

Din sökning på "*" gav 538087 sökträffar

Market Development through Materials Substitution - Supplying Added Value to the Musical Instrument Industry

The Sandvik Group is a world leading company and their unique competence in materials technology has resulted in three core areas; Cutting Tools, Mining and Construction and Materials Technology (SMT). This thesis has been initiated by their third business area, SMT, who is looking into the possibility to enter a new industry by offering superior material solutions. The industry is the musical ins

Bridging the Gap? The Role of Trainee Programs in School to Work Transition

Title: Bridging the Gap - The Role of Trainee Programs in School to Work Transition Seminar date: May 31th 2011 Course BUSM18 – Master Thesis, Managing People Knowledge and Change Authors: Malin Bränd, Sanna Häger & Jennifer Lönn Supervisor: Sverre Spoelstra, School of Economics and Management, Department of Business Administration, Lund University, Sweden Key words: Trainee, Trainee programs,

Affärssystem inom detaljhandeln - faktorer som påverkar valet av affärssystem

Affärssystem är ett verksamhetstäckande system som hanterar information inom företag genom olika funktioner såsom lagerhantering, inköpshantering, orderhantering och försäljning. Vid valet av affärssystem finns det ett flertal faktorer att ta hänsyn till. Syftet med studien är att identifiera de faktorer företag inom detaljhandeln tar hänsyn till samt hur de värderar och prioriterar den egna verks

Hållbar utveckling och jämställdhet - en policygranskning av mötet mellan två policyfält

Sustainable development as a policy concept has during the last twenty years developed into a huge field where the environmental, economic and social areas of society are being intertwined. And the aim of these policies is to reach the goal of a global sustainable future for all. Even though, the social aspects of sustainable development has been shown to often be neglected in the analysis, and no

SVT-folk och MMA-panik - Reproduktionen av "kampsportsproblemet"

Utifrån en mediedebatt om Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)ii år 2009-2010, har syftet varit att undersöka hur MMA representerats i svensk media, vilka vetenskapliga antaganden som haft företräde i texterna samt hur de har bidragit till betraktelsesätt av MMA i det svenska samhället. Resultatet visar att MMA-debatten är knuten till de teoretiska utgångspunkterna i processen för moralpanik (Cohen 2002). De

"Så enkelt är det inte" - En kvalitativ studie av styrning inom Stadium

Hösten 2008 introducerades Stadiums medarbetare i verksamhetens nya "formel för framgång", E3. Konceptet bestod då av värdeorden Energi, Enkelt och Etta, med vilka medarbetarna uppmanades att skapa Energi genom att göra arbetet Enkelt och på så sätt bli Etta. I denna uppsats vill jag titta närmare på hur styrning genom reglerad frihet kan gå till, och jag har för detta syfte valt att titIn the fall of 2008 Stadiums employees were introduced to the corporations new "formula for success", E3. The concept consisted at this time of the values Energy, Simplicity and Number One, to which employees were encouraged to create Energy by making the work Simpler and thus become Number One. In this paper I look at how control by regulating freedom can be performed, and I have for th

Getting it "right"- Swedish organizations navigating gender and gender equality through a gender equality award.

Abstract of thesis (max 8000 characters) This qualitative study takes an inductive approach towards the field of gender and gender equality work. The main aim of the study is to gain understandings of how companies who seek recognition for their gender equality practices use an award for gender equality and how they view the concepts of gender and gender equality. Our research draws from a poststr

Plattbärlag vs platsgjutet, vilka faktorer avgör val av mellanbjälklag?

Abstract This rapport contains a comparison between in-situ cast joists and prefab joists. We have looked closely at the aspects that should be taken into account when selecting the method and what should be most efficient economically and timely. The work we have done has been with the guidance of Peab Sverige AB in Linköping. It begins with a basic background and theory in the field. Then we con

Effektiv ordinlärning med suggestopedimetoden: det affektiva filtrets påverkan

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om suggestopedimetoden med dess fokus på glädje och avspänning, frigörandet av hjärnkapacitet och ett tryggt inlärningsklimat leder till framgång i ordinlärning i ett andraspråk. Som utgångspunkt finns Krashens teori om att ett lågt affektivt filter och ordinlärning har ett samband. Undersökningen omfattade 32 studerande som studerar C-nivå inom ämnet Sv

Bland fackliga strategier och nyliberala villkor - en diskursanalys av Vårdförbundets tal om likalöneprincipen

This thesis investigates how Vårdförbundet, a Swedish trade union organizing nursing personnel, articulates the problem of the wage gap between men and women. Using discourse analysis, it also focuses on through what kind of strategies members are encouraged and assumed to achieve pay equity. The main finding is that a neoliberal discourse is highly present in the way of which the problem is thoug

Transit - Gate Keeping Unaccompanied Refugee Children : Examining frontline bureaucrats’ discretion and their perception of transit activities in the Swedish welfare system

This thesis investigates through semi-structured interviews the perceived discretionary practice of frontline bureaucrats who work with unaccompanied refugee children in Sweden. The frontline bureaucrat theory outlined by Lipsky (1980) has additionally been used in understanding the effects of transit on the clients of these so-called gatekeepers, which in this study consist of teachers, social we

Varulagervärdering - En studie över hur tillverkande företag värderar varor i olika färdigställandegrad

I uppsatsen analyseras hur tillverkande företag värderar sina varulager samt vilka svårigheter som uppstår med att fördela indirekta kostnader på varor som befinner sig i olika stadier av tillverkningsprocessen. För att genomföra detta har vi studerat området varulager och därigenom skapat oss en förståelse för vilka lagar och regleringar som finns på området, samt satt oss in i vad som är skrivet

Summary of “Calling for Business Intelligence – How Call Data is Mined into Customer Knowledge

This thesis describes how business can be improved using a number of rather new methods; Data Mining, Business Intelligence and Customer Relationship Management. The idea presented is that an organization, through data, owns a lot of information about their business and customers. In order to turn this information into knowledge, it needs to be interpreted. The knowledge acquired will improve the

Neanderthalarnas försvinnande, en diskursanalys

The perceptions of what caused the disappearance of the Neanderthals have been argued a great deal among researchers. In this paper I will present five hypotheses that different researchers have presented. Each one of these hypotheses departs from the others and stands behind either a cultural, biological or an environmental model of explanation. The aim of this thesis has been to view what the ar

Kartläggning av Affärsrelationer & kundkrav inom EMS-branchen i Norden

Background: In many businesses is the next customer not the end-customer but another company that further refines the product. This type of business relations demands a different type of marketing than regular supplier-customer businesses. Electronic manufacturing services (EMS) are concept that means design, manufacturing, testing, distribution, after-sales service of electronics products to the

Comparison of IMRT delivery techniques and helical Tomo Therapy using Pareto front evaluation

Purpose: The purpose of this work was to explore the possibility to compare treatment-planning- and treatment-delivery systems for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) using an objective approach. The approach investigated was the Pareto front concept. An additional aim was to adequately compare three different IMRT treatment planning and delivery systemsMaterials and methods: In IMRT trea

Optimization for automatic whole brain volumetry An MPRAGE image contrast study of a 12- and 32 channel head coil at 3T

Introduction: Regional and global brain volumes are of great interest in many different research projects, not least in Alzheimer’s research. The purpose of this project is to optimize the MPRAGE sequence for automatic and repeatable segmentation of human brain tissue. The volume is calculated for the whole brain, white matter (WM), grey matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Materials and met

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Isabel Allende is one of the most famous Latin American writers and since her first work was published in 1982, The House of the Spirits, her popularity has only increased. Allende is commonly referred to as one of the first writers of the Latin American post boom, with which Latin American literature once against experience an emphasize on ethics, instead of esthetics. This essay proposes that Al