

Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar

Skeletal Methane-Air Reaction Mechanism for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Microwave-Assisted Combustion

Irradiating a flame via microwave radiation is a plasma-assisted combustion (PAC) technology that can be used to modify the combustion chemical kinetics in order to improve flame stability and to delay lean blow-out. One practical implication is that combustion engines may be able to operate with leaner fuel mixtures and have an improved fuel flexibility capability including biofuels. Furthermore,

Serological markers for human intestinal ischemia : A systematic review

Early and accurate diagnosis of intestinal ischemia is important in order to provide rapid and correct treatment and reduce morbidity and mortality rates. Clinical signs and symptoms are often unspecific. This systemic review sums up literature regarding human plasma biomarkers for acute mesenteric ischemia reported during the last ten years. Classic, general markers, including lactate, white cell

Covariation and phenotypic integration in chemical communication displays : Biosynthetic constraints and eco-evolutionary implications

Chemical communication is ubiquitous. The identification of conserved structural elements in visual and acoustic communication is well established, but comparable information on chemical communication displays (CCDs) is lacking. We assessed the phenotypic integration of CCDs in a meta-analysis to characterize patterns of covariation in CCDs and identified functional or biosynthetically constrained

Thin reaction zone and distributed reaction zone regimes in turbulent premixed methane/air flames : Scalar distributions and correlations

A series of premixed turbulent methane/air jet flames in the thin reaction zone (TRZ) and distributed reaction zone (DRZ) regimes were studied using simultaneous three-scalar high-resolution imaging measurements, including HCO/OH/CH2O, CH/OH/CH2O, T/OH/CH2O and T/CH/OH/. These scalar fields offer a possibility of revisiting the structures of turbulent premixed flames in different combustion regime

Microbial Translocation Correlates with the Severity of Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 Infections

Microbial translocation has been linked to systemic immune activation during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 infection. Here, we show that an elevated level of microbial translocation, measured as plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) concentration, correlates with AIDS in both individuals infected with HIV type 1 and individuals infected with HIV type 2. LPS concentration also correlates with

Development of an Osmium Redox Polymer Mediated Bioanode and Examination of Its Performance in Gluconobacter oxydans Based Microbial Fuel Cell

Gluconobacter oxydans (G. oxydans) cells together with an osmium redox polymer (ORP) [Osmium (2,2'-bipyridine)2(poly-vinylimidazole)10Cl]Cl were combined with a glassy carbon paste electrode (GCPE) to form a bioanode for a microbial fuel cell (MFC) based on G. oxydans. Although there are G.oxydans/ ORP combined bioanode in the literature, as far as it is known, this system is the first one where G

An Increased Diagnostic Sensitivity of Truncated GAD65 Autoantibodies in Type 1 Diabetes May Be Related to HLA-DQ8

N-terminally truncated (96-585) GAD65 (tGAD65) autoantibodies may better delineate type 1 diabetes than full-length GAD65 (fGAD65) autoantibodies. We aimed to compare the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity between fGAD65 and tGAD65 autoantibodies for type 1 diabetes in relation to HLA-DQ. Sera from children and adolescents with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes (n = 654) and healthy control subj

Occurrence of crop pests and diseases has largely increased in China since 1970

Crop pests and diseases (CPDs) are emerging threats to global food security, but trends in the occurrence of pests and diseases remain largely unknown due to the lack of observations for major crop producers. Here, on the basis of a unique historical dataset with more than 5,500 statistical records, we found an increased occurrence of CPDs in every province of China, with the national average rate

Släktet Blastenia i Norden

Orangelavar, släktet Caloplaca i vid bemärklelse, är erkänt svåra och många. Dessutom har släktet delats upp i en mängd olika släkten vilket gör det än mer förvirrande. Ovanpå det beskrivs nya arter på löpande band. Här ges dock en översikt av de arter i släktet Blastenia som förekommer i Norden.

Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of helium above the N=2 ionization threshold

Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (ATAS) allows for the study of electron dynamics in atoms and molecules with attosecond time resolution. Previous works reported in the literature have made use of ATAS to image and control such dynamics in the single-channel ionization continuum of helium; in particular, in the vicinity of the doubly excited autoionizing states lying between the N=1and

Fano resonance between Stokes and anti-Stokes Brillouin scattering

In recent years, the manipulation of Fano resonances in the time domain has unlocked deep insights into a broad spectrum of systems' coherent dynamics. Here, inelastic scattering of light with coherent acoustic phonons is harnessed to achieve complex Fano resonances. The sudden change of phonon momentum during reflection leads to a transition from anti-Stokes to Stokes light scattering, producing

Comparative analysis of root growth modules in HYDRUS for SWC of rice under deficit drip irrigation

Root distribution during rice cultivation is a governing factor that considerably affects soil water content (SWC) and root water uptake (RWU). In this study, the effects of activating root growth (using growth function) and assigning a constant average root depth (no growth during simulation) on SWC and RWU for rice cultivation under four deficit drip irrigation treatments (T90, T80, T70, and T60

SARS-CoV-2 in aerosol particles exhaled from COVID-19 infected patients during breathing, talking and singing

In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, several super spreader events occurred during singing in choirs, which lead to an increased attention to airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19. Since then, aerosol generation from singing has been studied in more detail, however, only from healthy subjects. In this study, we collected aerosol particles in the exhaled breath of 40

Theorising sexual harassment and criminalisation in a Swedish context

This article offers a theoretical approach to criminalisation in relation to sexual harassment, using Sweden as example. The topic is spurred by two separate but interrelated phenomena. The first is the #metoo movement, which raised not only awareness of the widespread problem of sexual harassment, but also questions as to whether criminal law can provide a proper response. The second is a growing