Din sökning på "*" gav 535966 sökträffar
Initiation of T cell signaling by CD45 segregation at 'close contacts'
It has been proposed that the local segregation of kinases and the tyrosine phosphatase CD45 underpins T cell antigen receptor (TCR) triggering, but how such segregation occurs and whether it can initiate signaling is unclear. Using structural and biophysical analysis, we show that the extracellular region of CD45 is rigid and extends beyond the distance spanned by TCR-ligand complexes, implying t
To Build a Welfare State
Göran Printz-Påhlson
Professor: ”Snabbspår” till svenska fungerar inte
Det verkar som att många politiker nästan hyser en outtalad irritation över att det ska vara så svårt för nyanlända att lära sig svenska. Men det kan vara mycket svårt att lära sig ett nytt språk, och det måste ibland få ta tid – även för inlärare som anstränger sig hårt, skriver Gunlög Josefsson, professor i svenska.
Scandinavian object shift is phonology
The problem addressed in this paper is a case of word order microvariation in Mainland Scandinavian: optional vs. obligatory Object Shift (OS). Following standard assumptions (see Selkirk 1996), weak object pronouns are assumed to be affixal clitics at PF which do not themselves have the status of prosodic words. Since adverbs (including negation), areunsuitable as hosts, weak object pronouns may
Att jämna "Baltens haf" : Baltiska utställningen, fredens hav och den sista sommaren 1914
Driving for successful change processes in healthcare by putting staff at the wheel
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe five salient factors that emerge in two successful change processes in healthcare. Organizational changes in healthcare are often characterized by problems and solutions that have been formulated by higher levels of management. This top-down management approach has not been well received by the professional community. As a result, improvement proc
Recension av Erik Petersson: Sårade soldater. Livet efter stormaktstidens krig
The front and backstage : pupils’ information activities in secondary school
Spatial distribution and occurrence probability of regional new particle formation events in eastern China
In this work, the spatial extent of new particle formation (NPF) events and the relative probability of observing particles originating from different spatial origins around three rural sites in eastern China were investigated using the NanoMap method, using particle number size distribution (PNSD) data and air mass back trajectories. The length of the datasets used were 7, 1.5, and 3 years at rur
Humanitarianism (Sweden)
Finite-size effects in the dynamics of few bosons in a ring potential
We study the temporal evolution of a small number N of ultra-cold bosonic atoms confined in a ring potential. Assuming that initially the system is in a solitary-wave solution of the corresponding mean-field problem, we identify significant differences in the time evolution of the density distribution of the atoms when it instead is evaluated with the many-body Schrödinger equation. Three characte
Social and economic preconditions & repercussions of revitalizing traditional irrigation & irrigation management in Karnataka, India
Den inte så svartvita juridiken
Thorough analysis of unorthodox ABO deletions called by the 1000 Genomes project
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: ABO remains the clinically most important blood group system, but despite earlier extensive research, significant findings are still being made. The vast majority of catalogued ABO null alleles are based on the c.261delG polymorphism. Apart from c.802G>A, other mechanisms for O alleles are rare. While analysing the data set from the 1000 Genomes (1000G) project, we encou
Chapter 3 Electro Dosimetry : Electro-Pulse-Enhanced-Chemo-Therapy In treatment of malignant tumours
Externa elektriska fält som appliceras på biologiska material interagerar direkt med fria elektriska laddningar som elektroner och joner samt jongrupper i större molekyler. De interagerar också med dipoler såsom vatten och inducerar dipoler i molekyler med polariserbara grupper. Cellmembranerna verkar vara det kritiska målet för interaktion som orsakar intra-molekylära övergångar och intermolekylä
Generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell line (CSC-41) from a Parkinson's disease patient carrying a p.G2019S mutation in the LRRK2 gene
The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) p.G2019S mutation is the most common genetic cause of Parkinson's disease (PD). An induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line CSC-41 was generated from a 75-year old patient diagnosed with PD caused by a p.G2019S mutation in LRRK2. Skin fibroblasts were reprogrammed using a non-integrating Sendai virus-based technology to deliver OCT3/4, SOX2, c-MYC and KLF4
Third-trimester conditional reference values for longitudinal fetal growth assessment
Objectives: The aim of this study was to derive longitudinal reference values of fetal growth (estimated fetal weight [EFW] and abdominal circumference [AC]) during the third trimester and to develop coefficients for conditional growth assessment. Patients and Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted involving consecutive singleton pregnancies in a low-risk population for a routine third-
Managing a Century of Debt
This paper provides a consistent series for the Irish national debt since the foundation of the state in 1922. It also provides a continuous series for bond yields over the same period. The paper examines the factors behind the fluctuations in the debt burden over almost a century. The management of the debt burden by the Irish authorities has evolved over time, seeking to minimise both the burden