

Din sökning på "*" gav 535041 sökträffar

AI: A problem or a solution? - A critical analysis of the current formulation of the problem-solution approach in an AI context

Denna uppsats behandlar den potentiella påverkan av AI på det nu gällande patentsystemen i Europa, både från perspektivet av en uppfinnare av AI och AI-assisterade uppfinningar, men främst från perspektivet av EPO gällande huruvida det nu gällande patentregelverket, EPC, är tillräckligt flexibelt för att avgöra först och främst huruvida en uppfinning når upp till kravet på uppfinningshöjd eller inThis thesis concerns the potential impact of AI on the patent system in Europe, the EPC, both from the perspective of the developers of AI and AI-assisted inventions, but mainly from the perspective of the EPO concerning whether the current patent system is sufficiently equipped to assess, in particular, whether a claimed invention involves an inventive step. The purpose of the thesis is to invest

I vilken utsträckning kartläggs spelartyp enligt The Pathways Model inför spelberoendebehandling? En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med behandlares erfarenheter av behandlingsplanering vid spelberoende

The Pathways Model of problem gambling suggests three developmental pathways, subtypes, to a gambling disorder and the importance of individualized treatment with different treatment interventions for different subtypes. The study aimed to investigate to what extent the therapist made considerations related to the Pathways Model and take psychiatric comorbidity into account when planning the trea

Bosnienkriget 1992-1995

Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det går att hitta olika aspekter inom propaganda som kan leda till att det kommer ske ett övergrepp på en befolkning. Studien avgränsas behandla enbart kriget i Bosnien och Hercegovina som pågick under åren 1992-1995 och där det skedde en etnisk rensning samt ett folkmord. Tidigare teorier presenterar ämnet och hur propagandan såg ut i främst Serbien men äv

Branding Cultural Issues of Sexuality: A Contrasting Case Study of Brand Myths Communicated by German Sex Shops in a Socio-Historical Context

Branding Cultural Issues of Sexuality: A Contrasting Case Study of Brand Myths Communicated by German Sex Shops in a Socio-Historical Context The master thesis deals with the research problem of brand communication being predominately studied from a managerial perspective which often lacks the incorporation of cultural context. The thesis aims to highlight the advantages of a cultural branding ap

Hållbarhetsstudie av morot genom kvalitetsundersökning

Problembeskrivning: Bearbetade grönsaker kan vara problematiskt då grönsakens förmåga att hålla vatten och näringsämnen förändras med tiden. Det naturliga skyddet mot angrepp från mikroorganismer skadas även det. När man skär eller skadar grönsaker på något sätt så öppnas fler ytor upp för mikroorganismer att ta sig in på och hitta näring för att föröka sig. Men det är inte den enda nackdelen med

Assessing indoor environmental quality and occupant comfort in modern wood buildings with post-occupancy evaluation and building performance simulation

The European building sector is a source of significant negative environmental impacts, and large part of its carbon emissions can be attributed to heating, cooling and lighting of buildings – in other words, regulating buildings’ indoor environments. As people spend most of their lives indoors, there is a great challenge to create comfortable indoor environments, while also striving for further e

The Discourse of Violence, Persecution of Sexual Culture and Criminal Convictions of Sadomasochism

How sexual consent is evidence and operationalised in criminal courts affect not only sexual rights but also the implementation of social justice. While sexual consent is regarded as a protocol of agreement in vernacular practices, the legal definition is seemingly more complicated than a mutual agreement. There is very little research looking into the limits of sexual consent imposed by legal aut

Carbon Abundance in the Milky Way Galaxy

Carbon is the fourth most abundant element after hydrogen, helium and oxygen. It is a product of stellar nucleosynthesis as well as it being an important bio signature for life; this makes the analysis of carbon very fundamental. The origin of carbon and the relative contributions from massive and low-to-intermediate mass stars in producing it is still under debate. The principal focus of this the

Fitting the pion and kaon mass and decay constant to lattice data

Kvantelektrodynamik beskriver den elektromagnetiska kraften mellan elektroner och protoner, och är en av fysikens mest lyckade teorier. Till skillnad från elektroner, så är protoner inte fundamentala partiklar, utan de är uppbyggda av mindre partiklar som kallas för kvarkar. Kvarkarna inuti protonen binds inte ihop av den elektromagnetiska kraften, utan istället genom en annan kraft som kallas föWe use lattice QCD data to perform a fit of the pion and kaon mass and decay constant to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in three-flavor Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). To improve our fits, we make use of finite volume corrections at both one- and two-loop order. This turns out to provide a small but noticeable improvement of our fits. Our fits see a significant improvement with the inclus

Karriärer i högadelns hägn : social mobilitet bland Magnus Gabriel De la Gardies västgötska förvaltare cirka 1650–1680

Careers under the Auspices of the Aristocracy. Social Mobility among Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie's Stewards in Västergötland circa 1650–1680 The present study provides new knowledge on the prerequisites for social mobility in seventeenth-century Sweden by placing focus on a forgotten arena for the social dynamics of the time: the aristocratic manors. The investigation deals with count Magnus

The impact of social financing scale on stock price -- Based on the perspective of industry research

Abstract This thesis first analyzes the direct and indirect effects of social financing scale on the stock market based on reviewing and summarizing the existing research. Then, studies on the different effects of social financing scale on different industries from the perspective of industry characteristics are also conducted. An autoregressive model is built using the social financing scale data

The Function of Arbitral Tribunals in the Development of Human Rights Obligations of the Investors

What is often more important in the international investment agreements between a private investor and the host country is to ensure the investors' economic security in the host country. However, recently, one of the concerns in most of these agreements is human rights. Then one of the host country's obligations is the observance of human rights obligations. The problem is that investors a

Can you resist being cynical? A case study of cynicism and resistance towards employee development

This paper examines the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of cynical perceptions towards employee development through qualitative research. Based on a case study, data were gathered through 25 semi-structured interviews with both managers and subordinates at a company within the telecommunication industry. The empirical findings have been studied using the literature topics of strategic human resource management, n

"Out of sight.... Out of mind" How employees made sense of organisational changes resulting from crisis management

Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how employees, of the London Hilton on Park Lane hotel, make sense of organisational changes resulting from crisis management during the Covid-19 pandemic. We aim to contribute to the existing literature within the field of change and crisis management and build on Weick’s (1995) concept of sensemaking. Therefore, ou

The Milky Way and its Exoplanets

Our Solar System is not the only planetary system in the universe. Since the first detected planet orbiting a star other than the Sun, over 4000 exoplanets have been detected. These exoplanets live in systems with an incredible diversity. The systems can include single, giant planets orbiting very close to the star, or they can have multiple planets packed tightly together. What is causing these dThe detections of over 4000 exoplanets as of today has shown that they exist in a wide range of different configurations, otherwise known as architectures. Recently, studies have been made trying to link the environment of host stars to the architectures of their planetary systems and have found that the architectures of planetary systems may not necessarily be uniform in the Milky Way. Since effe

Relationen mellan det teoretiska handlingsutrymmet och det praktiska arbetet inom ett antal HVB för barn och unga

The purpose of this study was to find the dynamics between professionals’ discretion and how it is expressed in the residential care homes for children and young people. Six qualitative semi structured interviews were conducted with professionals' who work in direct contact with children and youths on residential care. The interviews were presented and analyzed based on the theories of street-

Facebook and the Circulation of Capital: The Rentier Supply Chain of Social Media Marketing

Digital space is a novel form of spatial expression which have been core to the business model of some of the largest firms within the 21st century. Mobilizing tools from geographical political economy, Facebook and the core function of its digital space is critically analyzed, along with how value is distributed along the advertising supply chain. Facebook, through its continual expenditure on us

Kunskap i takt med tiden: en studie av en kunskapsarena – tysk och amerikansk kunskapscirkulation i radioprogrammet OBS! 1969–1972

This paper examines the how the radio program OBS! (or Kulturkvarten) operates as a public arena of knowledge from 1969 to 1972 – i.e, how it offers possibilities and sets limits for certain kinds of knowledge circulation. Drawing from theoretical discussions about “public circulation of knowledge”, the aim is to characterize OBS! and its role in the public sphere during the examined years. OBS! i

The Impact of Busyness on Venture Capital Screening

Title: The Impact of Busyness on Venture Capital Screening Seminar Date: 2021-06-02 Course: BUSN79 Authors: Antonio David Trevisany and Henrik Hultquist Supervisor: Håkan Jankensgård Keywords: Venture Capital, VC, Distraction, Industry Shock, Screening, Pre-Investment Screening, MOIC, Panel Data Purpose: The main purpose of the thesis is to understand whether venture capitalists are able to select

Infiltrated Neighborhood - Climate Adaptive Urbanism in Bangkok

Under the rapid urbanization of Bangkok, the water town on a floodplain, has changed into a jungle concrete of high-rise buildings and road structure that has adopted from the West but does not cope with the water-related traditional way of living of the Thai people. Consequently, Bangkok has been facing more frequent and more severe impact of urban flooding while people neglected and forgot their