

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Externally added cystatin C reduces growth of A375 melanoma cells by increasing cell cycle time

Some secreted cysteine protease inhibitors of the cystatin family appear to affect intracellular proteolysis and growth of human cells, as a result of internalization. Here, we studied the effects of external addition of the most abundant human cystatin, cystatin C, on viability and proliferation of cancer cells in culture. A dose-dependent decrease in viable cells was seen for A375 melanoma, MCF-

A widespread mechanism in ectomycorrhizal fungi to access nitrogen from mineral-associated proteins

A large fraction of nitrogen (N) in forest soils is present in mineral-associated proteinaceous compounds. The strong association between proteins and minerals limits microbial accessibility to this source, which is a relatively stable reservoir of soil N. We have shown that the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungus Paxillus involutus can acquire N from iron oxide-associated proteins. Using tightly control

Access to sustainable electrification : Possibilities for rural Mozambique

We assess the sustainability of rural electrification in Manica Province, Mozambique, focusing on different alternatives for mini-grid and off-grid power supply. The qualitative assessment considers four dimensions of sustainability, namely environmental, socio-cultural, economic, and institutional. We argue that small-scale hydropower is the most sustainable alternative for off-grid or mini-grid

The effects of economic stress and urbanization on driving behaviours of boda-boda drivers and accidents in gulu, northern uganda : A qualitative view of drivers

Introduction: understanding motorcyclists’ on-the-road behaviour is critical for developing and evaluating interventions specifically targeting them. Risky on-the-road behaviours have historically been subdivided into errors and violations of the rules of road use. Police records could be used to record cyclists’ behaviours, however these documents do not necessarily capture all errors and violati

Isotropic T1-mapping of the whole brain by MP-RAGE at different inversion times

Fitting the inversion recovery (IR) at multiple TI provides T1 estimates of high accuracy if performed in a single slice with full relaxation. We present anisotropic 3D variant based on MP-RAGE, where a T1-weighted driven equilibrium is prepared prior to inversion by a second RAGE readout. This abolishes the need for long recovery times and provides volumes of similar contrast for co-registration.

Leaving the white cube of Ekphrasis : Gordon Matta-Clark’s conical intersection

This chapter reconsiders the conventional conceptualization of ekphrasis as a “double representation”. In a case study, intertwining ancient rhetoric with contemporary agential rhetoric, we present Gordon Matta-Clark’s (1943-78) Conical Intersect (Paris, 1975) as ekphrasis in its reality-producing dimension and beyond the subjectivism of intentional actions. In our proposal, we introduce ekphrasis

Being an older person or a person with a disability: Are supportive policies ageist?

The article concerns the Swedish support system’s legal discourse, and investigates the rationale for excluding people over the age of 65 from services that younger people with disabilities may obtain. Data consist of government texts and court decisions under the Severe Disability Act about services for people over the age of 65. It was found that little in the legal discourse concerns the needs

Medicinal Plants in the Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Disease : A Review

Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) is the most common disorder of the stomach and duodenum, which is associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. PUD occurs due to an imbalance between offensive and defensive factors and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI), Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and antibiotics are frequently used for the treatment. Recently, medicinal plants have emerged as efficacious

It's as far as the arm can raise : Pointing height marks target distance among the San Juan Quiahije Chatino

This study investigates the form of deictic gestures used by speakers of the Quiahije variety of Eastern Chatino (Otomangean, Zapotecan) spoken in Oaxaca, Mexico. An analysis of over six hours of interviews about local landmarks reveals that Quiahije Chatino speakers consistently use the far-is-up strategy to convey target distance in their deictic gestures—the farther the target, the higher and m

Physical activity patterns, adherence to using a wearable activity tracker during a 12-week period and correlation between self-reported function and physical activity in working age individuals with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis

Background: A majority of individuals with osteoarthritis (OA) are insufficiently physically active. Self-monitoring with wearable activity trackers (WAT) could promote physical activity (PA), and increased knowledge of PA patterns and adherence to using a WAT is needed. The aim of this study was to describe PA patterns and adherence to WAT-use during an intervention among participants of working

Multimodal Assessment of Vascular and Ventricular Function in Children and Adults With Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease

Background: Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), the most common congenital cardiac anomaly, has been associated with an aortopathy, increased aortic stiffness and diastolic dysfunction. The involved mechanisms and impact of age remain unclear. It was the aim of this study to characterize arterial and cardiac function, their correlation, and the effect of age in children and adults with a history of BAV.

Visual Symptoms and Risk Assessment Using Visual Ergonomics Risk Assessment Method (VERAM)

A visual environment impaired by e.g. glare can cause eyestrain, visual symptoms and musculoskeletal strain. A Visual Ergonomics Risk Assessment Method (VERAM) consisting of both a subjective questionnaire and an objective risk assessment, have been used at 217 workplaces, mainly computer work. VERAM can be used to examine and prevent deficiencies and increase wellbeing as well as detecting risks

Pulp and paper industry

The EU ETS was the first international policy instrument to introduce regulation of CO2 emissions of pulp and paper companies with installations in Europe. Out of 11, 500 installations introduced to the system about 900 were pulp and paper mills. In terms of allocated emission allowances (EUAs) the pulp and paper industry (hereafter PPI) represents two per cent of the EU ETS (Hyvärinen 2005: 40).

Heat transfer deterioration in upward and downward pipe flows of supercritical n-decane for actively regenerative cooling

In this paper, we consider the flow and heat transfer behaviour of turbulent upward and downward flows of supercritical n-decane, in order to reveal the features of heat transfer deterioration (HTD) that would be expected in relevant active regenerative cooling systems for scramjet engines. Specific focus is placed on key velocity-field features that appear in these flows. Following the validation

Topology optimization of bistable elastic structures — An application to logic gates

In this paper, bistable gates which can be used as building blocks in logic gates are designed using topology optimization. The gate simulation is based on finite strain kinematics and hyperelastic material response. The objective of the optimization is to maximize the stiffness of a gate in the stable configurations while ensuring an adequate energy and distance separations between them and const

Diffusion-informed spatial smoothing of fMRI data in white matter using spectral graph filters

Brain activation mapping using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been extensively studied in brain gray matter (GM), whereas in large disregarded for probing white matter (WM). This unbalanced treatment has been in part due to controversies in relation to the nature of the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast in WM and its detectability. However, an accumulating body of