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Tight time bounds for the minimum local convex partition problem

Let v be a vertex with n edges incident to it, such that the n edges partition an infinitesimally small circle C around v into convex pieces. The minimum local convex partition (MLCP) problem asks for two or three out of the n edges that still partition C into convex pieces and that are of minimum total length. We present an optimal algorithm solving the problem in linear time if the edges inciden

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Abstract in Norwegian Dette oplæg handler om moderniseringen af den indledende matematikundervisning ved de videregående uddannelser. Med henblik på diskussionen fremhæves tre teser og tilhørende konkrete eksempler fra et kursus som bud på, hvad ’modernisering’ omfatter og hvordan den kan realiseres. Fokus her er primært på de uddannelser, hvor den indledende matematikundervisning afholdes som sto

Exploring Themes and Challenges in Developing Sustainable Supply Chains - A Complexity Theory Perspective

Popular Abstract in English If you wonder about the journey of goods and services before they reach you and the effects that journey has on the natural environment and the society, this dissertation is for you. In order to deliver goods and services from raw materials to you, the customer/consumer, several organizations and individuals interact with each other. They source the materials, manufactuTo develop sustainable supply chains in a way that their negative environmental and social effects are minimized, shortand long-term targets should be set. The transformation of supply chains towards these targets calls for the development of innovative strategies and the need to continuously identify, classify, and tackle the challenges that can hinder the execution of such strategies. To develop

Hem sjuka hem : En verklig konstruktion och dess sociala bestämningar

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje samhälle och var tid har sina sjukdomar. Karakteristiskt för dagens västerländska, senmoderna samhälle är den 'diffusa ohälsan'. Gemensamt har dessa fenomen flytande diagnoskriterier, symptomens vaga och undflyende karaktär samt frånvaron av medicinskt accepterade förklaringar till deras uppkomst. Ett exempel på denna typ av ohälsa är sjuka hus-syndromet (SBS). DEach society, culture and era has its own illnesses. Characteristic of the late modern, western society of today are 'diffuse' or 'medically unexplained' syndromes. These phenomena have in common a vague criteria for diagnosis, a subjective and elusive character of the symptoms and a lack of medically accepted explanations for the symptoms described. One example of such a diffuse syndrome is the s

Stationary stochastic processes: Theory and applications

Intended for a second course in stationary processes, Stationary Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications presents the theory behind the field’s widely scattered applications in engineering and science. In addition, it reviews sample function properties and spectral representations for stationary processes and fields, including a portion on stationary point processes.

Production methodology and reactivity of silica substituted a phase tricalcium phosphate

A silica substituted alpha phase tricalcium phosphate was developed by way of solid state reaction. The difference in reactivity of two different production methods using isothermal calorimetry and X- ray diffraction was also recorded. It was suggested that a silica substituted alpha phase tricalcium phosphate can be produced and characterized by way of X-ray measurement. Referencing selected sign

Design, Modelling and Control of Electrical Machines - With Applications to Iron-powder Machines and Acoustic Noise

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av två delar, den första som behandlar konstruktionen av järn-pulver maskiner, och den andra med analys av ljud från el-maskiner. I Del I, en elektrisk magnetiserad klo-pol synkron maskin på 1.6 kW har byggts. Maskinen är byggt från mjuk magnetisk material (SMC), också kallad järn-pulver. Detta materialet har isotropiska magnetiska egenskaper, som gThis thesis consists of two parts, the first dealing with the design of iron-powder synchronous machines, and the second with the analysis and prediction of the acoustic noise in electrical machines. In Part I, a 1.6 kW electrically magnetized claw-pole machine with magnetically conducting end-plates has been analyzed and a prototype tested. The machine is built from soft magnetic composite mater

Cerebellar Control of Classical Conditioning

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lillhjärnans kontroll av klassisk betingning Klassisk betingning är en enkel och fundamental form av inlärning. Ett neutralt betingat stimulus (eng. conditioned stimulus eller CS), som t.e.x en ton, presenteras tillsammans med ett obetingat stimulus (unconditioned stimulus eller US), som alltid utlöser en specifik respons (eng. unconditioned response eller UR). Det kanIt has previously been shown that the cerebellum is critical for classical conditioning. The experiments presented in this thesis aimed to study how the cerebellum controls conditioned eyeblink responses (CRs) and specifically the efferent path from the cerebellar cortex to the muscles. Ferrets, decerebrated rostral to the superior colliculus and the red nucleus, were trained in a classical condit

Improving the biocatalyst. Engineering of fungal oxidoreductases and thin-film electrodes for improvement of membraneless biofuel cells and carbohydrate biosensors.

This thesis presents investigations for the improvement of electrical contact and catalytical properties of two fungal redox enzymes, cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and pyranose dehydrogenase (PDH), with electrodes and the use of the prepared electrodes as carbohydrate biosensors and in enzymatic biofuel cells. The performance of enzyme modified electrodes can be improved in two ways, by modifying

Velocity measurement by a vision sensor

Vision sensors are of increasing interest for non-intrusive, remote measurements in industrial as well as consumer products. Their operation is based on intelligent techniques for image understanding, followed by robust quantification of the detected phenomenon. A well-known application area is movement detection and isolation. This paper discusses how movement can be detected and quantified by me

Similarities and differences in L1 and L2 development. Opening up the perspective: incvluding SLI

By tradition, comparisons between first and second language acquisition involve data from child or adult L2 learners and data from young L1 children. However, there is a subgroup of L1 children, namely children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI), which is rarely accounted for in these comparisons. These are children with significant problems in acquiring their mother tongue despite growing up