

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

On the Justifications of Piracy: Differences in Conceptualization and Argumentation Between Active Uploaders and other file-sharers

This chapter is, in part, about law and legal change. Law – especially intellectual property law – is greatly challenged in a digital society where media is distributed in global networks, for example via BitTorrent sites such as The Pirate Bay. New norms for behavior set up under new pre-conditions in an online environment have emerged alongside the legal, emphasizing some sort of norm-pluralism

Ferrochelatase and Magnesiumchelatase: Metal chelation studied with mutants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tänk dig en solig sommardag. Du går runt med en glass i handen och mår allmänt bra. Runt om dig finns gröna lummiga träd och vackra blommor i alla möjliga färger. Naturen visar verkligen sin vackraste sida. I dagens samhälle tänker man inte så ofta på den mångfald av färger som omger oss. Den blåa himlen, den gula solen, det röda blodet och det gröna gräset. Kanske beroMagnesium chelatase and ferrochelatase are two very important enzymes, which are involved in chlorophyll and heme biosynthesis, respectively. They both use protoporphyrin IX as substrate but magnesium chelatase inserts a magnesium ion whereas ferrochelatase inserts a ferrous ion. These two enzymes have been studied in this thesis. Even though they both insert a metal ion into protoporphyrin IX the

Artificial life goes 'in silico'

The paper reviews a number of cellular neural network implementations on a field-programmable gate-array. It illustrates experimentally, how these implementations can be used to measure from images or to create dynamic, autonomous processes that facilitate measurements within topographic maps. Applications range from image understanding to robot navigation


Short essay on Salvador (1985)

Structural Properties of Palladium-Manganese Alloys

Structural properties of adsorbed overlayers on well-defined single crystals and of Palladium-Manganese surface alloys formed on Pd(100) have been investigated using synchrotron-based photoemission, scanning tunneling microscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The experimental valence electronic structure of PdMn systems on Pd(100) is compared to density functional calculations (DFT).

FOSS-galaxen. En empirisk undersökning kring fri och öppen programvaraurörelsen

FOSS står för Free Open Source Software. På svenska talar man om fri programvara eller öppen källkod. Rapporten diskuterar denna företeelse samt redovisar en enkätundersökning genomförd bland medlemmar av Svenska Linux-föreningen. Den övergripande ambitionen är att bidra till ett svar på frågan: Varför är FOSS ett sociologiskt intressant och betydelsefullt socialt fenomen?

Modeling of Drivers' Longitudinal Behavior

In the last few years, many vehicle manufacturers have introduced advance driver support in some of their automobiles. One of those new features is adaptive cruise control (ACC), which extends the conventional cruise control system to control of relative speed and distance to other vehicles. In order to design an ACC controller, it is suitable to have a model of drivers' behavior. Our approach to

Quantum chemical characterization of oxide nanoparticles and interactions on their surfaces

Popular Abstract in English Nanotechnology is a quickly developing field, which applies objects of extremely small sizes to novel technological applications. These objects, so-called nanomaterials, have at least one dimension measured in nanometers, 10-9 meters. Nanoparticles are of interest to chemists due to their distinct properties, which differ significantly from the bulk material. This uniquTitanium dioxide and related oxide materials have been investigated using density functional theory calculations. Nanocrystalline particles were modelled by a finite cluster approach. The studies focus on the characterization of structural and electronic properties of TiO2 and related group-IV materials (SiO2, GeO2, SnO2), as well as, interactions on their surfaces. A set of bare cluster models o