

Din sökning på "*" gav 526761 sökträffar

Religiösa reaktioner på gentekniken

I bokkapitlet diskuteras reaktionerna inom judendom, islam och några kristna samfund på ett antal bioteknologiska interventioner: assisterad befruktning, embryonala stamceller, genmodifiering, kloning och organtransplantation.

Psychometric testing of a quality of life scale among Swedish people 75 years and above in need of help with activities of daily living or not

Few Quality of Life (QoL) instruments in use today were originally developed for older populations (75+). Information on their validity and reliability in this age group is sparse. The current study investigated the psychometric properties of the Life Quality Gerontological Centre Scale (LGC), a general QoL instrument designed for use among older people. A further aim was to describe and compare Q

Den resfärdiga. Studier i Emilia Fogelklous självbiografi

Popular Abstract in Swedish Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972) utbildades vid Högre Lärarinneseminariet och Uppsala universitet, där hon som första kvinna i Sverige tog en teologie kandidat (1909). En stark gudsupplevelse i unga år hade kommit att styra hela hennes liv. Hon fick så småningom sitt religiösa hem hos kväkarna. Som sökare och gränsöverskridare spände hennes liv och verk över vida fält, främEmilia Fogelklou (1878-1972) was the first woman in Sweden to take a degree in theology (1909) and later became a Quaker. She was a teacher and writer, mainly in the fields of religious education and psychology, and an active supporter of peace and other women's movements. Her autobiographical series, Arnold (1944), Bareheaded (1950), and Ready to Travel (1954), is written in the third person, Fog

Zero translations and cross-linguistic equivalence: evidence from the English-Swedish Parallel Corpus

This paper examines omission (zero translation) and related translation strategies in the English-Swedish Parallel Corpus and, in particular, how translators handle various discourse expressions (connectors, particles) that do not have a straightforward equivalent in the target language. It is demonstrated that, although connectors are sometimes omitted for other reasons than cross-linguistic non-


This work focuses on the use of the Tröger´s base as organic scaffold for the construction of synthetic receptors for different classes of organic molecules. The structural properties of the Tröger's base, i.e. chirality, rigidity and curvature, allow for synthetic modifications towards the recognition of different molecules. While the concave nature of the TB offers the geometrical frame for rec

Industrialised building, project categories and ICT - a comparison with shipbuilding

This paper presents preliminary results of a project with the aim to achieve a deeper understanding of how the design process and its ICT tools may support the development towards industrialised building. The project focuses on the construction process for multi-storey dwellings, and how object-oriented ICT-tools may be designed to enable different technical solutions as well as competition among

A quasi static iterative method for inductor parameters

A low frequency algorithm designated for the calculation of the magnetic and the electric energies and the ohmic losses of passive components has been developed. These quantities can be used to achieve the inductance, the capacitance, the resistance, and the Q-value of the inductor at low frequencies. The method is based on an iterative scheme in which the different fields, such as the electric po

Installationsbrandskydd. Ventilation - Rör - El

"Installationsbrandskydd" omfattar tekniska lösningar för brandskydd av ventilation - rör - el. Tanken är att ge en samlad bild av integrationen mellan installationers brandskydd i en byggnad. Boken vill även tjäna som vägledning vid projektering av brandskydd för byggnaders installationer. Den berättar var man finner samhällskraven, vilka lagar och föreskrifter som gäller för byggverksamhet.

No title

The German version of a manual that presently exists also in Swedish, English, and Italian.

Man & Sound Environment 2010.

Proceedings to the conference "Man and Sound Environment 2010" arranged by The sound Envirnment Center at Lund university. Ulf Landström, Swedish Noise Research Network & Frans Mossberg The Sound Environment Centre at Lund university. CONTENTS: Preface – Symposium “Man and Sound Environment 2010” The prevalence of noise problems. Gunn Marit Aasvang, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Depar

The Virtual Museum of the Western Han Dynasty: 3D Documentation and Interpretation

This project, aimed to the digital documentation of archaeological sites, artifacts and cultural relics of the Western Han Dynasty, started in 2008. The anticipated outcome will be the creation of a virtual museum, based on collaborative environments, dedicated to the Western Han Dynasty and able to integrate new archaeological datasets coming from fieldwork activities (most part of them unpublish