

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Laser Diagnostics of HCCI and Partially Premixed Combustion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Undersökningarna som presenteras i avhandlingen behandlar mätning av produkter från och händelser i förbränningsprocessen genom att använda laserbaserade mätmetoder. Ett antal olika körfall, som HCCI och partially premixed combustion (PPC), har undersökts. I de första mätningarna som presenteras jämförs uppmätta flödesfält i cylindern med resultat från CFD och blåsriggThe work presented in this thesis deals with measuring in-cylinder combustion species and events using different laser-based diagnostic methods. A variety of engine operating modes, like HCCI and partially premixed diesel combustion, have been investigated. In the very first measurements, in-cylinder flow-fields were compared to CFD and steady-state blow rig results. After that, the ignition and

Comparison of clinical and physical measures of image quality in chest and pelvis computed radiography at different tube voltages

The aim of this work was to study the dependence of image quality in digital chest and pelvis radiography on tube voltage, and to explore correlations between clinical and physical measures of image quality. The effect on image quality of tube voltage in these two examinations was assessed using two methods. The first method relies on radiologists' observations of images of an anthropomorphic phan

Reduction of RV pacing by continuous optimization of the AV interval

Background: In patients requiring permanent pacing, preservation of intrinsic ventricular activation is preferred whenever possible. The Search AV+ (SAV+) algorithm in Medtronic EnPulse(TM) dual-chamber pacemakers can increase atrioventricular (AV) intervals to 320 ms in patients with intact or intermittent AV conduction. This prospective, multicenter study compared the percentage of ventricular p

A note on the local nilpotence of 4-Engel groups

Recently Havas and Vaughan-Lee proved that 4-Engel groups axe locally nilpotent. Their proof relies on the fact that a certain 4-Engel group T is nilpotent and this they prove using a computer and the Knuth-Bendix algorithm. In this paper we give a short handproof of the nilpotency of T.

Tree-limit ecotonal response to Holocene climate change in the Scandes Mountains of west-central Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under den geologiska period som kallas kvartärtiden (de senaste 2,6 miljoner åren) har flera istider (glacialer) och mellanistider (interglacialer) avlöst varandra enligt ett mönster där glacialerna varar i ungefär 100000 år och mellanistiderna i ca 10000 år. Under istiderna täcktes stora landområden på norra halvklotet, bl.a. Skandinavien, av väldiga inlandsisar. Då deThe aim of this thesis was to reconstruct the Holocene vegetational and climatic development in the Sylarna-Storulvån area, western Jämtland, in the central Scandes Mountains. Temporal trends and fluctuations in the elevation and vegetational character of the tree-limit ecotone were studied mainly by means of pollen and plant macrofossil analysis of two lake sediment sequences (Lakes Stentjärn and

Discriminating Depressive Patients and Patients with Somatoform Disorders by Means of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).

Ninety-eight patients, 56 suffering according to DSM-IV of unipolar depression and 42 of somatoform disorders, were compared on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) total scale, the subscale of Somatic complaints and the Cognitive-affective subscale. A factor analysis performed on the total group revealed five factors used to determine new subscales: Depressed mood, Somatic manifestations, Loss of

Intervju med Jan Troell

Intervju med Jan Troell om hans filmkarriär, berättarteknik och särskilt hans då aktuella film Så vit som en snö

Manorial economy and corvee labour in southern Sweden 1650-1850

This essay is an inquiry into manorial production in Scania. Its growth was dependent on the long-term development of European grain prices. When prices increased landlords were encouraged to put more land under the plough. The estates' main income came, to an increasing extent, from demesne production, which finally dominated the income profile. The peasants' most important contribution to the la

Fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae) from Møre og Romsdal.

Faunistic data on fungus gnats from the county of Møre og Romsdal in Norway are presented and all species known from the county are summarized in a checklist. Treatment of some 23000 specimens, collected with one Malaise trap and one window trap for a whole year each, resulted in the identifi cation of 315 species from a single site at Jordalsgrend, Sunndal municipality. Material from three other

High resolution modelling of atmosphere-canopy exchange of acidifying and eutrophying components and carbon dioxide for European forests

The Integrated Deposition Model (IDEM) was improved by incorporating a novel multilayer biochemical dry deposition module for gases. The aerosol and base cation deposition module was adopted from IDEM. For evaluation of primary and ecosystem productivity, carbon respiration schemes were included. The resulting Framework for Atmosphere- Canopy Exchange Modelling (FACEM) was then evaluated by the ca

Fuktdimensionering av träkonstruktioner : riskanalys

Denna rapport syftar till att anvisa metoder för att beräkna eller bedöma risken för fuktskador, särskilt i träkonstruktioner. I rapporten ingår en allmän orientering i riskanalys, statistiska beräkningar enligt Monte Carlo-metoden samt andra beräkningar av riskfaktorer gällande fukt- och mögelangrepp.

Exposure of infants to budesonide through breast milk of asthmatic mothers

Background: Maintenance treatment with inhaled corticosteroids is often required for asthmatic nursing women. Data on the transfer of inhaled corticosteroids from plasma to breast milk and the subsequent exposure of the breast-feeding infant has been unavailable. Objective: We sought to assess budesonide concentrations in milk and plasma of asthmatic nursing women receiving maintenance treatment w

Taking automatic control into wood ash recycling

In Sweden, extensive research is conducted to find alternative sources of energy that should partly replace the electric power production from nuclear power. With the ambition to create a sustainable system for producing energy, the use of renewable energy is expected to grow further and biofuels are expected to account for a significant part of this increase. However, when biofuels are burned or

A Swedish Perspective on the Prevention of Moisture Problems During the Building's Design Phase

Moisture problems in buildings are increasingly being reported in the mass media in Sweden, often leading to some controversial stories about companies and their building processes. Using building physics and building performance principles during the design stage can often prevent most problems from occurring. One of the big questions is, with all the available knowledge about designing a buildin

Streptococcal cysteine proteinase releases kinins: a novel virulence mechanism

Previous work has indicated a crucial role for the extracellular cysteine proteinase of Streptococcus pyogenes in the pathogenicity and virulence of this important human pathogen. Here we find that the purified streptococcal cysteine proteinase releases biologically active kinins from their purified precursor protein, H-kininogen, in vitro, and from kininogens present in the human plasma, ex vivo.