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Cross Linguistic Variation in the Realm of Support Verbs
In this paper I investigate a particular case of cross-Germanic variation, namely a number of syntactic differences with respect to VP Topicalization, VP Ellipsis and VP Pronomi-nalization. Swedish and English turn out to be the two extremes, with Danish and Norwegaian in between; Icelandic is like Swedish, but lacks the possibility to topicalize VP. Arguments are given for the analysis that the s
Fire, Walk with Me: Towards a Geography of the Fourth Topology.
The concept of topology has become a cornerstone in the project of widening the ontological register in both ANT and human geography. The seminal starting point has for many years been ‘Regions, networks and fluids’ by Annemarie Mol and John Law from 1994, an article that for instance influenced John Urry’s outline of a global complexity. In the article, two familiar topologies, the region and the
Protocol Requirements in an SJTAG/IJTAG Environment
Profiling Serial Inventors & Creative Research Milieus: What matters Nature, Nurture or Something else. Paper
A Pedagogical Tool for Architectural Education,
Ash-Line Control
For efficient firing in sloping grate bark furnaces, it is important to control the ash line position on the grate. The ash line is the border between burning fuel and fuel which is burned out (ash). Here, the problem of detecting the ash line with an image processing system is treated. The presentation of trend curves to the operator is of special interest. The process is slow and trend curves pr
Land cover-climate interactions in NW Europe, 6000 BP and 200 BP – first results of the Swedish LANDCLIM project
New urban imperialism: Space wars, urbicide and the urban tango of Vagabond Capitalism
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The Engendered Concept of Competence and Its Consequences
Focusing on the concept of competence, the paper proposes that the concept itself is engendered, i.e., it is a concept that is defined in male terms. As such it functions to define women as a group as lacking or devoid of the traits, characteristics and/or behaviors that are necessary for being "seen" and being perceived of as competent in educational settings and on the labour market. The paper i
Balancing BlockRAM and distributed RAM
Xilinx FPGAs offer both Block SelectRAM and distributed RAM for embedded memory. To investigate the impact of utilizing such opportunities, some variations on the hardware implementation of a SNOW 2.0 stream cipher IP core have been designed. We find the ratio of throughput and effective slice usage to be close to 3.5. This allows a flexible trade-off between speed and area consumption, with a thr
Unwrapping packaging strategies. Sammandrag av workshopdiskussion vid konferensen Elusive Consumption, Göteborg 2002
Hedonism as the Explanation of Value
This thesis defends a hedonistic theory of value consisting of two main components. Part 1 offers a theory of pleasure. Pleasures are experiences distinguished by a distinct phenomenological quality. This quality is attitudinal in nature: it is the feeling of liking. The pleasure experience is also an object of this attitude: when feeling pleasure, we like what we feel, and part of how it feels is
A knowledge integration framework for robotics
This paper describes a knowledge integration framework for robotics, whose goal is to represent, store, adapt, and distribute knowledge across engineering platforms. The architecture abstracts the components as data sources, where data are available in the AutomationML data exchange format. AutomationML is an on-going standard initiative that aims at unifying data representation and APIs used by e
Lower bounds on the probability of deception in authentication
Welfare, State and Class
A framework for analyzing deployment of solar photovoltaics, with a focus on building-sited grid-connected systems
Policy intervention schemes for increased deployment of solar photovoltaics (PV) have been launched in several countries, with varying success. In order to ensure an efficient deployment of the technology, thorough knowledge is needed about relevant present actors and institutions, and about how a desirable actor base and institutional setup should look like; mere cost reductions are not enough to