

Din sökning på "*" gav 526767 sökträffar

A quasi static iterative method for inductor parameters

A low frequency algorithm designated for the calculation of the magnetic and the electric energies and the ohmic losses of passive components has been developed. These quantities can be used to achieve the inductance, the capacitance, the resistance, and the Q-value of the inductor at low frequencies. The method is based on an iterative scheme in which the different fields, such as the electric po

Installationsbrandskydd. Ventilation - Rör - El

"Installationsbrandskydd" omfattar tekniska lösningar för brandskydd av ventilation - rör - el. Tanken är att ge en samlad bild av integrationen mellan installationers brandskydd i en byggnad. Boken vill även tjäna som vägledning vid projektering av brandskydd för byggnaders installationer. Den berättar var man finner samhällskraven, vilka lagar och föreskrifter som gäller för byggverksamhet.

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The German version of a manual that presently exists also in Swedish, English, and Italian.

Man & Sound Environment 2010.

Proceedings to the conference "Man and Sound Environment 2010" arranged by The sound Envirnment Center at Lund university. Ulf Landström, Swedish Noise Research Network & Frans Mossberg The Sound Environment Centre at Lund university. CONTENTS: Preface – Symposium “Man and Sound Environment 2010” The prevalence of noise problems. Gunn Marit Aasvang, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Depar

The Virtual Museum of the Western Han Dynasty: 3D Documentation and Interpretation

This project, aimed to the digital documentation of archaeological sites, artifacts and cultural relics of the Western Han Dynasty, started in 2008. The anticipated outcome will be the creation of a virtual museum, based on collaborative environments, dedicated to the Western Han Dynasty and able to integrate new archaeological datasets coming from fieldwork activities (most part of them unpublish

Inhibition in cognitive development: contextual impairments in autism

Persons with autism, probably due to early sensory impairments, attend to and select for stimuli in an uncommon way. Inhibition of some features of a stimulus, such as location and shape, might be intact, while other features are not as readily inhibited, for example color. Stimuli irrelevant to the task might be attended to. This results in a learning process where irrelevant stimuli are erroneou

Gehörsspel, piano. Del 1: Visor

Läromedel för piano/gehörsspel i första hand för grundskollärarutbildningens pianoundervisning, men även för GG- och IE-varianterna av musiklärarutbildningen.

Functional collaboration between HLH transcription factors in B cell development.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla friska människor har 46 kromosomer, 23 av dessa härstammar från modern och 23 från fadern. Kromosomer är långa kedjor av nukleinsyror som innehåller den genetiska informationen (arvsanlagen) som behövs för att ett befruktat ägg skall kunna utvecklas till en individ bestående av miljontals celler med mycket specialiserade och avancerade uppgifter. Den här utvecklingThe cells in B cell development can be divided into several subgroups or fractions, e.g. early-pro-B-, pro-B, large-pre-B-, small-pre-B-, immature and mature B cells, where the stages reflect the maturity degree of the cells. This characterization is based on the expression of intracellular markers such as the recombination activating genes 1 and 2(Rag 1 and Rag 2), the terminal deoxynucleotidyl t

SSD: New Challenges for Digital Forensics

ICT changes continuously and we are used to look at IT in a slightly dif-ferent way every year. Things are developed and manufactured to be smaller and faster but few changes are truly technologically revolutionary. Some changes creep up on us as they arrive under cover of previously known technology. Solid State Disks (SSD) is such a technology. The use of SSD is simple enough and for many purpos

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This book chapter is an introduction to the work of Judith Butler and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.

Development and evaluation of an independent system for absorbed dose calculations in radiotherapy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Strålbehandling av cancerpatienter sker idag med avancerad teknik och utrustning. Förberedelserna inför behandlingen är omfattande och kräver medverkan av flera olika personalkategorier och övervakning via datoriserade verifikationssystem. I varje led i förberedelsekedjan finns en potentiell risk för avvikelser, vilka kan vara både systematiska eller tillfälliga i sin nThe aim of this work was to develop, implement and evaluate an independent system with which to calculate the absorbed dose, delivered by high-energy X-ray beams, to the prescription point and the depth of dose maximum. The introduction of such a system in the clinical routine may help ensure high-quality treatment and avoidance of errors which may jeopardise the clinical outcome of the treatment

GLUE Specification v. 2.0

The GLUE specification is an information model for Grid entities described using the natural language and UML Class Diagrams. As a conceptual model, it is designed to be independent from the concrete data models adopted for its implementation. Rendering to concrete data models such XML Schema, LDAP Schema and SQL are provided in a separate document.