

Din sökning på "*" gav 532440 sökträffar

Efficient Sparse Spectrum Estimation for Cognitive Radios

The emerging concept of cognitive radios offers a way to use the limited radio-spectrum more efficiently by allowing networks and nodes to adaptively vary their parameters. An important element in the successful implementation of cognitive radios is the ability to estimate the varying state of spectrum usage in a wide-band channel quickly and at minimum cost. In this work, we utilize a powerful no

Grid Information System Interoperability: The Need For A Common Information Model

A fundamental building block of any Grid infrastructures is the Grid information service and the information model. The information model describes the entities and relationships between entities within the infrastructure along with their semantics. The realization into a concrete data model defines the syntax by which these concepts can be exchanged. This data model enables consumers of informati

Studies on Molecular Genetics of B cell Development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots att vår kropp är uppbygd av ett stort antal celler med så olika funktioner som att skapa ben och försvara oss mot infektioner, innehåller alla celler samma genetiska information. Denna information är lagrad i cellens chromosomer i form av DNA och cell specifica egenskaper uppstår då olika delar av kromosomernas information används i olika vävnader. Således, måste The development of immature progenitor cells into highly differentiated effector cells is a process central in modern medicine with applications in the fields of cell therapy as well as oncology. This thesis is focused on the molecular mechanisms that control the development of B lymphocytes. This is a complex and tightly regulated process involving several stages proceeding from stem cells to ant

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Abstract in German Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem kürzlich publizierten Abschlussgutachten des schwedischen „Komitees zum Patentschutz für biotechnologische Erfindungen“ (SOU 2008:20). Insbesondere wird die von dem staatlich eingesetzten Expertengremium abgegebene Empfehlung zur Beibehaltung des absoluten Erzeugnisschutzes für Gensequenzen, vor dem Hintergrund der verschiedenen nationalen Um

Variation in Silene vulgaris and S. uniflora (Caryophyllaceae): genetic diversity, gene flow and habitat selection

Genetic and morphometric variation was studies in the three closely-related taxa Silene vulgaris (a widespread weed), S. uniflora ssp. uniflora (restricted to coastal habitats) and S. uniflora ssp. petraea (endemic to Sweden and confined to open limestone habitats). The majority of alleles at the investigated allozyme loci are common to the three taxa, but the taxa show significant differences in

Electron Tunneling and Field-Effect Devices in mm-Wave Circuits

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetet i denna avhandling berör elektroniska komponenter och hur de kan användas i kretsar för trådlös kommunikation. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen av arbetet är att innovativa och icke konventionella komponenter kan bidra till att förbättra presentanda och minska effektförbrukningen i system för kommunikation på korta avstånd. Framförallt har en krets tillverkats som geShort high-frequency electromagnetic pulses, also referred to as wavelets, are considered for use in various short-range impulse based ultra-wideband applications, such as communication, imaging, radar, spectroscopy, and localization. This thesis investigates field-effect and tunneling based semiconductor devices and their operation in millimeter-wave (mm-wave) impulse transceivers. The main resea

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Answers to prepared questions by the editors on developments in Romania from 1989 to 2009, asked of several experts of Romania. Views on the Romanian revolution and the success of the transition to democracy. Translated from English to Romanian