Ingmar Bergman, moderniteten och välfärdsstaten: Några kontextuella betraktelser
Study of the role of trains, telephones and other aspects of modernity in the early films of Ingmar Bergman.
Study of the role of trains, telephones and other aspects of modernity in the early films of Ingmar Bergman.
Abstract is not available
One million three hundred thousand people left Sweden for America between 1860 and 1930. In the same period, approximately two hundred thousand people returned to Sweden. "Coming Full Circle?" is an analysis of the fate and local impact of the local returnees on the Bjäre peninsula in southern Sweden. This thesis examines anew both the sources used by previous Swedish research and previously negle
Abstract is not available
Many parents perceive the urban environment as hazardous for their children and therefore prescribe and circumscribe young people’s access to the environment (Malone, 2001). Consequently, spontaneous unregulated play in neighbourhood spaces is decreasing as children are primarily encouraged to participate in regulated play environments in their homes, friends houses and commercial facilities. Simu
Abstract not available.
The objective of this work was to study the formation of DNA-cationic vesicle complexes (lipoplexes). These complexes are interesting not only from a fundamental point of view but also as promising candidates for gene therapy. The approach taken was to study first the cationic vesicles by themselves. This will allow us to better understand the "complexation mechanism" upon the addition of DNA. The
Popular Abstract in Swedish En ny metod för att syntetisera avancerade kolhydrater har utvecklats. I en utvärdering har två kolhydratstrukturer, viktiga intermediat i ett nytt cancervaccin, syntetiserats.A novel promoter system IX/AgOTf (X=Cl or Br) for thioglycoside activation has been developed (paper I-II). The promoter system has been evaluated in the synthesis of two GD3 bis-lactam fragments (paper III).
Varför är Småland ett landskap som fascinerar? Kanske för att det är så mångsidigt och omväxlande, likt en brokig mosaik. Dess historia är rik och man har aldrig kunnat tala om ett Småland eller en småländsk identitet. I denna antologi möts tio forskare kring frågan avd som egentligen är småländskt. Läsaren tas med till Astrid Lindgrens Värld och till det småländska Glasriket. De möte tyska och da
Heat has long been utilised as a therapeutic tool in medicine. Laser-induced thermotherapy aims at achieving the local destruction of lesions, relying on the conversion of the light absorbed by the tissue into heat. In interstitial laser-induced thermotherapy, light is focused into thin optical fibres, which are placed deep into the tumour mass. The objective of this work was to increase the under