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Implementation of Real-Time Facilities in Pascal

A real-time kernel which supports concurrent programming in Pascal is described. It implements semaphores for mutual exclusion and events for other synchronization. The kernel also offers the possibility to program I/O handlers. The kernel is written in Pascal, but relies on a small number of assembly written procedures for process creation, transfer between processes and handling of interrupts. TA real-time kernel which supports concurrent programming in Pascal is described. It implements semaphores for mutual exclusion and events for other synchronization. The kernel also offers the possibility to program I/O handlers. The kernel is written in Pascal, but relies on a small number of assembly written procedures for process creation, transfer between processes and handling of interrupts. T

Rape in the news : On rape genres in Swedish news coverage

ABSTRACT Introduction Methods The lonely pervert rape The sex slavery rape The celebrity rape The suburb rape Conclusion References  Full Article  Figures & data References  Citations Metrics Licensing  PDF ABSTRACT This article deals with narratives of rape in Swedish newspapers between 1990 and 2015. Though perpetuating mThis article deals with narratives of rape in Swedish newspapers between 1990 and 2015. Though perpetuating myths and stereotypes about rape, rapists and rape victims, the main argument is that the narratives of rape in the news are diverse. This diversity is analysed in terms of different genres—narratives of “the lonely pervert”; “the sex slavery rape”; “the celebrity rape”; and “the suburb rape

Kulturforskningar i Tornedalen : Fältarbete och resultat från 1922 års Norrbottensexpedition

In the summer of 1922, fieldwork was conducted in the Tornedalen district of northern Sweden, in the immediate vicinity of the border with Finland. Three young men travelled together through the district on a motorcycle, documenting archaic buildings and villages in words and images. This documentation effort was part of a larger endeavour to survey and collect all the different aspects of what wa

Income distribution and health in Latin America. The interplay between social determinants of health for explaining health inequities

Even though there is persuasive evidence to support the association between income distribution and health, research in the field is still progressing. There are questions, for instance, about the significance of the association in different countries and about the mechanisms linking income distribution and health. Addressing these issues, this doctoral thesis explores the influence of income dist

Robe de Cour at the Swedish Court

The French court dress Le grand habit, worn at many European courts during the 18th century, was introduced in Sweden in the 1740’s by the crown princess Lovisa Ulrika, sister to Fredric II of Prussia. The robe de cour remained the official ceremonial dress for women at the Swedish court until Gustavus III launched the Swedish National Costume in 1778. The four robes de cour preserved in the Royal

En ny social bostadspolitik? Nej, men en bra början.

S-rapporten, ”en ny social bostadspolitik” levererar en bra problemanalys och flera goda målbeskrivningar men deras förslag orkar inte helt i mål, menar Ingemar Bengtsson, Universitetslektor vid Avdelningen för Fastighetsvetenskap, Lunds Universitet. Ingemar Bengtsson ifrågasätter gruppens allmänna strävan att samhället ska öka den samlade bostadskonsumtionen och efterlyser i följande kommentar me

Processes governing the drinking water microbiome

AbstractSafe drinking water is far from sterile and can contain 10^3-10^5 bacteria/mL. This water microbiome can be altered through various treatment processes in the drinking water treatment plant (DWTP), particularity when it comes in contact with biofilms. Biofilms cover surfaces in the drinking water systems and contain diverse bacterial communities that interact with the water. In this thesis

Successful thrombolysis of an occluded modified Blalock shunt three days after operation

A 10-day-old boy with pulmonary atresia received a right-sided aortopulmonary polytetrafluoroethylene shunt. Three days after the operation he became cyanotic and was reintubated. Shunt occlusion was confirmed with angiography. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator was given locally into the proximal end of the shunt. The thrombus was completely resolved after 2 days. When administration of rec

Enlargement of the right ventricular outflow tract and the pulmonary artery with a new biodegradable patch in transannular position

Absorbable, nonwoven patches made from polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) were implanted as transannular patches into the right ventricular outflow tract and pulmonary artery in 13 weanling sheep, the test group. Six sheep, in which a transannular Dacron patch was implanted, served as control group. The test and the control patches were harvested 3-24 months later. The results were documented macroscopical

Prevention of postoperative pericardial adhesions by closure of the pericardium with absorbable polymer patches. An experimental study

Pericardial adhesions after cardiac operations are a widely known phenomenon. They may severely complicate reoperations, making reentry hazardous, increasing bleeding, and prolonging the operation time. The anatomic orientation and visibility of both bypass grafts and coronary arteries are also impaired. With the aim of minimizing pericardial adhesions after cardiac operations, we studied the cour

First-hand experiences of body and movements in autism

Aims:To explore young adults´ own experiences about body and movements.Method: Eleven young adults (15-22 years) with autism were interviewed face-to-face, with picture support available.Results:The results are preliminary, pointing towards the importance of assessing movement quality in persons with autism.

Identification of Global Noise in a Boiling Water Reactor by Means of Spectral and Parametric Methods

Spectral analysis as well as parametric identification techniques have been applied to data from boiling water reactor noise measurements to estimate the process dynamics. Three different parametric model structures were tried. Least squares and maximum likelihood methods were tried to estimate the parameters of the models. Low order models were obtained in most cases.The results show the difficul

Rökfrihet vid kirurgiska ingrepp. Rökstopp minskar komplikationsrisken drastiskt

Rökare drabbas oftare av post­­operativa komplikationer än icke-rökare. Framför allt inom sår­läk­nings­­området är dokumentationen omfattande. Detta gäller även efter mindre rutiningrepp som bråckoperation eller ­appendektomi. De studier som undersökt snus har inte påvisat någon ökad risk för postoperativa komplikationer hos snusare. Intensivt rökstoppsprogram på 4–8 veckor inför operation medför

Effect of preoperative smoking cessation interventions on postoperative complications and smoking cessation

Background: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of preoperative smoking cessation interventions on postoperative complications and smoking cessation itself. Methods: Relevant databases were searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of preoperative smoking cessation interventions. Trial inclusion, risk of bias assessment and data extraction were performed by two authors. Risk rat