Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar
M1 Macrophages Are Predominantly Recruited to the Major Pelvic Ganglion of the Rat Following Cavernous Nerve Injury
Introduction Neurogenic erectile dysfunction is a common sequela of radical prostatectomy. The etiology involves injury to the autonomic cavernous nerves, which arise from the major pelvic ganglion (MPG), and subsequent neuroinflammation, which leads to recruitment of macrophages to the injury site. Currently, two macrophage phenotypes are known: neurotoxic M1 macrophages and neuroprotective M2 ma
Thermal stability and structural changes in bacterial toxins responsible for food poisoning
The staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) are secreted by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and are the most common causative agent in staphylococcal food poisoning. The staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) has been associated with large staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks, but newer identified SEs, like staphylococcal enterotoxin H (SEH) has recently been shown to be present at similar levels as S
Geothermal ecosystems as natural climate change experiments : The ForHot research site in Iceland as a case study
This article describes how natural geothermal soil temperature gradients in Iceland have been used to study terrestrial ecosystem responses to soil warming. The experimental approach was evaluated at three study sites in southern Iceland one grassland site that has been warm for at least 50 years (GO), and another comparable grassland site (GN) and a Sitka spruce plantation (FN) site that have bot
Long-Term Studies of Fungicide Concentrations in Greenhouses. 3. Exposure Risks after Spraying in Greenhouses.
The study presented concerns the dermal exposure risks during harvest work in greenhouses after fungicide application. The contamination of the fungicide vinclozolin on clothes, overalls and gloves, worn during harvest after application was investigated. The fungicide was extracted from the cloth with 1-chlorobutane and finally determined with HPLC. The average amount of fungicide found on the clo
Maintenance of the E.coli dcm Methylation of the CMV Promoter, in Contrast to Hypomethylation of the Recognition Sequence of Transcription Factor NFkB in Transfected GBM Cells
The human cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate early promoter has been extensively used to drive target gene expression in transgenic mammalian cells. DNA methylation of the CMV promoter has been shown to be the reason for a reduced promoter activity and silencing of the target gene. We have established an in vitro model system, in which human brain cancer cells (glioblastoma multiforme, GBM) were tran
A novel m.12908T>a mutation in the mitochondrial ND5 gene in patient with infantile-onset Pompe disease
Pompe disease is a progressive metabolic myopathy caused by deficiency in lysosomal acid α-glucosidase and results in cellular lysosomal and cytoplasmic glycogen accumulation. A wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes exists from hypotonia and severe cardiac hypertrophy in the first few months of life to a milder form with the onset of symptoms in adulthood. The disease is typically due to severe mut
Human Rights, State Security and Burden-Sharing : People or States First?
Computational optimization of the internal cooling passages of a guide vane by a gradient-based algorithm
To keep the spatially averaged temperature and thermal stress of gas turbine blades and guide vanes within a permissible level, the present research concentrates on the optimization of the internal cooling passages in a guide vane. The main purpose is to search for the most optimal sizes, distributions, and shapes of internal cooling channels located in a guide vane. Cylindrical cooling passages a
Modelling of coal-biomass blends gasification and power plant revamp alternatives in Egypt's natural gas sector
Recently, there has been a growing research interest in the co-gasification of biomass with coal to produce syngas and electricity in a sustainable manner. Co-gasification technology do not only decrease potentially the exploitation of a significant amount of conventional coal resources, and thus lower greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, but also boost the overall gasification process efficiency. In
An introduction to the special issue : Ontological securities in world politics
The research community of ontological security scholars is vibrant and wide-ranging, defined by a conceptual core and by the themes through which scholars register their disagreements. In this special issue we have collected some of the work that has been produced or inspired by discussions and meetings during the last few years. The goal is to showcase some of the breadth of insights and possibil
Offentlig utomhusbelysning i Hyllie: Energianvändning och upplevelse
Evolution of the Z-scheme of photosynthesis : a perspective
The concept of the Z-scheme of oxygenic photosynthesis is in all the textbooks. However, its evolution is not. We focus here mainly on some of the history of its biophysical aspects. We have arbitrarily divided here the 1941–2016 period into three sub-periods: (a) Origin of the concept of two light reactions: first hinted at, in 1941, by James Franck and Karl Herzfeld; described and explained, in
Inhibition of Snake Venom Metalloproteinase by β-Lactoglobulin Peptide from Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Colostrum
Bioactive peptide research has experienced considerable therapeutic interest owing to varied physiological functions, efficacy in excretion, and tolerability of peptides. Colostrum is a rich natural source of bioactive peptides with many properties elucidated such as anti-thrombotic, anti-hypertensive, opioid, immunomodulatory, etc. In this study, a variant peptide derived from β-lactoglobulin fro
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Denna artikel återger och diskuterar resultaten från en undersökning av språkförståelsen hos svenska och danska gymnasieungdomar i Öresundsregionen. Problematiseringen av begreppet grannspråk versus främmande språk ur ett pragmatiskt perspektiv fick stor uppmärksamhet i båda länderna och gav upphov till en konferens med samma titel, anordnad på Lunds universitet av Center for Scandinavian Studies Hvor godt forstår den unge generation af danskere og svenskere hinanden?Ikke særlig godt, ifølge en undersøgelse foretaget i Malmø og København i efteråret 2012 og foråret 2013. De unge synes heller ikke at være synderligt optaget af, hvad der foregår lige ovre på den anden side af Sundet, hvilket er tankevækkende i en tid, hvor mulighederne for at bevæge sig mellem nabolandene aldrig har været be
Physiological and psychological consequences of bullying at work
Combustion of selected alternative liquid fuels at oxy-fuel conditions: experiments and modelling
Förbränning är både vår största källa till energi och ett stort hot mot miljön i form av föroreningar och växthusgaser. Ett par av de stora bovarna i sammanhanget är koldioxid och kväveoxider och de stora mängderna av dessa i atmosfären. Där bidrar koldioxid till den globala uppvärmningen i egenskap av växthusgas. Kväveoxider påverkar både miljö och människors hälsa negativt genom att bilda marknäCombustion of fuels is a major source of energy and at the same time a threat to the environment. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are one of the obstacles on the route to cleaner energy. Combining Carbon Capture and Storage-technology (CCS) with use of biofuels lead to a negative net release of CO2 can be achieved. With some CCS-techniques the CO2 is repurposed in the combustion process together wi
Effects of deposition height and width on film cooling
Because natural gas resources continue to be depleted for usage of gas turbines, it becomes important to search for alternate fuels. Coal-derived synthetic fuels contain traces of ash and other contaminants that result in deposition on vane and turbine surfaces. The present research shows a comparison of simulated results with and without a deposition configuration. Film cooling effectiveness dist
Pendulating-a grounded theory explaining patients' behavior shortly after having a leg amputated due to vascular disease
Introduction: Although the group of vascular leg amputated patients constitutes some of the most vulnerable and frail on the orthopedic wards, previous research of amputated patients has focused on patients attending gait training in rehabilitation facilities leaving the patient experience shortly after surgery unexplored. Understanding patients' behavior shortly after amputation could inform heal
The first continuous δ13C record across the Late Silurian Lau Event on Gotland, Sweden
The positive δ13C excursion associated with the Late Silurian Lau Event is recognized globally and is the most prominent carbon isotope excursion of the Phanerozoic. We present new δ13C data (195 samples) and the first continuous carbon isotope stratigraphy across the stratigraphic range of this bioevent based on two drill cores from Gotland, the informal type area for the Lau Event. The positive