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Kursen HAR 410 Revision höstterminen 2004. En kurs då allt stämde
Performance monitoring of PI controllers using a synthetic gradient of a quadratic cost function
The paper shows how a synthetic gradient of a quadratic cost functioncan be used to monitor performance. The method requires a model of theclosed loop system. In the current paper this is obtained from therecommended tuning rule. The tuning rule requires a simple model of theprocess.The method is non-invasive, only closed loopdata from normal operation is used. By monitoring the gradient, informat
John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester
Abstract not available
Amylopectin - Interactions with Lipids and Proteins
Starch is a common ingredient in many products, influencing properties such as viscosity, stability, sensory properties and appearance. These properties and how they change with time in the process called retrogradation are dependent on the structure of starch and its interaction with other components such as lipids and proteins. Lipids, which are present in many starches and products, play an imp
Calcium Responses in the Renal Afferent Arteriole to Angiotensin II and Norepinephrine Stimulation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Njurens funktion är avgörande för att reglera extracellulärvätskans volym och sammansättning. Varje människonjure består av ca en miljon nefron, vilka utgör den minsta funktionella enheten. Via den afferenta arteriolen når blodet ett kapillärnät i nefronet. På grund av ett högt tryck i kapillärnätet filtreras vätska ut och samlas upp i en rund struktur, Bowman´s kapsel,Studies were performed to investigate the influence of the vasoconstrictors angiotensin II (AII) and norepinephrine (NE) on calcium metabolism in smooth muscle cells of afferent arterioles. Fura-2 and image analysis techniques were used to evaluate calcium responses in the proximal and distal parts of afferent arterioles with attached glomeruli. AII and NE increase intracellular calcium concentrat
No title
It has been a long-standing issue in the humanities as to whether history exists in sheer antitheoretical realm or is congenial to study in theoretical way. Recent studies on military history and national security have nevertheless set to an ideational journey bound for substantiate their empirical findings under the framework of “strategic culture”. This article provides a critique on selected li
The prosody of contrastive topics in Southern Swedish
This paper presents a pilot study on the prosodic marking of a contrastive topic in Southern Swedish. A test sentence was elicited in three experimental conditions: initial focus; final focus; contrastive topic (initial word) plus focus (final word). F0 patterns were analysed in recordings of 10 speakers. A majority of the speakers distinguished clearly between the conditions, but speakers employe
Computerised environmental simulation and perceptual evaluation - on the perception of pictures of built environments presented on computer screens
Den svenska arbetarklassens framväxt. En översikt
Expressing ‘confirmation’ in Swedish: the interplay of word and utterance prosody
An exploratory study on the prosodic signaling of ‘confirmation’ in Swedish is presented. Pairs of subjects read short dialogs, constructed around selected target words, in a conversational style. A falling utterance intonation was found on the target word, and the signaling of word prosody (lexical pitch accent) appeared to be, to a certain degree, optional.
Sulfoalkylated and sulfoarylated polysulfones for fuel cell membranes
Har materien charm? Om Psi och andra elementarpartiklar
Genetikens ethos och forskningens värden
Combined Test Data Compression and Abort-on-Fail Test
The increasing test data volume needed for the testing of System-on-Chips (SOCs) leads to high Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) memory requirement and long test application times. Scheduling techniques where testing can be terminated as soon as a fault appears (abort-on-fail) as well as efficient compression schemes to reduce the ATE memory requirement have been proposed separately. Previous test da
EPR Programme Implementation: Institutional and Structural Factors
Democracy and Refugee Policy
Abstract is not available
Naturvetarna satsar 23 miljoner på ny utrustning och modern teknik
U-model Based Adaptive IMC for Nonlinear Dynamic Plants.
A novel technique, involving U-model based IMC (Internal Model Control), is proposed for the adaptive control of nonlinear dynamic plants. The proposed scheme combines the robustness of the IMC and the ability of Neural Networks to identify arbitrary nonlinear functions, with the control-oriented nature of the U-model to achieve adaptive tracking of stable nonlinear plants. The proposed structure
De odödliga. Förhistoriska individer i vetenskap och media
In the discipline of archaeology death has always been a common subject. Graves and dead bodies in different states of decay are important sources of information. This dissertation investigates how our relation to death can be mirrored through some of the better-known individuals from prehistory in Scandinavia. Because of the character of the question at issue I start with three chapters in which