

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Institutionalisation of corporate social responsibilities: synergies between the practices of leading multinational enterprises and human rights law/policy

The study accounts for recent developments in corporate voluntarism and assesses the evolving corporate social responsibility (CSR) regime. CSR proposes a new norm for how large businesses should approach complexity in a modern economy. The first chapter anchors the CSR discussion in a company law and corporate governance context. Emphasis is placed on managerial duties and the British Review of C

Mellan handläggare och administratör - Om Försäkringskassans personliga handläggare och yrkesrollens svåra balans

The personal administrative officer (personlig handläggare) is a new professional role that recently has been introduced by the Swedish National Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan). This report concerns how this professional role is interpreted – covering both the official definition of the National Social Insurance Agency and the individual interpretations of the administrative officers w

Automatic Calibration Procedure for a Robotic Manipulator Force Observer

In this paper, we propose a method for selfcalibration of a robotic manipulator force observer, which fuses information from force sensors and accelerometers in order to estimate the contact force exerted by a manipulator to its environment, by means of active motion. In robotic operation, during contact transition accelerometers and force sensors play a very important role and serve to overcome m

An approximate analysis of load balancing using stale state information for servers in parallel

That a load balancing strategy using stale information care lessly will incur system performance degradation is easy to verify. However it is not so obvious that routing a customer to the expected shortest queue has the same problem when information for decision is stale. We consider a queueing system with a load balancer and a pool of identical FCFS queues in parallel. The arrival process is assu

Biological removal of chlorinated organic compounds from kraft bleaching plant effluent

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid blekning av pappersmassa använd i många fall klorinnehållander blekkemikalier. Detta resulterar bildandet av olika klororganiska föreningar som hamnar i avloppsvattnet. Många klororganiska föreningar är giftiga och skadliga för miljön. För att minska utsläppen av dessa föreningar kan avloppsvattnet renas innan det släpps ut. I detta doktorsarbetet har nedbrytningen The microbial decomposition of chlorinated organic compounds in kraft bleaching plant effluent (KBPE) was studied. An aerobic bacterium, Strain TCA1, able to grow on trichloroacetic acid as the sole source of energy and carbon was isolated and characterized. Cultivations of Strain TCA1 and another bacterium, Strain DCA1, on acetic acid and its chlorinated analogues mono-, di-, and trichloroacetic