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Low and High Energy Ion Beams in Nanotechnology
In this thesis, two ways of fabrication of nanometer-sized semiconductor features are presented. Low Energy Ion Implantation (LEII) has been used to create shallow (sub-50 nm) and laterally small (5 m m – 200 nm) features by 10 keV As+ doping of B background doped Si. Surface topography and electrical modification has been characterised using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Capacitance
Collective Excitation Dynamics in Molecular Aggregates
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen är framlagd i ämnet kemisk fysik. Kemisk fysik är ett mycket stort forskningsområde, som innefattar fenomen allt ifrån vibrationer i molekylära bindningar till betydligt större fenomen, som till exempel energi och elektrontransport i den naturliga fotosyntesen. Fotosyntesen är naturens mest betydelsefulla process. Den driver i princip alla växter, sThe aim of this thesis is to study collective excitation dynamics in molecular aggregates. Half of the work presented here is method development and the remainder is application of these methods to several di.erent molecular aggregates. In the first two papers, the pump-probe signal was derived using the Green function approach of the optical response functions and formulated in the Doorway-Window
Modalities of Place: on polarisation and exclusion in concepts of place and site-specific art
Terminal antenna performance measurements in anechoic chamber with fictitious scatters
Regional pånyttfödelse : ekonomi, demokrati och identitet i ett Europa under omvandling : en analys av ett forskningsområde
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The Risk of Relatedness: Governing Kinship in Swedish Transnational Adoption Policy
Sexuallagstiftning förr och nu
Den vandrande gränsen
How Europeans, especially Swedes, have experienced the border towards Asia with emphasis on 16th to 19th century. Illustrations, footnotes.
Integral Quadratic Constraints
Corporate Governance - ägare och direktörer
Ales stenar i nytt ljus. Delprojekt 1 – gravmonument intill skeppsättningen. Arkeologisk forskningsundersökning 2012. Skåne, Ystad kommun, Valleberga socken, Kåseberga 48:29, fornlämning Valleberga 154.
The Arab Volunteers – Reflections on the Radical Flank Effects
Light-Matter Interaction on the Attosecond Timescale
Popular Abstract in Swedish När ljus belyser ett material kan elektroner frigöras via en process som kallas den fotoelektriska effekten. Experiment utförda under slutet av 1800-talet visade att det inte är styrkan på ljuset som avgör om elektroner kan frigöras, det är istället ljusets färg. Rött ljus har en låg frekvens och blått ljus har en hög frekvens, men hur kan denna frekvens spela en så avgAttosecond science refers to physical processes that occur on the natural timescale of electron motion in atomic and molecular systems. Attosecond time resolution can be obtained experimentally through a process called high-order harmonic generation where sharp attosecond pulses are formed in the time domain. Attosecond pulse trains contain many attosecond pulses with a constant pulse-to-pulse s
Las técnicas narrativas de Vargas Llosa
[abstract missing]
Association and Interactions in Protein-Surfactant Systems
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fysikalisk kemi är en gren inom naturvetenskapen som behandlar frågor kring molekylers fysiska och kemiska egenskaper, t.ex. i vilka ämnen molekylerna löser sig, vid vilken temperatur de förgasas eller hur de rör sig. Grundpelarna sägs vara struktur, jämvikt och förändring, d.v.s. hur fördelar sig molekylerna i ett medium och vilka krafter definierar slutresultatet och Aggregation in protein-surfactant systems have been studied with the ambition of reaching a deeper understanding of the balance of the interaction forces involved. A pure system with maximized electrostatic interactions has been used. The approach has been to use a step-wise sample preparation where initially a stoichiometric protein-surfactant salt is precipitated and freeze-dried. Secondly, the
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Intention and task context connected with session in a cultural heritage collection
Disturbance Feedback Techniques for Hydrofoil Craft Using Acceleration Measurements
The paper describes a simple analytical framework to be used when designing control algorithms for systems of specific type - in which the state derivatives go in feedback as accelerometer signals, and the overall controller explicitly exhibits an algebraic disturbance feedback loop. A simplified hydrofoil craft linear model is treated as an example. The method proposed combines all the approaches