death and necropoles in works by Emanuel Swedenborg, Derek Walcott, and Albert Engström
Monastic Archaeology and Sorø-studies: On Monastic archaeology and its typical researchs themes, a look on the themes at three current research projects in Sweden, on the conditions for new studies into the benedictin and cistercian monastery of Sorø on Zealand and finally seven possible themes or questions to explore in the future at Sorø. (Printing year wrongly as 2012 on the title page of the p
Electric breakdown in transformer oil subjected to a quasi-uniform de electric field has been triggered by a focused laser pulse and prebreakdown discharge phenomena were imaged by the shadowing technique. Extensive data were recorded of the prebreakdown phenomena, such as streamers and gas bubble growth, from the initiation of the laser plasma to the disruptive discharge. The data was used to qua
CONCLUSION: The properties of a foam surface significantly affect body movement variance. Therefore, studies where different kinds of foam have been used may not provide congruent results. OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether different properties of foam affect body movement variance (32 subjects, mean age 22.5 years) in terms of linear head, shoulder, hip and knee movements. Subjects repeated tests
Växande storstäder och ett ökat byggande under mark har gjort att undermarksanläggningar för bland annat transportsystem ökat i antal under de senaste decennierna. Tun- nelsystem för till exempel väg- och järnvägstunnlar har dessutom inte bara ökat i antal, utan också blivit längre och anlagts allt djupare under mark. Detta skapar nya ut- maningar för utrymmande personer och för den projekterande
Even though B-lymphocyte development is one of the best understood models for cell differentiation in the hematopoetic system, recent advances in cell sorting and functional genomics has increased this understanding further. This has suggested that already early lymphoid primed multipotent progenitor cells (LMPPs) express low levels of lymphoid restricted transcripts. The expression of these genes
This thesis was motivated by contradictory results from previous studies on reading describing foreign language learners in upper secondary school. Methods based upon ideas by Palinscar & Brown, Cooper, Beck et al, and Krashen were tested on approximately 200 students studying Spanish in the first two years of upper secondary school in Sweden. The methods used are called reciprocal reading, k
The climate conditions inside nuclear reactor containments depend on several parameters e.g. different moisture and heat sources; the containment design; material properties etc. Knowledge about the climatic condition is an important area to e.g. maintain a proper condition for mechanical and electrical equipment; minimize the corrosion risks of reinforcement and metallic components; prevent vapor
A limitation on the extinction cross section, valid for all scatterers satisfying some basic physical assumptions, is investigated. The physical limitation is obtained from the holomorphic properties of the forward scattering dyadic. The analysis focuses on the consequences for materials with negative permittivity and permeability, i.e. metamaterials. From a broadband point of view, the limitation
Dagens energiregler ställer krav på att hänsyn tas till köldbryggor. Trots detta är kunskapsläget mycket lågt och förenklade beräkningsmetoder är inte tillfredsställande. Mängden isolering mellan två olika byggsystem kan skilja med över 50 procent och ändå teoretiskt ha samma värmeledningsförluster då hänsyn tas till köldbryggor, beroende på vald beräkningsmetod.
Om World Social Forum 2004
INTRODUCTION: Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a key regulator of calcium metabolism. Parathyroid hormone-like hormone (PTHrP) contributes to skeletal development through regulation of chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation during early bone growth. Both PTH and PTHrP act through the same receptor (PTHR1). A second receptor, PTHR2, has been identified although its function is comparatively unkn
Om European Social Forum 2003 i Paris.
There existed a great ambivalence concerning masculinity and its relationship to religion in the decades around the last turn of the century. The historical encoding process of religion, from gender neutral to feminine, have in general been interpreted as something solely negative for the constitution of masculinity during this period. Consequently, religious encoded masculinities have been deemed
The empirical-bias bandwidth selector (EBBS) is a method for data-driven selection of bandwidths for local polynomial regression. It is a bandwidth selection method for estimation of the mean-function and its partial derivatives of any order as well as for estimation of the variance-function. Moreover EBBS allows for univariate as well as multivariate predictor variables. In this paper we introd