

Din sökning på "*" gav 527958 sökträffar

Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. II. Fine structure in odd-A 289Fl

Fifteen correlated α-decay chains starting from the odd-A superheavy nucleus 289Fl were observed following the fusion-evaporation reaction 48Ca+244Pu. The results call for at least two parallel α-decay sequences starting from at least two different states of 289Fl. This implies that close-lying levels in nuclei along these chains have quite different spin-parity assignments. Further, observed α-el

2021 EULAR points to consider to support people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases to participate in healthy and sustainable paid work

Aim As part of its strategic objectives for 2023, EULAR aims to improve the work participation of people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). One strategic initiative focused on the development of overarching points to consider (PtC) to support people with RMDs in healthy and sustainable paid work participation. Methods EULAR's standardised operating procedures were followed. A stee

Discourse Analysis and Discourse Theory

Discourse analysis and discourse theories have become an established way for analyzing the social construction of foreign policy. Despite being a broad tent of approaches, all types of discourse analysis share a common interest in revealing the political ideas, linguistic practices, and social relations that constitute foreign policies from a bottom-up perspective. Having a sophisticated concept o

Temporal trends of 4-Hydroxychlorothalonil in maternal serum samples, 1997-2015

Trender av svampbekämpningsmedlet Klorotalonil i gravidas blod över en 18-årsperiod Bekämpningsmedlet Klorotalonil (CHT) har funnits länge och använts på en mängd olika typer av grönsaker, vilket är förbjudet i Sverige och även Europa idag. Ändå hittades det nyligen i gravida skånska kvinnor och har fortsatt upptäckts i gravida kvinnors blod kontinuerligt under de senaste 18 åren. Sannolikt finnsAgricultural fungicides are extensively used for infestation control, resulting in residues of these compounds in food. Human exposure to environmental contaminants might occur via different routes, such as inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. Exposure to several pesticides has been associated with adverse human health outcomes. Our aim was to assess the stability as well as temporal trends of

Technologies of Decision Support and Proportionality in International Humanitarian Law

What does proportionality reasoning mean for decision support in international humanitarian law (ihl)? We first consider contemporary ihl commentaries on proportionality as an analogue form of decision support through a paradigmatic example. Over time, proportionality in ihl has changed from being a rule-specific space for discretionary decision making to a much broader compromise-seeking within b

Neural Suppression in Odor Recognition Memory

Little is known about the neural basis of lower and higher-order olfactory functions such as odor memory, compared with other sensory systems. The aim of this study was to explore neural networks and correlates associated with three functions: passive smelling (PS), odor encoding (OE) and in particular odor recognition memory (ORM). Twenty-six healthy participants were examined using fMRI conducte

Energy-efficient monitoring system for fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are a requirement for fire safety in every type of building today. The effectiveness of a fire extinguisher is however dependent on it not leaking and keeping the pressure. To assure that this is not the case, maintenance is recommended at regular intervals, by the owners themselves at monthly intervals, and once per year by professionals. This however leaves the fire extinguish

Online optimisation of the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring octupoles

The MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring lattice contains three separate families of octupole magnets. During the lattice design, they served the purpose of minimising the amplitude-dependent tune shift. Ensuring the optimal settings of the octupoles is important in order to achieve the desired machine performance in terms of transverse dynamic acceptance and momentum acceptance. This paper describes the onl

Consumer Trust and Platformised Retail Personalisation

As retail is becoming increasingly digitised in its operation and consumer relationships, much faith is put into automation, prediction and insights drawn from consumer data to shape consumer experiences and expectations. Under the umbrella of data-collection and artificial intelligence (AI), this chapter studies the role of consumer trust in retail personalisation. We draw empirical insights from

The Geras Solutions Cognitive Test for Assessing Cognitive Impairment: Normative Data from a Population-Based Cohort

BackgroundThere is a need for the development of accurate, accessible and efficient screening instruments, focused on early-stage detection of neurocognitive disorders. The Geras Solutions cognitive test (GSCT) has showed potential as a digital screening tool for cognitive impairment but normative data are needed.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to obtain normative data for the GSCT in cognitive

Investigations of immune population subsets in bladder cancer

Trots att cancerforskningen går framåt och att nya behandlingsmetoder ständigt utvecklas finns det fortfarande cancerformer med dålig prognos, som till exempel avancerad urinblåsecancer. Immunterapi, behandling som stärker kroppens eget immunförsvar, har visat sig kunna leda till kraftigt ökad överlevnad men bara en liten andel av alla patienter svarar på behandlingen. Finns det andra sätt att stäThe development of immunotherapeutic drugs has revolutionized cancer treatment and highlighted the immune system’s key role in combating cancer. Although immunotherapy has shown remarkable clinical benefits, treatment efficacy varies and low response rates are reported in several cancer types, including bladder cancer (BC). Although approved immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have demonstrated lo

Så bromsas våldsspiralen i Sverige

Firearm-related violence, which is clearly linked to criminal gangs and networks, continues to increase. Acute and long-term measures must be combined to curb this type of crime, writes Ardavan Khoshnood, who is an associate professor in emergency medicine at Lund University.

Uppvaknandet av den hållbara organisationskulturen

Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ett konsultbolag med en hållbar image kan styra sin organisationskultur genom kommunikation. Vidare blir det teoretiska syftet att bidra till hur kommunikation och konversationer kan användas som metoder för normativ styrning. Metod För att uppnå studiens syfte och kunna svara på frågeställning används en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med abduktiv ansats

Motståndets anatomi

Examensarbetets titel: Motståndets anatomi Seminariedatum: 11 januari 2023 Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Elma Mrso, Hanna Gacic, Lina Nilsson Handledare: Stefan Sveningsson Fem nyckelord: Motstånd, förändring, autonomi, kollegial styrning, linjestyrning Forskningsfråga: Hur upplever de anställda förändringsmotstånd på en institution med både kollegia

Hållbarhetsredovisningens påverkan på investerarens beslutsnytta

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Hållbarhetsredovisningens påverkan på investerarens beslutsnyttat Seminariedatum: 11-01-2023 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i redovisning, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Johanna Neikell, Nora Hansson och Truls Löwenberg Handledare: Micael Jönsson Fem nyckelord: Value relevance, Ohlson-model, ESG, hållbarhetsredovisning och GRI. Forskningsfråga: Är

Sensing China review

Although many of the chapters focus on individual senses, most of them end up demonstrating that no sense works in isolation and that sensation is always social and quite often emotional as well.