Din sökning på "*" gav 533534 sökträffar
Den dolda arbetslöshetens baksida: Samvariation med och konstruktion av sjukskrivning
Sjuktalet och arbetslöheten samvarierar, genom att sjukfrånvaron tenderar att öka då arbetslösheten minskar, och vice versa. I uppsatsen diskuteras denna samvariation samt dess rekation till förtidspensionering, och den dolda arbetslösheten.
Mobility Support in Private Networks Using RPX
The limited IPv4 address space has driven the cellular industry to start using IPv6 addresses for mobile users in 3G-networks. However, there is a potential threat to the success of 3G-network deployment, as the success will depend on the services offering to the end users. Currently, the overwhelming proportion of services resides in the IPv4 address space, which makes them inaccessible to users
Transfer in L3 acquisition
Geographic vulnerability analysis of interdependent critical infrastructures
A New Technique for Solving High-Index Differential-Algebraic Equations
Carbon source-dependent lactate formation during biohydrogen production
Plasma ANP and BNP during exercise in patients with major depressive disorder and in healthy controls
Uppåkra - fokus för ett nytt projekt
Policy Innovation in Innovation Policy: Policy System and Meta-Policy System Changes in Europe
Analysis of anisotropic transport in the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and effect on performance
MIMO performance of diversity-rich compact six-port dielectric resonator antenna arrays in measured indoor environments at 2.65 GHz
No title
RESPI – A setup for field studies of total deposition of polydisperse aerosol in the human airways
Decentralized Provision of Primary Helathcare in Rural Bangladesh: a study of government facilities
Bangladesh has made significant progress in health indicators in recent years in spite of her low level of income. This is mainly due to the commitment of the state supported by donors in providing preventive care with respect to child health and family planning. However, there are serious problems related to both access and quality of curative care that hurt the poor most. Infrastructures for ser