

Din sökning på "*" gav 532171 sökträffar

What is right? Everyday legal and ethical questions encountered by Certec

In our daily work at Certec, we often touch upon legal and ethical issues. This is mostly a good thing – it is important that an organization whose work is closely related to individuals carries on a discussion of ethics and constantly raises questions concerning issues that may be regulated by law. In our discussions, not only do we ask ourselves whether a particular action would be unlawful or u

Nygammal metod minskar neurologisk risk vid arcus aortae-kirurgi. Selektiv antegrad hjärnperfusion ger bra skydd, visar retrospektiv studie

nnominate artery and left carotid artery cannulation for antegrade brain perfusion allows accurate bilateral pressure-controlled brain perfusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of adverse neurological events and 90-day mortality in 40 consecutive patients undergoing elective aortic arch repair using this technique. Forty consecutive patients underwent elective aortic arch repa

På väg mot evidensbaserad terapi vid primär systemisk vaskulit. De senaste decenniernas framsteg har gett dagens patienter bättre läge

The prospects for patients suffering from systemic small vessel vasculitis have improved substantially in recent decades. The introduction of cyclophosphamide in the 1970s led to a dramatic improvement in survival rates. The discovery of ANCA meant a substantial increase in the number of detected cases, especially among elderly patients, as well as detection at an earlier stage of disease. At the

Mobile Phones and Politics in China - From Texting to Mobilizing

The penetration of mobile phones in Chinese daily life has made collective actions easier to organize and challenged government censorship. Highlighting this new form of communication, the following essay shows how the traditional mass media’s role as gatekeeper is waning.

Den stora katastrofen med för- och efterskalv : om kasussammanfallet i fornsvenska

I denna uppsats gör jag två saker. För det första ger jag en kortfattad beskrivning över kasussammanfallet i fornsvenska. För det andra diskuterar jag orsakerna till kasussammanfallet. Jag identifierar två viktiga tidsperioder då kasussystemet förändras. Den första inträffar kring 1300 och den andra kring 1450, åtminstone i Mälardalen. Jag kallar den första för Lilla katastrofen och den andra för

Coded Modulation Systems

This textbook studies the 3 main types of coded modulation: trellis-coded modulation (TCM), continuous-phase modulation (CPM) codes, and linear modulation codes like those that arise from filtering and intersymbol interference. In 2 final chapters, code-division multiple-access receivers are discussed. The book begins with a review of coding, modulation and information theory.

Together we achieve less? Regional governance for development of the independent arts sector and the toil of sector cooperation

This paper offers an analysis of a case of cooperation, and in particular cooperation problems, between independent performing arts organisations in the region of Skåne, Sweden. The cooperation in question flows from visions of the organisations, and linked regional commission to develop the infrastructure and networks of the independent performing arts in Skåne. The case gives evidence of the cha

Cleft Lip and Palate, Clinical and Methodological Studies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Läpp- käk- gomspalt (LKG-spalt) förekommer hos cirka 200 nyfödda barn per år i Sverige. Det finns idag inte belägg för någon specifik faktor som orsakar LKG-spalten. Utan en adekvat habilitering som bl.a. innehåller kirurgi, tandreglering och talbehandling skulle barnen få funktionella och utseendemässiga problem som skulle leda till en försämrad livskvalite. UtvecklinBody dimensions of 2,936 newborns with cleft lip/palate (CLP) were compared with 2,031,140 singleton newborns between 1973 to 1992. The risk of cleft development was found to be associated with intra-uterine growth retardation - the more severe the cleft, the stronger the association. As digital photography is being increasingly applied in clinical medicine, we devised a computer software program

The xanthophyll cycle, its enzymes, pigments and regulation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Xantofyll cykeln, dens enzym, pigment och regleringThe xanthophyll cycle involves the light-dependent and reversible conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin has been implicated in the protection of the photosynthetic machinery from over-excitation. The enzyme violaxanthin de-epoxidase catalyses the conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin. The enzyme is located in the thylakoid lumen and its activity is strictly pH controlled. Apart f

Fashion, Sociology of

Fashion's universal nature does not preclude strong variations in its significance from society to society. As a stratification variable, fashion's importance increases in step with economic growth. Simmel sees the ‘need for distinction’ and the ‘need for union’ as preconditions for fashion, with certain societies lacking the necessary motivation. Variations in fashion's importance have also been

Attityder till murat och putsat byggande hos byggentreprenörer, arkitekter och köpare av nybyggda småhus

En undersökning har under hösten 2011 genomförts vid Lunds tekniska högskola för att ta reda på attityder till murat och putsat byggande hos byggentreprenörer, arkitekter och köpare av småhus. Murat byggande är en byggnadsteknik som har sin tyngdpunkt i Skåne – här finns merparten av efterfrågan från småhusköparna men även erfarenheterna hos byggentreprenörerna. I övriga regioner är murat byggan

Desire and Justice : Levinas and Heschel on Human and Divine Pathos

The article investigates notions of subjectivity, pathos, desire and God in the philosophies of Emmanuel Levinas and Abraham Heschel. By bringing the two philosophers into dialogue, the article aims to question Levinas’ conviction that the idea of a personal God, characterized by “divine pathos,” is a mythological remnant which unavoidably leads the subject into idolatry. Furthermore, it challenge