

Din sökning på "*" gav 531196 sökträffar

Grön upphandling: FN, WTO och EU

Hållbar eller grön upphandling har vuxit fram som ett instrument bland andra för att påverka miljön i positiv riktning. Upphandling är ett komplicerat styrmedel där många intressen måste balanseras för att ekonomisk effektiv ska kunna uppnås. Uppsatsen beskriver vad som händer när detta instrument möter regelverken och den politiska miljön i WTO, EU och FN. Uppsatsens inledande del behandlar uppSustainable or green procurement has grown as one policy instrument among others to affect the environment in a positive way. Sustainable procurement is a complex instrument - many interests must be balanced in order for it to be effective in an economic way. This essay describes what happens when this policy instrument meets the legal and political environment of the WTO, the EU and the UN. The f

Konstpedagogernas nya identitet : en analys av Kultur Skånes nya uppdrag för kulturpedagogik

The cultural board of region Skåne decided fall of 2008 to reorganize the fundings of the cultural pedagogy. What the reorganization implicates is that the everyday practice of the pedagogues will not be paid for by the region, and instead the pedagogues will focus on capacity building and competence maintaining towards all of those who work pedagogically with children. They will work in five diff

Green Identity: Visual Representations of Ecological Food Products through Their Packages: A case study on the Products by ICA and Coop

Green movement has started in the 1970s and gained popularity in the 1980s. Its expansion continued to grow even more in the 1990s. Today, in 2010, environmental issues are parts of political agenda, and everyday life. It has become a must to consider environmental aspects in design processes. Green design has gained enormous importance as well as green consumption and green marketing over the yea

The Appearance of Colour and Light Elements at Knutpunkten, a Transportation Hub in Helsingborg : observations of the visual impact of some design and architectural elements

This thesis is dedicating to analysis the contribution of Knutpunkten building which is located in Helsingborg southern Sweden with regards to its visual impact role on the society and environment from its visual appearance of the elements of design mainly colour and light element. Different philosophical conceptions of colour and light from different theoretician notion is using as a main empiric

Giving the Toaster Eyes : Applied Anthropomorphism and its Influences on User-Object Relations with Everyday Objects

Anthropomorphism, or the attribution of human characteristics and attributes to nonhuman objects, is evidenced in the design world, especially in product lines by companies such as Alessi and Koziol. As case studies, this thesis investigates Fred Flare’s Inanimates and Jenny Lundgren’s Plasticks, both of which are sheets of stickers that feature cartoonish facial features like eyes and mouths. The

An Analysis of Contemporary Manga Culture in Japan and Sweden with a study of the works of Naoki Urasawa

This thesis is an analysis of contemporary Manga Culture in Japan and Sweden. The objective of the study was to identify the potential and problems for Manga culture and its future in the international market. Also I try to examine the potential of Manga to establish its academic status. This research will be based on the analysis of the transition and features of Manga related with Japanese cultu

As easy as stealing sweets from a child? Investigating land grabbing from orphans in Pallisa, rural Eastern Uganda

The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of land grabbing from orphans by investigating the institutions governing orphans’ land rights. The questions that guided the research dealt with the formal and informal institutions governing orphans’ land rights, the major factors affecting orphans’ land rights, and what constitutes a legitimate claim on land for orphans. The field work

Remittance Sending Behaviour of Internal Migrants in Vietnam: A Mixed Methods Approach

This paper explores the gender differences of remittance sending behaviour of internal migrants in Vietnam. This study emerges from the context of rapid economic growth, feminisation of migration and the real potential of remittances for poverty alleviation. This twofold study investigates the determinants of remittances, and then explores if there are differences in proportions of income remitted

”…against the will of the American people” - En studie i reproducerandet av amerikansk identitet i den mediala debatten om sjukvårdsreformen

Den amerikanska sjukvårdsreformen antogs slutgiltigt den 21 mars 2010. Dess antagande kan ses som historiskt då flera tidigare försök att införa liknande reformer samtliga har misslyckats. Debatten mellan förespråkare och motståndare av reformen har varit intensiv och stundom hätsk. Det är denna debatt som utgör bakgrunden till vår uppsats. Med utgångspunkt i teorier om nationell identitet och ame