

Din sökning på "*" gav 532871 sökträffar

Aspects of North Swedish intonational phonology.

The present contribution discusses features of North Swedish intonational phonology. One characteristic feature is final element stress in compounds occurring particularly in dialects of North Botnia. The idea proposed here is that the accentual pattern (HL) of a compound has a different alignment in these dialects compared to East Standard Swedish. Another characteristic feature is related to a s

On the Role of Polyamines in Apoptosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Reglering av celltillväxt och celldöd är mycket viktigt för bibehållandet av balansen mellan antalet olika celler i kroppen. Om regleringen rubbas kan olika sjukdomar uppkomma, som karakteriseras av för mycket celltillväxt eller av för mycket celldöd. Exempel är cancer, där man har för mycket tillväxt, samt många degenerativa sjukdomar som diabetes, Parkinsons och aids,Apoptosis is a kind of death that is best described as cellular suicide and it is important for normal tissue homeostasis. The process can be induced by a number of different stimuli and the dying cell goes through a defined pathway terminating in typical biochemical and morphological alterations of the cell. With my studies I wanted to investigate the role of the polyamines in the regulation of a

Den nya svenska arbetarklassen : rasifierade arbetares kamp inom facket

Vilken bild har LO av invandrare och invandrararbetare? Diana Mulinari och Anders Neergaard har forskat om nätverket FAI — Fackligt Aktiva Invandrare — och erfarenheter av kamp inom facket. Hur kan man jobba fackligt om man inte betraktas som ”en riktig arbetare”? Hur skapas medvetanden som samtidigt spänner över klass, kön och etnicitet? Med hjälp av begreppen rasifiering och kulturrasism analyse

No title

No abstract. Titel i svensk översättning: De äldres livsmiljö.

Skriftens Teknologi som visuellt tema – Ett historiskt perspektiv

To talk about Writing Technology instead of just Writing is tantamount to turning one's attention towards the material circumstances of Writing and Printing - the materiality of the textual Signifier. Defined very broadly, technology is everything that is an extension of the human body. In this sense, Writing Technology is the technology that makes it possible to make external representations of T

Evaluation of process parameters and treatments of different raw materials for biogas production

Popular Abstract in English In the age where there is a great demand of energy, raise in the prices of fossil fuels and increase of environmental concerns because of the greenhouse gas emissions, biogas production through anaerobic digestion, of different organic materials, provides a full or partial solution. There is a large number of cheap substrates as organic waste materials that can be utiliThe anaerobic digestion process results in the production of biogas from a large diversity of organic residues, which can be used as an alternate source of energy generation and for waste management. However, the biogas production technology is not exploited efficiently due to the characteristics of raw materials, poor methane yields, process instability, limited raw materials and lack of knowledg