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"Utan pass och pengar står vi på ett torg" - Den 37:e Fysikolympiaden avgjordes under juli 2006 i Singapore
On covering radius of convolutional codes
We consider a problem of calculating covering capabilities for convolutional codes. An upper bound on covering radius for convolutional code is obtained by random coding arguments. The estimates on covering radius for some codes with small constraint length are presented.
Prefererade luminansförhållanden mellan arbetsljus och omfältsljus med olika spektral ljusfördelning (LED-ljus vs. lysrörsljus)
How do regions diversify over time? Industry relatedness and the development of new growth paths in regions
Skräp i luften - bra för klimatet - Aeorsolpartiklarnas roll för miljön utforskas på Söderåsen
International Integration, Market Structure and Prices
Advancing Women Agency in Transitional Justice
This paper contributes to an on-going conversation among scholars engaged in the critical peacebuilding research regarding the issue of agency by highlighting the central yet often neglected role of women agency in transitional justice processes. It takes as its point of departure the critical questions repeatedly posed: whose peace, what justice and for whom? Thus, the aim is to critically examin
Bengt Forkman
Olaus Magnus bilder : utsnitt ur Olaus Magnus historia om de nordiska folken muntert kommenterade av Jan-Öjvind Swahn
Intergenerational Interests, Uncertainty and Discrimination; An empirical study of the declining child sex ratios in India
Selective extraction systems for detection and purification of membrane proteins
Increased understanding of membrane proteins is important for characterization of biochemical processes. Improved membrane protein isolation methods is a key issue for effective functional and structural determination of the large amount of unknown membrane proteins. In this thesis, a novel approach towards selective membrane protein purification is introduced. Polymer induced micelle extraction
Implementation of an SVD Based MIMO OFDM channel estimator
This paper presents a hardware design of an SVD based channel estimator. The details of the design are explained and some key aspects are discussed. The design has been implemented and tested on an FPGA and synthesized for an ASIC in 130 nm technology. It is shown that it is possible to get a clock frequency of 179 MHz for a 1.38 mm 2 design. This corresponds to ~30 M estimates per second, which i
Svart gryning (1987)
Radionuclide Production with PET Cyclotrons, Applications and Preclinical Experiments
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nuklearmedicin bygger på användning av radioaktiva spårämnen, enligt principen av George de Hevesy, för kartläggning av global och regional funktion hos organ eller patologisk vävnad. Nuklearmedicin inkluderar även användningen av ”Magic bullet”-konceptet enligt Ehrlich där en molekyl används som bärare av radionuklider för att få en radiobiologisk terepeutisk effekt påNuclear medicine is based on the radiotracer principle of George de Hevesy and the magic bullet concept by Ehrlich and focuses on the diagnosis, the treatment of diseases and the investigation of normal states within the human body using radiopharmaceuticals. A radiopharmaceutical is an atom or a chemical compound in which one or several atoms are replaced with a radionuclide. Several diagnostic a
Content, main concepts and perspectives in the training programme - an integrative approach
Anionic Graft Copolymers with Poly(ethylene oxide) Side-Chains; Synthesis, Solution Properties and Ion Conduction
Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots att "block- och ymp- sampolymerer" låter obekant i de flestas öron, kommer vi i kontakt med dem i det vardagliga livet. De kan användas till en rad olika produkter t.ex. leksaker, färg, papper, tvättmedel, läkemedel, kosmetika och i bilar. Denna avhandling handlar om framställning och karatärisering av ympsampolymerer, samt studier av deras egenskaper i vattenlösThe research underlaying this thesis involves synthesis and characterization of well-defined anionic graft copolymers carrying poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) side-chains. Two different grafting techniques were used. Backbone polymers were prepared through radical terpolymerization of maleic anhydride, styrene and an additional comonomer. Poly(ethylene oxide) monomethyl ether (MPEO) were grafted onto
Texter till, och urval av, vinjettbilder till Hans Krook, "En enda stor familj: Tankar om de biologiska sammanhangen"
This publication has no abstract
Contextualizing the European Spallation Source: what we can learn from the history, politics, and sociology of Big Science
Ritual Time and Space: A Liminal Age and Religious Consciousness
The article discusses if it is possible to bring Victor Turner’s work on liminality and ritual together with Roy Rappaport’s thought-provoking ritual theory and approach the contemporary ecological crisis in new ways. Specifically, it examine if we creatively can employ Turner’s concept of liminality and his understanding of a liminal passage as a metaphorical vision of re-embedding humanity withi