

Din sökning på "*" gav 531190 sökträffar

Temporality of Public Art : its Evocative Function of Space and Time in Everyday Life

Starting with an awareness of plain public art which is permanently installed, I begin to pay attention to temporality. As the term “public art” itself carries mutually conflicting concepts, previous researches have mainly focused on issues like “political aestheticization” and “privatization of public space” in terms of development and democracy. From a more socio-aesthetic viewpoint, this thesis

Development Concept for Timber Truck

The project “ETT-Modular system for timber transport” investigates the possibilities of making logging shipments more effective, decrease their fuel consumption and road wear without compromising traffic safety. As part of this project a timber vehi-cle, the ETT-vehicle, that pulls four piles of timber, is 30 metres long, and has a gross combination weight of 90 tons, is tested on a distance betwe

Content Management i praktiken

I takt med att organisationer växer hanterar de mer och mer information vilket innebär ett behov av en process, även kallad content life-cycle processen, för att samla in, hantera och publicera information på intranätet. Vidare hjälper content life-cycle processen organisationen att anpassa det man har, med det som anställda vill ha, så att organisationen kan leverera rätt information till rätt p

Social Capital among Farmer Association members and non-members - a field study on inter- and intragroup trust in rural Mozambique

Farmer associations are suggested a good tool to increase rural income and strengthen social ties among small-scale farmers. Strong social bonds can in turn generate social capital which is identified to matter significantly for development outcomes and poverty alleviation. Not much research has been devoted to how the formation of a farmer association affects group dynamics and social capital be

Anställningsbarhet i teori och praktik

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att diskutera anställningsbarhet. Anställningsbarhet är ett begrepp som förknippas med högre utbildning och som i samband med Bolognaprocessen har fått förnyad popularitet. Sveriges beslut om en ny utbildnings- och examensstruktur (2007) har tvingat många utbildningsinstitutioner att revidera sina kursplaner och i det arbetet har anställningsbarhet blivit en viktig

Constructing Maastricht’s Third ‘C’: A Study of the Ideational Causality of Policy Coherence for Development in the EU

This thesis examines the evolution of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) in the EU. The overarching purpose is to give an example of ideational causation in the EU, and concretely, to illustrate how a norm can cause changes to policy and to policymaking. It is argued that the PCD concept is essentially a norm, because it provides a guideline for how to prioritize between differing and often co

An exploration of notions of “the real” ignited by three photographs from the New Mothers-series by Rineke Dijkstra

This thesis provides an analysis of three photographs from the New Mothers-series by Rineke Dijkstra, which serve as a point of entry for a discussion on how the maelstrom of visual expressions surrounding the contemporary subject is transforming his/her experience of what is real in relation to visual expressions. In the exploration, the concept of “the real” is examined in its construction and a

Transparent Regional Integration - A Study of the WTO Surveillance of Regional Trade Agreements

This study is an assessment of the functioning of the three year old Transparency Mechanism. The mechanism has a surveiling role in the WTO of the Regional Trade Agreements (RTA). Formation of RTAs has been increasing rapidly during the latest twenty years, causing a tension in the multilateral trading system. RTAs give more preferable treatment to parties within the agreement than to trading part

"Men du är ju svensk!" Vuxna utlandsadopterades erfarenheter av rasism och särbehandling.

Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka om och på vilka sätt vuxna utlandsadopterade erfar rasism och särbehandling på grund av deras utomeuropeiska utseende, samt hur deras adoptivföräldrar har talat om och hanterat deras kroppsliga annanhet i relation till, och frågor rörande rasism och diskriminering. Undersökningen utgår ifrån en litteraturstudie och fyra intervjuer med vuxna adopterade. En t

Micro and Small Enterprise Development in Bolivia, Seeking Opportunities

During the last three decades, there has been a growing interest in the role of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) as engines of economic development and pro-poor growth. In Bolivia, MSEs are the main source of employment but have alarmingly low levels of productivity. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to seek for an explanation of the relevance of MSEs´ growth in the Bolivian context as we

Trajectories of academic mobility: a qualitative study from a global perspective

Background: The literature reviewed in the context of this master’ programme frequently refers to the enormous and increasing flows of people in the global era (Dicken, 2007; Lechner, 2004; Yeates, 2008); consequently, these flows have different directions and motives and represent diverse types of migration and migrants. As a result, the pivotal point here is the specificity of scientific migrati

Jag kan ju ringa upp Ilmar Reepalu om jag behöver

Vem lyssnar politiker egentligen på? Det finns ett mycket ambitiöst mål för Öresundsregionen – att regionen ska bli den främsta i Europa. För att man ska lyckas med det krävs att medborgare och näringsliv kan påverka och samtala med politiker. Vi har valt att fokusera på hur näringslivets påverkan av beslutsprocesser ser ut eftersom tidigare forskning har visat att varken medborgare eller politike

Makten över livet. En foucauldiansk läsning av folkhemmet.

Detta arbete syftar till att studera diskursen kring folkhemmet genom att ta avstamp i Foucaults teorier om biopolitiken. Genom att formulera dessa teorier som ett konkret analysverktyg ämnar arbetet studera hur den sociala politiken kan förstås som en specifik form av maktutövning. Det huvudsakliga fokuset kommer att ligga på utsagoplanet. Arbetet kommer att visa hur representationen av den socia

När informationsteknologin fann den lokala demokratin - en kartläggning av uppkomsten av Malmöinitiativet och Malmöpanelen

In this master's thesis I analyse how partially changing ideas and procedures regarding democracy can be incorporated into local politics. I argue that you can see a development of a democracy policy field, democracy politics, in Sweden, where politicians introduce initiatives with the aim of involving citizens in decision-making processes. I have chosen to conduct a case study on the city of

The Disciplinary Power of the European Court of Justice

Abstract To consider judicial institutions free from any form of political capability is to ignore theories such as judicialization which have described the process and/or ability to secure political needs through judicial procedures. Judicial institutions can thus be regarded as having both judicial and political power. This power can be described through the concept of discipline, which entail

På spaning efter den tid som förestår

The biopolitical agenda hosts some of the most heated debates in the current political situation. Despite the fact that it is a field of growing relevance for society, few have heard of the ideologies and idéas that constitute biopolitics. This might be explained by the insight that biopolitics is still breaking relatively new political ground. As we slowly progress towards the future, the import

NATO -En studie av förhållandet mellan NATO:s policy och teorin om rättfärdigat krig

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur NATO:s policydokument förhåller sig till jus ad bellum som det formuleras i teorin om rättfärdigat krig. Då den moderna folkrätten inte verkar ta upp alla krigsföring som förs idag har de teologisk- etiska argumenten kommit tillbaka. Detta har lett till att den här uppsatsen är utformad som den är. Utifrån kartläggningen av det empiriska materialet

Den moderna samhällsordningens problem - Hobbes, Smith och Modern social imaginaries

In this thesis a problem in modern social order and the problem of the order are discussed. The aim of the thesis is to present a well-founded hypothesis regarding a problem in the modern society, by answering the question ”In which situation does the problem of the order remain unsolvable?” The problem of the order incorporates the difficulty in getting a large number of individuals to co-operate

Det ömsesidiga utbytet - en studie om motiv och drivkrafter bakom frivilligt socialt arbete

More than half of the swedish population is engaged in voluntary work and about 600 million hours are spent each year in various kinds of non-profit work. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively investigate the motives and incitements for commitment to voluntary work. The main question in this essay regards why people are involved in voluntary work. What are the motives and incitements for t