

Din sökning på "*" gav 529691 sökträffar

Ablation of GPR56 Causes β-Cell Dysfunction by ATP Loss through Mistargeting of Mitochondrial VDAC1 to the Plasma Membrane

The activation of G Protein-Coupled Receptor 56 (GPR56), also referred to as Adhesion G-Protein-Coupled Ceceptor G1 (ADGRG1), by Collagen Type III (Coll III) prompts cell growth, proliferation, and survival, among other attributes. We investigated the signaling cascades mediating this functional effect in relation to the mitochondrial outer membrane voltage-dependent anion Channel-1 (VDAC1) expres

Multidimensional encoding of restricted and anisotropic diffusion by double rotation of the q vector

Diffusion NMR and MRI methods building on the classic pulsed gradient spin-echo sequence are sensitive to many aspects of translational motion, including time and frequency dependence ("restriction"), anisotropy, and flow, leading to ambiguities when interpreting experimental data from complex heterogeneous materials such as living biological tissues. While the oscillating gradient technique speci

An Iterative Ray Tracing Algorithm to Increase Simulation Speed While Maintaining Overall Precision

Ray tracing is a frequently used method for acoustic simulations, valued for its calculation speed and ease of use. Although it is fast, there are no fully ray tracing-based real-time simulation methods or engines. Under real-time restrictions, ray tracing simulations lose precision and the variance inherent in the random simulation method has too much impact on the outcome. In this paper, an algo

Local Differentiation in the Loess Deposition as a Function of Dust Source : Key Study Novo Orahovo Loess Paleosol Sequence (Vojvodina, Serbia)

Typical patterns of the Late Pleistocene loess–paleosol units are preserved in the Novo Orahovo brickyard, Northern Serbia. Presented preliminary luminescence chronology supports the chronostratigraphic interpretations of global isotopic marine climate reconstructions. Magnetic susceptibility and sedimentological evidence exhibit general similarities with the marine oxygen-isotope stratigraphy. Th

Distribution of type 2 biomarkers and association with severity, clinical characteristics and comorbidities in the BREATHE real-life asthma population

Background Type 2 (T2) high asthma is recognised as a heterogenous entity consisting of several endotypes; however, the prevalence and distribution of the T2 biomarkers in the general asthma population, across asthma severity, and across compartments is largely unknown. The objective of the present study was to describe expression and overlaps of airway and systemic T2 biomarkers in a clinically r

Differences in mating system and predicted parental conflict affect post-pollination reproductive isolation in a flowering plant

Mating system shifts from outcrossing to selfing are frequent in plant evolution. Relative to outcrossing, selfing is associated with reduced parental conflict over seed provisioning, which may result in postzygotic, asymmetric, reproductive isolation in crosses between populations of different mating systems. To test the hypothesis that post-pollination reproductive isolation between populations

Laparoscopic lavage for Hinchey III perforated diverticulitis : factors for treatment failure in two randomized clinical trials

BACKGROUND: The Scandinavian Diverticulitis (SCANDIV) trial and the LOLA arm of the LADIES trial randomized patients with Hinchey III perforated diverticulitis to laparoscopic peritoneal lavage or sigmoid resection. The aim of this analysis was to identify risk factors for treatment failure in patients with Hinchey III perforated diverticulitis.METHODS: This was a post hoc analysis of the SCANDIV

Self-screening corrections beyond the random-phase approximation : Applications to band gaps of semiconductors

The self-screening error in the random-phase approximation and the GW approximation (GWA) is a well-known issue and has received attention in recent years with several methods for a correction being proposed. Here, we apply two of these, a self-screening and a so-called self-polarization correction scheme, to model calculations to examine their applicability. We also apply a local form of the self

Så fick läkaren en viktig roll vid sjukersättning

Bedömning av varaktig oförmåga till arbete kom att vara av-görande för majoriteten av de beviljade förtidspensionerna under den allmänna pensionens första dryga 20 år. Till en början krävdes inte läkarintyg för att ansöka om förtidspension. Förslag om krav på läkarintyg framkom dock vid flera tillfällen – men läkarkåren var inte odelat positiv till den ökade arbetsbördan med intyg.

Prediction of the self-ignition temperature in lagging fires by means of isothermal calorimetry

Under certain circumstances, contamination of a porous insulation material by a combustible liquid may result in a lagging/insulation fire. In the current study, a method based on isothermal calorimetry and modelling to estimate the risk of a lagging fire, or a maximum insulation thickness for a certain system temperature, is presented. The studied system was a combination of mineral wool and rape

Extrusion of high-moisture meat analogues from hempseed protein concentrate and oat fibre residue

Hempseed protein concentrate (HPC) was extracted from hempseed press cake with a protein content of 85.7% and co-extruded with oat fibre residue (OFR) to produce high-moisture meat analogues (HMMA) at different moisture contents (60, 63, 66%), screw speeds (500, 700, 900) and temperature profiles (40-70-110-130 °C and 40-70-120-150 °C). The effect of extrusion processing parameters such as moistur

Performance of An Urban Archive at the Hljóðön series

Performance of 'An Urban Archive as an English Garden' by Davíð Brynjar Franzson at the Hljóðön series, curated by Þráinn Hjálmarsson. The event took place at Hafnarborg Museum, Iceland. The first performance was in physical space, the second performance took place as a telematic event with the performance broadcast from Inter Arts Center studios into the hologram installation in Hafnarborg. An Ur

Frequency modulations due to domain dynamics in terahertz quantum cascade lasers

The light output of quantum cascade lasers is strongly affected by electric field-domain oscillations if the laser shows electrical instabilities. This can result in a substantial broadening of the emission spectrum, which is investigated here by detailed simulations for a terahertz device. We explain how the light pulsation is affected by electrical injection conditions and external capacitances.

Activation and Participation in Ecological Sound Art

Showing of two installations that result from an ecological sound art practice and its complex and radical modulation of performing/composing/curating within assemblages. The works spring out of an ecological-enactive approach, where through relational technique and fleshy listening the authors explore what the performative body can do; what connections and networks it creates across temporality a

Wealth and Child Mortality in the Nineteenth-Century United States: Evidence from Three Panels of American Couples, 1850-1880

With only a few exceptions, the historical study of individual-level correlates of child mortality in the United States has been limited to the period surrounding the turn of the twentieth century, when children ever born and children surviving data collected by the 1900 and 1910 censuses allow indirect estimation of child mortality. The recent release of linked census data, such as the IPUMS MLP

Courtroom Ethnography : Exploring contemporary approaches, fieldwork and challenges

This book provides a comprehensive and interdisciplinary examination of courtroom ethnography. This collection gathers international researchers from a multitude of disciplines to explore three central themes: doing courtroom ethnography, ethnographic studies of the courtroom, and contemporary and critical aspects of courtroom ethnography. It highlights the nuances, negotiations, and issues that e

Bone mineralisation and glucose metabolism

Recent advancements in the bone biology field have identified a novel bone-metabolism axis. In this review, we highlight several novel studies that further our knowledge of new endocrine functions of bone; explore remaining unanswered questions; and discuss translational challenges in this complex era of bone biology research.