Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar
Shears band in the Sn-105 nucleus
The structure of Sn-105 has been investigated through the Cr-50(Ni-58, 2pn) reaction at a beam energy of 210 MeV. In addition to an extension of the spherical level scheme, a regular sequence of dipole transitions has been found. The experimental results are in agreement with the prediction of Tilted Axis Cranking calculations, which satisfactorily explain the properties of the band.
Latent Trait Models of Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Quest Religious Orientations
Allports and Ross (1967) Intrinsic and Extrinsic scales and Batsons and Schoenrades (1991b) Quest scale are re-analyzed from a unidimensional perspective by using the Rasch measurement model (RM). The RM of choice, Rating scale analysis, offers an alternative scaling procedure to Factor analysis. The benefit by using RM, is that the results can be interpreted as an acquired step-by-step process. T
Gestational Islet Autoimmunity, Infections, and Type 1 Diabetes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förekomsten av typ 1 (insulinberoende) diabetes före 15 års ålder har ökat under de senaste åren (Fig. 1) och barnen är allt yngre vid insjuknandet. Sjukdomen anses vara autoimmun, vilket innebär att kroppens eget immunförsvar angriper de insulinproducerande ?-cellerna i bukspottkörteln. En ärftlig benägenhet, som fr.a. är kopplad till s.k. vävnadsantigen på cellerna, mThe intention of this thesis was to investigate autoimmune markers for type 1 diabetes, together with signs of enterovirus infections during the pre- and perinatal period of life, and their possible association with the development of diabetes during childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. We found that: 1. Newborns with ABO immunization, linked in epidemiological studies with heightened diab
Historia genom linsen
The importance of pictures and images when history is analysed.
Vikingatida och medeltida gårdslämningar i Säby. En arkeologisk slutundersökning inför byggandet av Västkustbanan
Nonlinear electric response of polyampholytes
The behavior of polyampholytes (PAs) in electric fields is investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. In bulk it is found that the response of the PA depends on the charge sequence. For small repeating units of positive and negative charges the response is linear, while bigger units results in a nonlinear response in both the induced dipole moment and the resulting polymer conformation. This is refl
Analysis of polymer grafted inside the porous hydrogel using confocal laser scanning microscopy
Graft polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate onto the pore surface of polyacrylamide macroporous gel was implemented in DMSO-aqueous solution using diperiodatocuprate(III) complexes as an initiator. The grafting densities up to 410% were achieved. The graft polymerization was confirmed by gravimetrical methods and FTIR. The graft polymerization of polymer inside the pores of the macroporous gel r
Genetic Interactions in Eae2 Control Collagen-Induced Arthritis and the CD4+/CD8+ T Cell Ratio.
The Eae2 locus on mouse chromosome 15 controls the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE); however, in this study we show that it also controls collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). To find the smallest disease-controlling locus/loci within Eae2, we have studied development of CIA in 676 mice from a partially advanced intercross. Eae2 congenic mice were bred with mice congenic
No difference in body weight decrease between a low-glycemic-index and a high-glycemic-index diet but reduced LDL cholesterol after 10-wk ad libitum intake of the low-glycemic-index diet
Background: The role of glycemic index (GI) in appetite and body-weight regulation is still not clear. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the long-term effects of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet with either low glycemic index (LGI) or high glycemic index (HGI) on ad libitum energy intake, body weight, and composition, as well as on risk factors for type 2 diabetes and isc
p53 mutation and cyclin D1 amplification correlate with cisplatin sensitivity in xenografted human squamous cell carcinomas from head and neck.
Mass Transfer from Sediment Treated with Chemicals
Proteomic analysis of striatal proteins in the rat model of l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia.
L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) is among the motor complications that arise in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients after a prolonged treatment with L-DOPA. To this day, transcriptome analysis has been performed in a rat model of LID [Neurobiol. Dis., 17 (2004), 219] but information regarding the proteome is still lacking. In the present study, we investigated the changes occurring at the protein lev
Coupled cluster calculations of interaction energies in benzene-fluorobenzene van der Waals complexes
Benzene-fluorobenzene complexes are used as model systems to simulate the interactions of the SBB-HCAII protein-ligand complex. Using the second-order Moller-Plesset [MP2] and the coupled cluster singles and doubles including connected triple excitations models recently implemented with Cholesky decompositions we evaluate accurate interaction energies for several benzene-fluorobenzene van der Waal
Is the prevention of genital chlamydial infections by community involvement possible?
Linear Transmitter Design Using Nonlinear Analog Circuits
This dissertation deals with analog techniques at both the architecture and circuit design levels for designing power efficient linear radio-frequency (RF) transmitters. The use of nonlinear analog integrated circuits to implement certain critical signal processing functions for the multiplicative feedback and LINC techniques is investigated with the aim of improving the system performance in term
The Meta-Contrast Technique: relationships with personality traits and cognitive abilities in healthy women.
The relationship between test results from the Meta-Contrast Technique (MCT) and self-reports from Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP), or the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T), was investigated in 100 healthy women. Additionally, it was investigated whether age and cognitive abilities influenced the reports of picture recognition thresholds in the MCT. The results showed no agreement betw
Analytic contractions, nontangential limits, and the index of invariant subspaces
Let H be a Hilbert space of analytic functions on the open unit disc D such that the operator M. of multiplication with the identity function. defines a contraction operator. In terms of the reproducing kernel for H we will characterize the largest set Delta(H) subset of partial derivative D such that for each f, g is an element of H, g not equal 0 the meromorphic function f/g has nontangential li
Size-selectivity of the glomerular barrier to high molecular weight proteins: upper size limitations of shunt pathways
To evaluate the large pore radius of the glomerular capillary filter, plasma-to-urine fractional clearances of a number of endogenous proteins were assessed in normal and in nephrotic Wistar rats in which proximal tubular reabsorption had been inhibited using lysine. The proteins studied varied in radius from 16.2 A (Beta 2-microglobulin) to 90 A (alpha 2-macroglobulin). The nephrotic syndrome was