

Din sökning på "*" gav 531251 sökträffar

NATO -En studie av förhållandet mellan NATO:s policy och teorin om rättfärdigat krig

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur NATO:s policydokument förhåller sig till jus ad bellum som det formuleras i teorin om rättfärdigat krig. Då den moderna folkrätten inte verkar ta upp alla krigsföring som förs idag har de teologisk- etiska argumenten kommit tillbaka. Detta har lett till att den här uppsatsen är utformad som den är. Utifrån kartläggningen av det empiriska materialet

Den moderna samhällsordningens problem - Hobbes, Smith och Modern social imaginaries

In this thesis a problem in modern social order and the problem of the order are discussed. The aim of the thesis is to present a well-founded hypothesis regarding a problem in the modern society, by answering the question ”In which situation does the problem of the order remain unsolvable?” The problem of the order incorporates the difficulty in getting a large number of individuals to co-operate

Det ömsesidiga utbytet - en studie om motiv och drivkrafter bakom frivilligt socialt arbete

More than half of the swedish population is engaged in voluntary work and about 600 million hours are spent each year in various kinds of non-profit work. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively investigate the motives and incitements for commitment to voluntary work. The main question in this essay regards why people are involved in voluntary work. What are the motives and incitements for t

I jakten på rättvisa

In northern Uganda, a war between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and governmnet troops has raged for more than twenty years. In this conflict, the civilian population has been made a target and subjected to mass scale torture, mutilation and murder. Almost two million people have been forced to flee their homes to reside in government protected camps for Internally Displaced Persons. In these ca

INGO:s växande roll i fredsbyggnadsprocessen: En empiriskt grundad utvärdering av Jonathan Goodhands teori

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the growing participation of international non-governmental organisations (INGO) in peace-building operations and if their growing participation can be combined with their non-party mandate in conflict areas. The discussion is based on Jonathan Goodhand’s theory which is a critique of the minimalist and maximalist strategies. Firstly, the intention is to ana

Framing the Pains of Others: A Peace Journalistic Perspective on How the News Media Constructs Compassion and Understanding for the Suffering of the Other

This paper investigates how compassion with and understanding for the suffering of the other is constructed by the media and why certain choices are made with respect to coverage and framing. Articles published in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter in relation to three different cases that all take place in Haiti have been surveyed by using quantitative content analysis and qualitative textual a

”Jag mår oftast bra…” En kvantitativ studie om gymnasieungdomars psykiska hälsa och deras syn på skolans elevhälsa

This study aimed to review the mental health of adolescents, their view on their own mental health and their view on the quality of the physical and mental healthcare provided by their school. The basis of this study was a survey of pupils (n = 65) in a high school in Helsingborg. The KASAM theory by Anton Antonvsky was used to analyze the survey answers. This analysis showed that the participatin

Trade Liberalization and Tax Reforms in Cape Verde

When a country liberalizes trade through lowering taxes on imports, it stands before a number of challenges. Recovering lost trade tax revenue is one of them. Cape Verde is one of the countries that are currently negotiating an Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU and studies predict that the tariff reductions resulting from the agreement may have a severe impact on Cape Verde’s government r