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Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and catalytic activity of platinum(II) carbene complexes
A novel platinum complex with 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-imidazol-2-ylidenyl ligand has been synthesized and characterized on the basis of elemental analysis, MS, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The XRD determination of the complex (monoclinic, C2/c) revealed a structure in which the platinum (II) centre co
Health, higher retirement age and well-being: Can they be reconciled throughout the labour marker?
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Configuration management for eXtreme programming
Extreme Programming (XP) is becoming popular as a software development method and there is quite a lot of literature describing its philosophy and practices. However, in all of this literature Software Configuration Management (SCM) is almost never mentioned explicitly, leaving XP practitioners with the impression that SCM is not needed and SCM people with the impression that XP is not sound from
Riding Through Life : Understanding Life-Histories Through the Bicycle
Safeguarding and Internationalizing Nuclear Power
Varför räcker inte näringslivets processmodeller till? - inom skola, omsorg och socialtjänst
Inter-organizational environmental management: The case of chemical recycling of end-of-life vehicle polymerst
Corruption in a “culture of money”: Understanding social norms in post-Soviet Uzbekistan
Tools for protective lung ventilation. The elastic pressure-volume curve and aspiration of dead space
Popular Abstract in Swedish Mekanisk ventilation kan medföra "ventilationsinducerad lungskada" (VILI), som kan öka sjuklighet och dödlighet i samband med akut lungskada (ALI). Flera ventilationssätt har föreslagits för att undvika VILI, men inte slutgiltigt utvärderats. En princip är att öka alveolär ventilation och CO2-elimination genom att minska ventilationen av de skadliga rummet, dead space. Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) may contribute to morbidity and mortality of acute lung injury (ALI). Lung protective ventilation (LPV), that reduces VILI, may involve low tidal volume (Vt). Particularly low Vt is possible if dead space ventilation is reduced e.g. by aspiration of dead space gas (ASPIDS). ASPIDS implies that gas rich in CO2 during expiration is aspirated through a separate c
Recent Improvements to the Lattices for the MAX IV Storage Rings
Construction of the MAX IV facility started early this year. The facility will include two storage rings for the production of synchrotron radiation. The 3 GeV ring will house insertion devices for the production of x-rays while the 1.5 GeV ring will serve UV and IR users. Recently, the lattices for the storage rings in the MAX IV facility were updated. In the 3 GeV storage ring the vertical beam
Våglängder och termsystem för Na l, K l, Mg ll och Ca ll
[abstract missing]
Biotechnology and the Commodification of Human nature
Abstract Ulf Johansson Dahre Biotechnology and the Commodification of Human nature This paper discuss the human and social consequences of the technological development in the field of genetics. Leading biotechnologists argue that we are entering a world in which the human nature will be changed and cast in new design. The vision of a post-human society is growing. But what does it mean? By cha
Leaf isoprene emission in a subarctic wetland sedge community
Doing masculinity in narratives about reporting violent crime.
Reporting criminal victimization to the police is no obvious act. The decision to file a complaint varies depending on the specific situation. This article discusses some young Swedish men’s narratives about contacting the police when mugged or assaulted. Although all of them have contacted the police it has not been self-obvious. Rather, they present reasons for not filing a complaint. However, a
GPC1 (glypican 1) : Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
FINEST:A high performance branch-line for VUV photon energy range gas phase studies at MAX-lab
We present a dedicated beamline branch for high flux and ultra-high resolution (R>100000) gas and vapor phase studies in the vacuum-ultra-violet (VUV) region of light on the undulator beamline I3, located on the 700 MeV MAX-III storage ring. The mechanical and optical design of the branch-line, the differential pumping setup as well as performance characteristics are presented.