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Akademisk frihet som mål och medel
Cykelplanering – En fråga om makt och politik
Charlotte Berlin : några queerfunderingar
Eugene Gendlin and the Feel of International Politics
Yttrande över remissen "Utvärdering av Riksbankens penningpolitik 2010-15"
Adaptive Microphone Array System for Speech Enhancement
Design and Evaluation of nonuniform DFT filter banks in Subband Microphone Arrays
This paper presents a method for the design of nonuniform DFT filter banks for subband beamforming. Filter banks designed with the method are evaluated in subband beamforming in a real-world microphone array application. Different source positions in array applications give rise to different signal delays, which means that adaptive beamformers in the subbands alter the phase information of the sub
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Time dependent study of multiple exciton generation in nanocrystal quantum dots
We study the exciton dynamics in an optically excited nanocrystal quantum dot. Multiple exciton formation is more efficient in nanocrystal quantum dots compared to bulk semiconductors due to enhanced Coulomb interactions and the absence of conservation of momentum. The formation of multiple excitons is dependent on different excitation parameters and the dissipation. We study this process within a
Parents' response to recurrent middle ear infection in their children
Recurrent ear infection in children during pre-school years is an important public health problem. Common advice given to parents is to minimize exposure of susceptible children to crowding and air pollution. This study aimed at investigating what changes parents undertake to improve the health of an otitis-prone child. Parents of children with 5 events before age thirty months (index children; n
Industriell ekonomi och organisering
Modulation of Hemostatic and Inflammatory Responses by Leptospira Spp
Leptospirosis is a worldwide spread zoonotic and neglected infectious disease of human and veterinary concern that is caused by pathogenic Leptospira species. In severe infections, hemostatic impairments such as coagulation/fibrinolysis dysfunction are frequently observed. These complications often occur when the host response is controlled and/or modulated by the bacterial pathogen. In the presen
Significant association and synergistic adverse prognostic effect of podocalyxin-like protein and epidermal growth factor receptor expression in colorectal cancer
Background: Podocalyxin-like 1 (PODXL) is an anti-adhesive transmembrane protein that has been demonstrated to be an independent factor of poor prognosis in colorectal cancer (CRC). The gene encoding PODXL is located to chromosome 7, which also harbours the gene for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The aim of this study was to examine the associations between PODXL and EGFR expression
How Firms Adapt and Interact in Open Source Ecosystems: Analyzing Stakeholder Influence and Collaboration Patterns
[Context and motivation] Ecosystems developed as Open Source Software (OSS) are considered to be highly innovative and reactive to new market trends due to their openness and wide-ranging contributor base. Participation in OSS often implies opening up of the software development process and exposure towards new stakeholders. [Question/Problem] Firms considering to engage in such an environment sho
Coloring Graphs Having Few Colorings Over Path Decompositions
Lokshtanov, Marx, and Saurabh SODA 2011 proved that there is no (k-epsilon)^pw(G)poly(n) time algorithm for deciding if an n-vertex graph G with pathwidth pw admits a proper vertex coloring with k colors unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) is false, for any constant epsilon>0. We show here that nevertheless, when k>lfloor Delta/2 rfloor + 1, where Delta is the maximum degree in th
Risk, Safety and Freedom of Movement
Using an Evolutionary Algorithm in Multiobjective Geographic Analysis for Land Use Allocation and Decision Supporting
Usually, allocation of resources is an optimization problem which involves a variety of conflicting economic, social, and ecological objectives. In such a process, advanced geographic analyst tool for manipulation of spatial data and satisfaction of multiple objectives is essential to the success of decision-making. The present research intends to demonstrate the application of a multiobjective op