Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar
Den svenska socialdemokratin - en rörelse mellan klass och stat
Nazismen och musiken
Alltför mänskliga rättigheter? : den allmänna förklaringen som ett levande dokument
Parisisk serenad
Platelet uptake in small diameter bypass grafts in vivo.
Värmerekord 2010
Short essay on Salvador (1985)
Structural Properties of Palladium-Manganese Alloys
Structural properties of adsorbed overlayers on well-defined single crystals and of Palladium-Manganese surface alloys formed on Pd(100) have been investigated using synchrotron-based photoemission, scanning tunneling microscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The experimental valence electronic structure of PdMn systems on Pd(100) is compared to density functional calculations (DFT).
FOSS-galaxen. En empirisk undersökning kring fri och öppen programvaraurörelsen
FOSS står för Free Open Source Software. På svenska talar man om fri programvara eller öppen källkod. Rapporten diskuterar denna företeelse samt redovisar en enkätundersökning genomförd bland medlemmar av Svenska Linux-föreningen. Den övergripande ambitionen är att bidra till ett svar på frågan: Varför är FOSS ett sociologiskt intressant och betydelsefullt socialt fenomen?
Idiopathic hypertrophy of the first dorsal interosseous and thenar muscles presenting as a tumor in a 12-year-old boy
Modeling of Drivers' Longitudinal Behavior
In the last few years, many vehicle manufacturers have introduced advance driver support in some of their automobiles. One of those new features is adaptive cruise control (ACC), which extends the conventional cruise control system to control of relative speed and distance to other vehicles. In order to design an ACC controller, it is suitable to have a model of drivers' behavior. Our approach to
Arbetslöshetsförsäkringen och dess mångåriga kontrovers
GIScience, Sustainability, and Pedagogy
Portfolioexamination i allmänmedicin - ett lyckat pilotprojekt
Markarbete vid exploatering
Quantum chemical characterization of oxide nanoparticles and interactions on their surfaces
Popular Abstract in English Nanotechnology is a quickly developing field, which applies objects of extremely small sizes to novel technological applications. These objects, so-called nanomaterials, have at least one dimension measured in nanometers, 10-9 meters. Nanoparticles are of interest to chemists due to their distinct properties, which differ significantly from the bulk material. This uniquTitanium dioxide and related oxide materials have been investigated using density functional theory calculations. Nanocrystalline particles were modelled by a finite cluster approach. The studies focus on the characterization of structural and electronic properties of TiO2 and related group-IV materials (SiO2, GeO2, SnO2), as well as, interactions on their surfaces. A set of bare cluster models o