

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Berättelser från insidan : en essä om personliga erfarenheter i psykiatrins historia

Psykiatrins historia har studerats på flera olika sätt, men det är sällan de drabbade själva får komma till tals och bli tagna på allvar. Lars-Eric Jönsson undersöker här personliga erfarenheter från den psykiatriska vården. Han beskriver och analyserar självbiografiska och/eller skönlitterära skildringar av psykiatrin, från tidigt 1800-talet fram till idag. Vad händer när patienten, som i de fles

Working conditions and musculoskeletal disorders in professional ballet dancers in Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Professionella balettdansare börjar vanligtvis dansa balett redan vid 8–10 års ålder; pojkar ett par år senare än flickor. Det finns flera utbildningsvägar både i Sverige och utomlands. De flesta börjar sin yrkeskarriär vid 18–20 års ålder. I Sverige är pensionsåldern för institutionsdansare 41–44 år, då man efter 20 års anställning vid svenska institutioner kan få maxiBallet dancers have been shown to have frequent problems with the musculoskeletal system, but little is generally known about the prevalences of musculoskeletal disorders and about working conditions of professional ballet dancers in Sweden. The aims of the thesis were: to analyse the prevalence, location and recurrence of self-reported musculoskeletal disorders (pain) in professional ballet danc

Prediction, Design and Determination of Protein Structures

Popular Abstract in English Life on earth has evolved countless forms, beautiful shapes and colors as well as astonishingly complex systems. Remarkably, all living creatures consist of cells, which themselves are build from the same basic set of molecules, most importantly nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), lipids and proteins. The latter are large macromolecules that fulfill a vast number of tasks; theThe three-dimensional structure of protein is encoded in its amino acid sequence. Modern structure prediction algorithms make it possible to predict the structure of small proteins using sequence information alone. We used the Fold-and-Dock algorithm, which is part of the Rosetta macromolecular modeling suite, for de novo structure prediction of coiled-coil proteins. Members of this protein family

Motives for Design for Disassembly in Building Construction

Design for disassembly, DfD (Design for Deconstruction), is an essential action to reduce the use of energy and resources and the production of waste in building construction. DfD has many environmental, economical as well as social benefits. It seams obvious to include the aspects of DfD, in both on-site and off-site production. Some countries have observed the importance of DfD and taken action

Numerical study of fluidic injection for noise reduction

We investigate the ability of fluidic injection to control the noise of a model gas-turbine nozzle exhaust. The work is conducted using a hybrid method of LES for the flow field and Lighthill's acoustic analogy for the acoustic field. The impact of injection on the flow development in terms of coherent structures and characteristic frequencies is evaluated. The main results show that a low momentu

Simulation of heat transfer from swirling impinging jets

This paper presents a numerical investigation of heat transfer from impinging swirling jets. Various turbulence models are used. Comparison with experimental data is provided. Generally the V2F model was found to perform better than other models but for small nozzle to plate distances it was hard to maintain good accuracy. The difference in performance, in terms of the Nusselt number distribution

Closed-loop System Identification of an HCCI Engine

Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is a promising but challenging combustion engine concept. The potential for good fuel economy and low emissions is high but the transient performance required for automotive applications presents a few problems still to be solved. The focus of this work is identification of the process dynamics. An ARX type model is fitted to input-output data. A meth

The African Food Crisis: Lessons from the Asian Green Revolution.

This book is the outcome of a three-year project coordinated by a group of Swedish researchers and with collaborating scholars from Africa and Asia. It provides a comparative study between Asian agricultural development during the Green Revolution in food production and the current problematic agricultural situation in sub-Saharan Africa. Case studies of eight African and eight Asian countries (fo

On the Justifications of Piracy: Differences in Conceptualization and Argumentation Between Active Uploaders and other file-sharers

This chapter is, in part, about law and legal change. Law – especially intellectual property law – is greatly challenged in a digital society where media is distributed in global networks, for example via BitTorrent sites such as The Pirate Bay. New norms for behavior set up under new pre-conditions in an online environment have emerged alongside the legal, emphasizing some sort of norm-pluralism

Ferrochelatase and Magnesiumchelatase: Metal chelation studied with mutants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tänk dig en solig sommardag. Du går runt med en glass i handen och mår allmänt bra. Runt om dig finns gröna lummiga träd och vackra blommor i alla möjliga färger. Naturen visar verkligen sin vackraste sida. I dagens samhälle tänker man inte så ofta på den mångfald av färger som omger oss. Den blåa himlen, den gula solen, det röda blodet och det gröna gräset. Kanske beroMagnesium chelatase and ferrochelatase are two very important enzymes, which are involved in chlorophyll and heme biosynthesis, respectively. They both use protoporphyrin IX as substrate but magnesium chelatase inserts a magnesium ion whereas ferrochelatase inserts a ferrous ion. These two enzymes have been studied in this thesis. Even though they both insert a metal ion into protoporphyrin IX the

Artificial life goes 'in silico'

The paper reviews a number of cellular neural network implementations on a field-programmable gate-array. It illustrates experimentally, how these implementations can be used to measure from images or to create dynamic, autonomous processes that facilitate measurements within topographic maps. Applications range from image understanding to robot navigation