

Din sökning på "*" gav 534690 sökträffar

Caloplaca ruderum new to Sweden and new combinations in Flavoplaca (Ascomycota, Teloschistales)

Caloplaca ruderum is reported as new to Sweden from three localities. Based on a phylogenetic analysis it is transferred to the genus Flavoplaca, where the closest relatives are F. communis, F. maritima and F. havaasii. In addition, Caloplaca sol and C. itiana are transferred to Flavoplaca. The identities of C. itiana, C. calcitrapa, and C. dalmatica in the sense of British treatments are discusse

Pre-processing of paleogenomes: mitigating reference bias and postmortem damage in ancient genome data

We investigate alternative strategies against reference bias and postmortem damage in low coverage paleogenomes. Compared to alignment to the linear reference genome, we show that masking known polymorphic sites and graph alignment effectively remove reference bias, but only starting from raw read files. We next study approaches to overcome postmortem damage: trimming, rescaling, and our newly dev

Further additions to the Swedish flora of lichenised fungi

We report 22 lichenised fungi as new to Sweden, of which nine are also new to Fennoscandia and one new to Europe. The newly reported species are Agonimia flabelliformis, Carneothele sphagnicola, Lecania madida, Lecanora horiza, L. subravida, L. subsaligna, Lecidea subhumida, L. toensbergii, Micarea coppinsii, M. isidioprasina, M. microsorediata, M. pseudotsugae, M. substipitata, Miriquidica majae,

Hueidea – a genus to host former Huea species (Teloschistaceae, lichenized Ascomycota)

The name Huea, used for a lichen genus which hosts the two common Antarctic species H. cerussata and H. grisea (= H. coralligera), was formally recommended for rejection by the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi. Based on molecular data, we transfer these two species to the genus Hueidea. Hueidea was originally described in the family Fuscideaceae for the single alpine Australian endemic species Hue

Heterologous expression, purification, natural abundance 2D NMR assignment and in silico amyloid propensity prediction of the brain natriuretic peptide hormone

Livet kan ibland tolkas som ett svårt pysselspel; det är många bitar som måste tas till hänsyn och läggas på rätt plats för att kunna få ihop en klar och korrekt bild på det hela. På den biologiska och samtidigt mikroskopiska skalan gäller detsamma för protein och peptider (ett kortare protein) som är ganska viktiga pysselbitar som ansvarar för de flesta funktioner i kroppen. Här behöver man inte Natriuretic peptides (NPs), such as atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), are hormones produced in the heart’s cardiomyocytes. ANP has been shown to form amyloids, which prevent the heart from functioning properly, ultimately increasing the risk of congestive heart failure (CHF). BNP also has been found in amyloid structures within the heart. Here, multiple algorith

Discovery of Selective Ligands for the Modulation of NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptors are part of the family iGluRs that regulate the flow of positive ions, such as Na+, K+ and Ca2+, by ligand gating. Upon activation with Glutamate, the channel opens, and a flowthrough of ions occurs. NMDA receptors are unique in that they require the co-agonist glycine for activation and that they exhibit voltage-dependent ion flow due to Mg2+ blockade. The NMDA receptors have three

Hemophilia B Leyden : characteristics and natural history in the International Pediatric Network of Hemophilia Management Registry

Background: A unique form of hemophilia B (HB) is HB Leyden. We evaluated the international Pediatric Network on Hemophilia Management Registry (PedNet) database to explore the natural history of HB Leyden, investigate genotype-phenotype associations, and guide clinical decision-making. Objectives: To assess the association between genetic variants, endogenous factor (F)IX levels over time, treatm

Laser-based Techniques for Measurement of Blood Perfusion: A Comprehensive Literature Study of the Potential Applications in Predicting Anastomotic Leak After Esophagectomy

Kan laser upptäcka komplikationer efter kirurgi? Varje år genomgår hundratals patienter esofagektomi – en omfattande canceroperation där delar av matstrupen tas bort och återkopplas till mag-tarmkanalen. Men för många slutar operationen med allvarliga komplikationer. Vad kan vi göra för att förhindra detta? Att överleva en stor operation är bara början. För patienter som genomgått en esofagektomiThis study explores the application of laser-based techniques for measuring blood perfusion to predict anastomotic leaks (AL) following esophagectomy. ALs, a significant postoperative complication, are primarily associated with inadequate perfusion at the surgical site, leading to increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. Techniques such as Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF), Laser Speckle

Physical Stability of Therapeutic Proteins in Solution : Exploring Aggregation under Heat, Pumping, and Seeding Conditions

This thesis aims to deepen the knowledge of physical stability and aggregation of proteins by studying two proteins under combinations of stress factors such as heat, pumping, and seeding. The work addressed questions such as how combinations of techniques can be used to study aggregation pathways, how the formulation might affect the formation of micron-sized particles during pumping, and finally

Den professionella och manualen. En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur socialarbetare resonerar kring ett manualbaserat arbetssätt

The aim of this study was to explore how social workers relates to standardization within the Swedish social services and what opportunities and limitations they identify with a manual based work. A further aim was to explore how they reason about the effect that standardization has on their professional judgement. The research method used for this paper was a qualitative semi-structured interview

Kvinnokroppen som handelsvara: En jämförande analys av svenska statliga dokument om surrogatmödraskap och prostitution

Surrogacy is a practice that raises ethical concerns, and is even illegal in many countries. In Sweden, surrogacy is not explicitly illegal, but the practice is deemed unallowed in a looser sense. Prostitution however, or more specifically the purchase of sexual services, which raises many of the same concerns regarding women’s autonomy and objectification, is banned explicitly by Swedish law. The

"Våran roll är våran roll och eran roll är eran roll" - En kvalitativ studie om hur skola och socialtjänst samverkar för att handskas med fall där barn misstänks fara illa

This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how school counselors collaborate with social services in cases where children are suspected of being at risk. The focus is on how professional roles and power dynamics influence cooperation and decision-making processes. To address this purpose, the study explores the following research questions: How do school counselors and social services colla

Miljöorganisationer i globaliseringens korsdrag - Spänningsfältet mellan internationell rätt och svensk rätt: En studie av Århuskonventionens artikel 9.3:s påverkan i svensk rätt

Miljöproblemen vet inga gränser och påverkar hela mänskligheten kollektivt. Historiskt har dock tillgången till rättslig prövning i svensk rätt kretsat kring individuella intressen. Århuskonventionen, som både Sverige och EU sedan år 2005 är parter till, introducerar en bindande mekanism där miljöorganisationer ges rätt att företräda det kollektiva intresset genom att väcka talan mot myndighetsåtgEnvironmental challenges know no borders and collectively impact all of humanity. Historically, access to judicial review in Swedish law has centered around individual interests. The Aarhus Convention, to which both Sweden and the EU have been parties since 2005, introduces a binding mechanism granting environmental organizations the right to represent collective interests by initiating lawsuits a

Överskjutande likgiltighet? - En undersökning av hur likgiltighetsuppsåtet används som överskjutande uppsåt

En vanlig skiljelinje mellan det kriminaliserade och icke-kriminaliserade området dras vid uppsåtets nedre gräns, då en grundförutsättning är att brott kräver uppsåt. Uppsåt och straffbarhet relaterar inte enbart till varandra på ovan nämnda vis. Vid brottsformer såsom försök, förberedelse och stämpling uppställs krav på att gärningspersonen som en del av brottsrekvisiten ska ha haft uppsåt att nåA common dividing line between the criminalized and non-criminalized area is drawn at the lower limit of intent, as a basic requirement is that crime requires intent. Intent and criminality do not only relate to each other in the above-mentioned way. In the case of dependent forms of crime such as attempt, preparation and conspiracy, a requirement is made that the perpetrator, as part of the requi

John Buridan on the Syllogism and His Departure from Radulphus Brito

This paper analyses John Buridan’s approach to the notion of syllogism by putting it in the institutional and doctrinal contexts where he belongs, that is, the faculty of arts of the University of Paris and its Aristotelian logical tradition. The analysis aims to ascertain Buridan’s innovative contribution to the history of logic by underscoring the points of continuation and rupture with respect

Fattigdomsfällan : överskuldsättning som socialt problem

Trots att skuldproblemen i samhället eskalerar får överskuldsättning begränsad uppmärksamhet i svenskt socialt arbete. Detta beror sannolikt på att överskuldsättning ses som en privatekonomisk angelägenhet snarare än ett socialt problem. Artikeln tar upp perspektiv kring vardagslivets finansialisering och kredit- och konsumtionssamhället och bygger på exempel från intervjuer med unga vuxna som lev

Modelling diffusive phase transformations in multiphase systems using the Voronoi implicit interface method

This paper presents a general level set framework for modelling diffusive solid-state phase transformation processes in binary systems comprising several grains and phases. Notably, it is demonstrated how the Voronoi implicit interface method (VIIM) can be used to simulate microstructure evolution in polycrystals driven by diffusion. The key advantage of VIIM is that a single level set function ca