

Din sökning på "*" gav 526403 sökträffar

Aramid Fiber Rods as Reinforcement in Concrete.

The u se of fiber compos i tes in concrete structures is an alternative to conventional steel remforcement and several structures employing fiber composites have already been built in Japan, Europe and USA. Fiber composites offer high strength, high durability and low weight. Another property is high elastic elongation which is an advantage in structures acting under impact load. Part I of this re

Acoustic emission: a way to stress grade radiata pine, U.T. Australia.

Acoustic emission is the response to the application of stress. Two sensors were attached to the setup to measure acoustic emission as a voltage. The beams were loaded until rupture in four point bending. Lab VIEW® continuously took readings of load, deflection, acoustic emission, date and time and saved all data on a hard drive.

FEM Modelling of Piled Raft Foundations in Two and Three Dimensions

In conventional design of pile foundations, all loads are taken by the piles, i.e. the contact pressure between the raft and the soil is neglected. In the last decades geotechnical engineers have started to take this pressure into account in design of pile foundation. Such a foundation, where the raft and the piles interact to transfer the loads to the ground, is in this dissertation called piled

FEM-simulering av nedbrytning hos obundet material vid upprepad belastning

Traditionally, the underground problems have been handled in the topic geotechnical engineering. Within geotechnical engineering FEM has in recent years begun to be used to solve problems in the soil mechanics. The soil mechanical relations are also applicable to the superstructure materials. The usage of the same tools on the entire road structure increases the chances to catch the degradation of

Är personuppgiftslagen otidsenlig i en alltmer globaliserad och uppkopplad värld? - i synnerhet med avseende på sociala medier och molntjänster

Den tekniska utvecklingen och globaliseringen har i grunden förändrat hur personuppgifter samlas in, sprids, används och överförs. Det som var aktuellt under början och mitten av 90-talet är idag förpassat till historien. Nya sätt att sprida stora mängder information genom sociala nätverk och så kallade molntjänster tillhör idag vardagen för många av Europas 250 miljoner internetanvändare . SamtidRapid technological developments and globalization have profoundly changed the way personal information is collected, spread, used and transferred. What was relevant during the early and mid 90's is now history. New ways to disseminate large amounts of information through social networks and so-called cloud services or cloud computing is today part of modern life for many of Europe's 250 m

Skjuvkapacitet i vertikalarmerade murverksbalkar.

A study of shear capacity in vertically reinforced masonry beams beeing exposed to a concentrated force. The aim of the design was to get shear failure and thus get information regarding the method of reinforcing. The vertically reinforced beams were compared to a reference beam made of common bricks. The method can be used to bridge larger openings in structural masonry walls.

Stabilisering av flerbostadshus med lättbyggnad i stål.

The purpose is to investigate different ways of stabilizing high-rise buildings in Light-gauge steel framing and enhance the understanding for which design details that restrict the possibility of designing high-rise buildings. The work emphasize the force distribution in the stabilizing structure.

Hygro-mekaniskt beteende hos trä under olika klimatförhållande.

The purpose of the report is to investigate different elimate influences on the mechanical behaviour of wood, both theoretical and experimental. Here hygromechanical behaviour means shrinkage, elastic strain, creep and mechano-sorption. New laboratory equipment was designed and constructed for experiments where specimen were submerged in water. For the experimentsamples of Norwegian spruce (Picea

Internal Stresses in Wood Caused by Humidity Variations.

This study describes a method for measuring and evaluating intemal stresses in wood eaused by elimate variations. The aim of this work is to give elear experimental results of the stresses build up in wood perpendicular to the grain w hen exposed to multiple humidity cyeles. These results can be used by wood researchers in order to calibrate their theoretical models which describe the material beh

Monumentalbyggnader - ett led i tiden?

Ända sedan byggkonsten uppfanns har människan låtit uppföra monumentalbyggnader i någon form. Genom tiderna har dessa haft olika syften och från att ha utgjort ett monument i ordets sanna bemärkelse tjänar byggnaderna idag oftast kommersiella ändamål eller bostadsändamål. Fenomenet har blivit alltmer utbrett och det som tidigare tedde sig som en tillfällig modefluga tycks ha utvecklats till en ihå

No title

This paper deals with a structural comparison between three works: the novel The Lady of the Camellias (1848, Alexandre Dumas, fils), the play The Lady of the Camellias (1852, Alexandre Dumas, fils) and the libretto La Traviata (1853, Francesco Maria Piave and Giuseppe Verdi). It is well known that the libretto is based on the Dumas work. Dumas play, in its turn, is based on the novel. My aim was

Leder Byggherredialog till ett mer hållbart byggande? En utvärdering av Det Goda Samtalet - processen vid Flagghusen i Västra Hamnen, Malmö

The heating of buildings is one of the major consumers of energy in the western world. Despite that several energy-efficient techniques and measures exists which have been proven to be cost-effective they have a hard time to find their way into practice due to barriers within the building sector. This sector is characterized by fragmentation in different stages of the buildings development process

The geology of the Portobello Peninsula : proposal of a saturated to oversaturated lineage within the Dunedin Volcano, New Zealand

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Det var en gång... historien om en vulkan. The Dunedin Volcano är belägen utmed östkusten på Nya Zeelands södra ö. Stora delar av både östkusten och de centrala delarna har under de senaste 40 miljoner åren upplevt perioder med intra platt vulkanism orsakad av en temperatur anomali i övre manteln under både Nya Zeelands Sydö och delar av havet öster om. VulkaneThe Portobello Peninsula is made up by volcanic sediments, lava flows and numerous dikes. Deposition of sediments and lava flows is thought be early in the evolution of the Dunedin Volcano. The lava flows of Portobello Peninsula are silica saturated, belonging to a lineage differing from the two major lineages previously inferred to exist in the volcano (Coombs and Wilkinson, 1969). This new linea

Hydrogeologisk undersökning samt sårbarhetskartering av området kring tre bergborrade grundvattenanläggningar i Simrishamns kommun

En ökad medvetenhet om värdet av ett rent grundvatten yttrar sig i allt fler sammanhang, bl.a. i det nationella miljömål om grundvatten av god kvalitet som riksdagen presenterat. Simrishamns kommun ser över vattenskyddsområdena runt kommunens grundvattentäkter för att säkerställa ett rent grundvatten. Målet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram ett underlag som skall kunna ligga till grund för avThe increased awareness of the value of clean groundwater can be seen in a growing number of contexts. This is also emphasized in the national environmental goals, put up by the Swedish government. The municipality of Simrishamn, in southern Sweden, is re-evaluating the extension of the existing restriction areas around the groundwater wells of the municipality. The aims in this investigation were

A comparative study between loss on ignition and total carbon analysis on Late Glacial sediments from Atteköps mosse, southwestern Sweden, and their tentative correlation with the GRIP event stratigraphy

I denna undersökning har en stratigrafiskt högupplösande glödförluststudie utförts på senglaciala och tidigholocena sjösediment från Atteköps mosse i nordvästra Skåne. Studien har kompletterats med kornstorleksanalyser, kolanalyser, mätningar av magnetisk susceptibilitet och AMS 14C-dateringar. Undersökningen påvisar ett karaktäristiskt mönster i sedimentens sammansättning och i glödförlustkurvan,In this study, a high resolution loss on ignition analysis was performed over the Late Weichselian lacustrine sediments retrieved from Atteköps mosse, southwestern Sweden. The data set was complemented by grain-size measurements, total carbon analysis, magnetic susceptibility and AMS 14C dates. The analyzed data set reveals a characteristic pattern in lithology and the loss on ignition curve, wher

Tidsbegränsat anställningskontrakt – En enda lång anställningsintervju? En kvalitativ studie om åtta kvinnors upplevelser av tidsbegränsat anställningskontrakt.

The purpose of this study was to examine what employees having temporary employment contract, experience. I used a qualitative approach in which I conducted eight semi-structured interviews with women between the ages of 24-33 years old. All of these women were working in the field of behavioral science and had a temporary employment contract. The study answers the following questions: What advant