

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

Magnetomotive ultrasound for nanomedicine : a mechanistic approach to detection, evaluation and safety assessment

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, but reliable diagnosis and staging can contribute to optimal treatment planning, and is a crucial factor in reducing mortality and maintaining quality of life. Soft tissue mechanical properties are promising indicators of cancer that can be assessed non-invasively using functional imaging. Additionally, lymphatic involvement is considered a k

Prefermentation improves ethanol yield in separate hydrolysis and cofermentation of steam-pretreated wheat straw

Agricultural residues, such as wheat straw, are feasible substrates for ethanol fermentation provided that pentoses and hexoses can be converted efficiently. Separate hydrolysis and cofermentation (SHCF) constitute a framework for improvement of conversion efficiency, because it permits independent optimization of the enzymatic hydrolysis and cofermentation steps. A drawback is that the high gluco

Taxation of Partnership - Legal national reports for the Nordic Tax Research Council's annual meeting, 2015 in Aarhus

This joint report includes the five legal national reports on the taxation of partnership in the Nordic countries. The general contents of these reports are summarized and thoroughly analyzed in Liselotte Madsen’s General report, published in this issue of the NTaxJ. For additional information, details on legislative measures etc. we find it important, however, to also publish the national reports

Leadership studies : From procedure and abstraction to reflexivity and situation

This article reviews and develops the recent critique of empiricist quantitative and qualitative methods in social science in general, and leadership studies, in particular. It argues for an interpretive-reflective approach that fully acknowledges the theory-laden, interpretative nature of empirical studies and the ambiguity of ‘data’. In addition the political and historical character of social s

Team Reasoning and Collective Intentionality

Different versions of the idea that individualism about agency is the root of standard game theoretical puzzles have been defended by Regan 1980, Bacharach (Research in Economics 53: 117–147, 1999), Hurley (Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26: 264–265, 2003), Sugden (Philosophical Explorations 6(3):165–181, 2003), and Tuomela 2013, among others. While collectivistic game theorists like Michael Bachar

Simulation and Prediction of Groundwater Paths and Flow Vectors at Mosul City

High elevations of groundwater at Mosul city is a very big problem and may cause mass destructions to the environment, health and building foundations due to the closing of groundwater near ground surface. From field investigations for 43 large diameter shallow wells, the water elevations were measured 14 times through 7 months. Utilizing raster based GIS operations with automated parameter estima

Visual Analysis of Text Annotations for Stance Classification with ALVA

The automatic detection and classification of stance taking in text data using natural language processing and machine learning methods create an opportunity to gain insight about the writers’ feelings and attitudes towards their own and other people’s utterances. However, this task presents multiple challenges related to the training data collection as well as the actual classifier training. In o

Three exceptional IgH/myc-translocation-carrying rat immunocytomas have breakpoints 50 to 80 kb 5' of c-myc

The spontaneously arising immunocytoma of the Louvain rat (RIC) carries a consistent chromosomal translocation between chromosomes 6 and 7. This translocation juxtaposes immunoglobulin heavy chain and c-myc sequences. In an earlier study on 14 RIC tumors, we found that the translocation breakpoint is located within 1.5 kb immediately upstream of c-myc in 10 of the tumors. Here we describe 3 except

Transferring Ownership of Public Housing to Existing Tenants : A Market Design Approach

This paper explores a housing market with an existing tenant in each house and where the existing tenants initially rent their houses. The idea is to identify equilibrium prices for the housing market given the prerequisite that a tenant can buy any house on the housing market, including the one that he is currently possessing, or continue renting the house he is currently occupying. The main cont

Dynamic isotropy in 3-DOF Gantry Tau robots - An analytical study

3-DOF Gantry Tau is a type of parallel robot, consisting of six struts configured in three clusters, which provides three translational DOFs. It has increasing industrial use in applications where large workspace and high stiffness are required. In fact, the concept of dynamic isotropy, where all the natural frequencies of a system are equal, can be employed in order to effectively optimize the ge

Latency Characterization of Gated Radiotherapy Treatment Beams Using a PIN Diode Circuit

Background: Radiotherapy is based on the premise of accurate dose delivery to target volumes within a patient, while minimizing dose to surrounding tissues. Recent developments in the treatment of breast cancer have focused on “gating” the delivery of the treatment beams to minimize the effect of patient motion during treatment, and increasing separation between the target volume and organs at ris

TopHat-Recondition : A post-processor for TopHat unmapped reads

Background: TopHat is a popular spliced junction mapper for RNA sequencing data, and writes files in the BAM format - the binary version of the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format. BAM is the standard exchange format for aligned sequencing reads, thus correct format implementation is paramount for software interoperability and correct analysis. However, TopHat writes its unmapped reads in a way th