

Din sökning på "*" gav 529684 sökträffar

Specialist eller officer? Vad motiverade värnpliktiga hjälpmekaniker i deras val av utbildning?

The Swedish Armed Forces will expand in personnel and equipment during the following years. In 2025 the number of conscripts will be 8000 per year. The Air Force will keep 2 fighter squadrons of JAS 39 C/D at the same time as they train 4 fighter squadrons in JAS 39 E. To be able to do this, the Air Force need permanent staff, who can train new conscripts and work within the expanded base unit org

Just energy transition or “Just” energy transition? A case study of how energy justice is integrated into energy policies in Nigeria.

Climate change has had significant impacts, which have made it necessary to shift towards a just energy transition. However, there is a paucity of research on how energy justice is integrated into energy policies and documents in the global south, particularly in Nigeria. To address this gap, this study used thematic analysis to investigate how energy justice is integrated into the Nigerian Nation

Historical GIS and Guidebooks : A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions

This article demonstrates the value of “scalable reading” of historical travel guides, combining traditional close reading with computer-assisted distant reading. Aiming to scrutinize the persistence of older tourist attractions under communism, we analyse guidebooks intended for similar audiences but produced under different political regimes. More specifically, we compare three travel guides to

Pre-anaesthetic assessment and related outcome measures in adults undergoing elective surgery—Scoping review protocol

Background: Pre-anaesthesia assessment is crucial to ensure the quality and safety of anaesthesia and surgery. However, despite being very common and essential for many patients undergoing elective surgery, little is known about the different pre-anaesthesia assessment approaches. Hence, this article outlines a study protocol for a scoping review aiming to, systematically, map the literature on pr

Quantitative Easing and Fiscal Policy

This thesis investigates if fiscal policy and quantitative easing (QE) can interact to raise the inflationary effect from central bank asset purchases. This is done by applying a distributed lag model on a set of macroeconomic variables for Sweden and the United States. The results show strong signs of interaction between the two policies in the U.S. but weaker and less clear results in Sweden. Th

Hyresregleringens påverkan på segregation

Segregation är ett pågående och komplext problem i Sverige idag som både påverkar individen och samhället i stort. Hyresrätter är ett attraktivt val för många, som till exempel unga hushåll och utländsk arbetskraft, då det är en bra väg in på bostads- och arbetsmarknaden. Hyresregleringens syfte är att möjliggöra för fler att bo i attraktiva områden och på så sätt leda till en mer rättvis fördelni

Estimation of respiratory frequency from Heart Rate Variability

In this master's thesis the ability to estimate the respiratory frequency from heart rate variability measurement is analyzed. The goal was to implement a solution that is easily transferable to real time. Starting from the initial processing of data, continuing with two different spectrogram implementations, a single spectrogram and a multitaper spectrogram, combined with three different meth

Maternal vitamin D levels and male reproductive health : a population-based follow-up study

Maternal vitamin D levels during pregnancy may be important for reproductive health in male offspring by regulating cell proliferation and differentiation during development. We conducted a follow-up study of 827 young men from the Fetal Programming of Semen Quality (FEPOS) cohort, nested in the Danish National Birth Cohort to investigate if maternal vitamin D levels were associated with measures

Conical etched ion tracks in SiO2 characterised by small angle X-ray scattering

We present a systematic study of the evolution of chemically etched ion tracks formed in thermally grown a-SiO2 after irradiation with 1.1 GeV and 185 MeV Au ions. The irradiated material was subsequently etched with 2.5% hydrofluoric acid (HF) for different times yielding hollow conical shaped structures of various sizes. The characterisation of these structures was carried out by synchrotron-bas

Composition and orientation dependent annealing of ion tracks in apatite - Implications for fission track thermochronology

The annealing behaviour of swift heavy-ion tracks in apatite from different origins is studied as a function of their crystallographic orientation and the mineral composition. The tracks were generated by irradiating the apatite samples with 2.3 GeV Bi ions, which have a comparable rate of energy loss to fission tracks in this mineral. The track radius was investigated using synchrotron-based smal

The Governance of Global Innovation Systems : Putting Knowledge in Context

Technological innovation increasingly depends on multiscalar actor networks and institutions. However, the developers of many conceptual frameworks explaining innovation success have paid only limited attention to this new reality, due to their focus on regions and countries as agents that shape innovation governance and as containers that provide institutional conditions for innovation success. I

Experimental investigation of microscale mechanisms during compressive loading of paperboard

Compression of paperboard is a common procedure during industrial package forming and better knowledge of the material response is needed to avoid defective packages and waste. To go beyond current modelling approaches, experimental identification of mechanisms underlying the macroscopic stress–strain responses is needed. In this study, in-situ uniaxial compression of paperboard is studied through

Habitat area and local habitat conditions outweigh fragmentation effects on insect communities in vineyards

Fragmentation of habitat, for example by intensive agricultural practices, can be detrimental to local biodiversity. However, it often remains unclear whether such biodiversity declines are caused by loss of habitat area or increased fragmentation, and how habitat quality factors into it. In our study system, vegetated vineyards are typically small, and isolated from one another, potentially limit

Spatial and temporal wave climate variability along the south coast of Sweden during 1959–2021

This study presents 62 years of hindcast wave climate data for the south coast of Sweden from 1959–2021. The 100-km-long coast consists mainly of sandy beaches and eroding bluffs interrupted by headlands and harbours alongshore, making it sensitive to variations in incoming wave direction. A SWAN wave model of the Baltic Sea, extending from the North Sea to the Åland Sea, was calibrated and valida

Konjunkturrådets rapport 2018. Kapitalbeskattningens förutsättningar

I rapporten från SNS Konjunkturråd 2018 analyserar och diskuterar tre nationalekonomer kapitalbeskattningens förutsättningar i Sverige. Författarna finner brister i kapitalinkomsternas beskattning och föreslår en enhetligare beskattning. De förespråkar också en löpande fastighetsskatt för både småhus och bostadsrätter men lägre skatt på omsättning av fastigheter. Rapporten pekar också på att en sk

Arktis, en plats för både soft och hard power?

The Arctic is a changing place where the melting of the ice creates new opportunities and shipping lanes, such as Northern Sea Route and possibility for raw material extraction. However, this prospects can also be a road to conflict. Russia and China are very active in the area with both soft and hard power, where China has focused on values, research and cooperation and Russia puts efforts on its

Ett gott ledarskap – viktigast på Första Ubåtsflottiljen

The First Submarine Flotilla is expanding. Four submarines are to become five and a new, larger signal intelligence ship is to replace the current one. At the same time many employees are on the verge of retiring and new ones in need of training arrives. It is therefore of utmost importance that the existing staff want to remain in their workplace. The purpose of this study was, through a survey b

Har mellanmänsklig tillit påverkan på människors hemberedskap?

In a recent survey made on behalf of The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency it shows that 37 per cent of the Swedish population meet the governmental recommendations about civilian readiness during a societal emergency. In a different survey about interpersonal trust the results show that approximately 40 per cent of the people in Sweden do not feel high levels of trust towards others. This st