Din sökning på "*" gav 534698 sökträffar
De lindrigaste påföljdsalternativen vid en internationell harmonisering av det straffrättsliga reaktionssystemet. Rapportunderlåtelse, åtalsunderlåtelse, påföljdseftergift etc. som en del av straffsystemen i Norden
Genom det kroppsliga nålsögat, om könstrubbel och queerteoretisk socialpsykologi
A physical bound on high impedance surfaces
A high surface impedance can be achieved in a limited frequency band by using composite structures. Based on the principles of causality, passivity, linearity, and time translational invariance we demonstrate that this bandwidth is bounded by the thickness and magnetic polarizability per unit area of the structure at normal incidence.
The building process as a tool towards an all-inclusive school. A Swedish example focusing on children with defined concentration difficulties such as ADHD, autism and Down’s syndrome
Professionals who take part in the building process have long been concerned with the same environmental factors, e.g. spatial layout, capacity, and function, as well as user demography. Through the knowledge gained on the ways environmental factors affect users of buildings, the need to understand how to handle these factors has grown, due to their influence on the building process. It will be sh
Microstructured reflectors for stationary CPCs for photovoltaics
För många ämnen hämmar humaniora
Reading What You Think You See. Good Enough Representations and Lingering Effects of Error Correction: Evidence from Antonymic Pairs
On studying internal crisis communication: Some initial results
Like a bridge over troubled water: discourses on corporate social responsibility and growth in international business environments
DNA Analysis of PCR-Inhibitory Forensic Samples
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige analyseras omkring 40 000 DNA-prover från brottsplatser varje år. DNA-profilerna jämförs mot DNA-profiler från misstänkta personer och kan på så vis användas för att knyta en person till ett brott. Alla typer av kroppsvävnader kan analyseras, såsom blod, saliv och hudceller. Vanliga bevismaterial är cigarettfimpar, flaskor, burkar och kläder. De material som cDNA evidence, linking perpetrators to crime scenes, is central to many legal proceedings. However, crime scene samples often contain extraneous substances that may interfere with the PCR-based forensic analysis, resulting in partial or negative DNA profiles. Extensive DNA purification may remove inhibitors, but involves the risk of DNA loss. In this work, pre-PCR processing was applied to improve
Design of solar system with high solar fraction in an extremely well insulated house
Inclusive research for inclusive practice. Methodological aspects emanating from a teacher/researcher project in a multicultural school in Sweden.
Identical CSR strategies, different marketing outcomes
Pharmacoepidemiology of Antibiotics, Weak Opioids and Statins with Special Reference to Socioeconomic Aspects - an Ecological Approach
Popular Abstract in Swedish Entusiasmen över de stora landvinningarna inom läkemedelsområdet skuggas av en ökad medvetenhet om läkemedelsrelaterade problem samt av höga och ökande läkemedelskostnader. De bevisade effekterna i rigoröst kontrollerade kliniska prövningar motsvaras inte alltid av en förbättrad hälsa när läkemedlet når större spridning i samhället och sjukligheten bara blir en av mångaThe influence of socioeconomic factors on drug utilisation has been studied by pharmacoepidemiological analyses involving 1) drugs that are used to cure disease, such as antibiotics, 2) drugs that are used to alleviate symptoms, such as weak opioids, and 3) drugs that are used to prevent disease, such as statins. In a large Swedish city (Malmö), the utilisation of four major drug groups (ATC-grou
Uteslutning av delägare i handelsbolag
Detailed investigation of ignition by hot gas jets
Experimental and numerical investigations of the ignition of hydrogen/air mixtures by jets of hot exhaust gases are reported. An experimental realisation of such an ignition process, where a jet of hot exhaust gas impinges through a narrow nozzle into a quiescent hydrogen/air mixture, possibly initiating ignition and combustion, is studied. High-speed laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) image sequenc