

Din sökning på "*" gav 534121 sökträffar

Approaches to Modeling of Recrystallization

Control of the material microstructure in terms of the grain size is a key component in tailoring material properties of metals and alloys and in creating functionally graded materials. To exert this control, reliable and efficient modeling and simulation of the recrystallization process whereby the grain size evolves is vital. The present contribution is a review paper, summarizing the current st

SSF of steam-pretreated wheat straw with the addition of saccharified or fermented wheat meal in integrated bioethanol production

Background: Integration of second-generation (2G) bioethanol production with existing first-generation (1G) production may facilitate commercial production of ethanol from cellulosic material. Since 2G hydrolysates have a low sugar concentration and 1G streams often have to be diluted prior to fermentation, mixing of streams is beneficial. Improved ethanol concentrations in the 2G production proce

Low frequency of extra-pair paternity in Savi's Warblers (Locustella luscinioides)

Although the frequency of extra-pair paternity (EPP) has been described for many species, the relative importance of the various contemporary and historical factors explaining EPP variation is still the subject of debate. In this study, we found 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides), and used eight loci to analyze the paternity of 392 nestlings belongin

Hip and Spine in Cerebral Palsy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cerebral Pares (CP) är en övergripande benämning på ett rörelsehinder som orsakas av en skada som inträffat i en omogen hjärna. Graden av rörelsehinder varierar. Det föds cirka 200 barn årligen i Sverige med CP. Hög muskelspänning i kombination med muskelförsvagning och svårigheter att ändra ställning kan leda till att höften går ur led (höftledsluxation) och att ryggenAbstract Background: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have an increased risk of scoliosis, contractures including windswept hip deformity (WS), and hip dislocation. In 1994, a follow-up program and registry for children and adolescents with CP (CPUP) was initiated in Sweden to allow the early detection and prevention of hip dislocations and other musculoskeletal deformities. Purpose: To analyze t

Functional analyses of complement convertases using c3 and c5-depleted sera.

C3 and C5 convertases are central stages of the complement cascade since they converge the different initiation pathways, augment complement activation by an amplification loop and lead to a common terminal pathway resulting in the formation of the membrane attack complex. Several complement inhibitors attenuate convertase formation and/or accelerate dissociation of convertase complexes. Functiona

Modelling Allelic and DNA Copy Number Variations using Continuous-index Hidden Markov Models

Popular Abstract in Swedish DNA i form av kromosomer finns i cellerna och innehåller information som styr flertalet av kroppens funktioner. Människor har vanligtvis 23 par kromosomer, där den ena kromosomen i ett par härstammar från personens mamma och den andra från dess pappa. DNA ser ut som en vriden stege där stegpinnarna består av nukleotidbaspar. I cancerceller kan det finnas bitar av kromIn human cells there are usually two copies of each chromosome, but in cancer cells abnormalities could exist. The differences consist of segments of chromosomes with an altered number of copies. There can be deletions as well as amplifications and the lengths of the segments can also vary. Localising the deviant regions is of great importance for increasing the knowledge of the disease. In this t

Fine mapping and conditional analysis identify a new mutation in the autoimmunity susceptibility gene BLK that leads to reduced half-life of the BLK protein

Objectives To perform fine mapping of the autoimmunity susceptibility gene BLK and identify functional variants involved in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods Genotyping of 1163 European SLE patients and 1482 controls and imputation were performed covering the BLK gene with 158 single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Logistic regression analysis was done using PLINK and conditional analyses usin

Upregulated levels of human β-defensins in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis after allergen-specific immunotherapy treatment.

BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are important actors in the innate immune system. One class of AMPs is the human β-defensins (HBDs), a group of small peptides with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities. Expression of HBDs is downregulated in different manifestations of allergic disease. In this study, we examine whether allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) affects the nasal leve

Origin of the Kleva Ni-Cu sulphide mineralisation in Småland, southeast Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish För cirka 1,8 miljarder år sedan, medan Skandinaviens urberg var under uppbyggnad, kristalliserade en järnrik magma till ett mörkt bergartskomplex av bergarterna gabbro och diorit. Denna magma hade bildats genom delvis uppsmältning av manteln under den dåvarande kontinentkanten, transporterats flera tiotals kilometer uppåt genom sprickor i jordskorpan och på vägen upp dThe Kleva Ni-Cu sulphide deposit is situated within a gabbro-diorite intrusive complex in southeast Sweden. The basement north of the intrusive complex is dominated by 1.81–1.77 Ga granites of the Palaeoproterozoic Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB). Slightly older (1.83–1.82 Ga) rocks of the Oskarshamn Jönköping Belt, which hosts numerous syngenetic and epigenetic base metal mineralisations, oc

Aspects of sepsis/SIRS - An experimental study on fluid therapy, vitamin C and plasma volume in increased permeability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodcirkulationens uppgift är att förse kroppens vävnader med näringsämnen, vätska och syre, samt att transportera bort slaggprodukter från energiomsättningen. Hörnstenen i detta utbyte mellan vävnader och cirkulation är kapillärerna, kroppens minsta och tunnaste blodkärl, som består av ett enda lager sammanhängande celler. Mellanrummen mellan cellerna är mer eller mindIn sepsis, after major surgery or severe trauma, the human body may suffer from various degrees of generalized inflammation, a syndrome called Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). One feature of SIRS is increased capillary permeability, caused by disruption of the capillary endothelium due to e.g. bacterial toxins, cytokines, pro-inflammatory hormones and free oxygen radicals. This will

Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Signaling Favors a Protumorigenic State in Breast Cancer Cells by Inhibiting the Adaptive Immune Response

Using transgenic mouse models of breast cancer that ablate Src homology and collagen A ( ShcA) expression or oncogene-coupled ShcA signaling, we previously showed that this adaptor is critical for mammary tumor onset and progression. We now provide the first evidence that ShcA regulates mammary tumorigenesis, in part, through its ability to regulate the adaptive immune response. Inactivation of Sh

Verktyg för optimering av byggtorkning

För att bättre kunna kostnadsoptimera byggtorkningar har ett optimeringsverktyg innefattande ett antal olika beräknings och bedömningsparametrar tagits fram. Byggtorkning innefattar stora kostnader för energi, provisorier och kontroller. Vid misslyckade byggtorkningar adderas det ytterligare kostnader via fuktskador samt ökade omkostnader på grund av byggtorkningar som drar ut på tiden. Alternativ

Presynaptic mechanisms in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia

This study has investigated the impact of presynaptic factors on the development of dyskinesia during chronic L-DOPA treatment in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The mechanisms causing dyskinesia are not completely understood but have been proposed to involve changes in gene and protein expression in striatal neurons, which are the main target of dopamine (DA) projections from the substan

Universal Burdens : Stories of (Un)Freedom from the Unitarian Universalist Association, The MOVE Organization, and Taqwacore

Popular Abstract in English Universal Burdens There are Zen students who are in chains when they go to a teacher, and the teacher adds another chain. The students are delighted, unable to discern one thing from another. This is called 'a guest looking at a guest.' -Linji What do Zen master Linji, Muslim scholar ‘Abbād ibn Sulaymān, and Comanche thinker Parra-Wa-Samen have in common? Among manyZen Buddhists have long given the following advice to attain liberation: “Eat when you’re hungry. Sleep when you’re tired.” In other words: “Freedom” is the “knowledge of necessity” (Hegel, Marx, and Engels). Early Islamic communities dealt with the challenge of internal warfare and tyranny and concluded that, “sixty years of tyranny is better than one day’s anarchy.” In other words, the worst-cas

Performance-based contracting in service supply chains: a service provider risk perspective

Purpose – The performance of service supply chains in terms of service levels and cost efficiency depends not only on the effort of service providers but also on the inputs of sub-contractors and the customer. In this sense, performance-based contracting (PBC) entails increased financial risk for providers. Allocating and managing risk through contractual relationships along the service supply cha

Competitive Semantic Memory Retrieval: Temporal Dynamics Revealed by Event-Related Potentials

Memories compete for retrieval when they are related to a common retrieval cue. Previous research has shown that retrieval of a target memory may lead to subsequent retrievalinduced forgetting (RIF) of currently irrelevant competing memories. In the present study, we investigated the time course of competitive semantic retrieval and examined the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying RIF. We contras