

Din sökning på "*" gav 526183 sökträffar

Comparing Nations - Perceptions of Global Risk and Environmental Concern

The intention of this chapter is neither a pure methodological nor a theoretical discussion, but instead, an empirical analysis which aims to understand variations in perceptions of global risks and environmental concern in a number of countries. The discussion, however, relies on methodological as well as theoretical perspectives concerning the shortcomings and pitfalls one encounters in comparin

Majgrevefesten: En kulturhistorisk analys

The dissertltion is a cultural-historical analysis of the feast of the Lord of May in a complex and socially conditioned setting. The method follows that of the historically oriented ethnology of the Munich school. As regards theory, I have been inspired by the civilization theory of Norbert Elias and by Robert Darnton's studies of groups of actors and their strategies. I have also found support i

Biologiämnets texter : text, språk och lärande i en språkligt heterogen gymnasieklass

This study concerns text, language, and learning in a linguistically heterogeneous upper secondary class in Sweden where students aged 16 to 17 are studying biology. One starting point for the dissertation is the importance of language in all school subjects. Another premise is that language as a resource for learning and communication is a high challenge for students who are studying through thei

A coarse-grained dynamically reconfigurable architecture for digital signal processing

This paper presents design and implementation of a coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture, targeting digital signal processing applications. The proposed architecture is constructed from a mesh of resource cells, containing the separated processing and memory elements that communicate via a hybrid interconnect network. Parameterizable design of resource cells enables flexible static mapping of

The age of the Kleva intrusion, southeast Sweden

The Kleva nickel-copper mineralization is situated within a gabbro-diorite intrusion on the border between the late Svecofennian rocks of the Oskarshamn-Jonkoping belt and rocks of the slightly younger Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB). The sulphides present in the mafic intrusion are pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pentlandite and pyrite, occurring as massive mineralization, disseminations and thin,

Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen VI : Om fattigdomen och nödvändigheten av att även akta sig för rikedomen

Boken innehåller en grekisk text (baserad på cod. Athos Protaton 86) utgiven av Britt Dahlman och en svensk översättning av den systematiska samlingen av Apophthegmata Patrum (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk), bok 6. Översättningen har gjorts gemensamt av deltagarna i översättningsseminariet vid Johannesakademin.The book contains a Greek text (based on MS Athos Protaton 86) edited by Britt Dahlman and a Swedish translation of the Systematical collection of the Apophthegmata Patrum, book 6. The translation was made jointly by the participants in the translation seminar at Johannesakademin.

Comparative ecosystem - atmosphere exchange of energy and mass in a western Russian and a central Siberian bog. I) Interseasonal and interannual variability of energy and water fluxes

Energy and latent heat fluxes λE were measured over ombrotrophic bogs in European Russia (Fyodorovskoye) and in central Siberia (Zotino) using the eddy covariance technique, as part of the EuroSiberian Carbonflux Project. The study covered most of the snowfree periods in 1998, 1999 and 2000; in addition some data were also collected under snow in early spring and late autumn 1999 and 2000. The sno

Föreställningar om det förflutna. Arkeologi och rekonstruktion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar försök att i full skala återge hur det förflutna kan ha tett sig. Som objekt för undersökningen har jag valt stenåldersbyar, bronsåldershus, järnåldersmarknader, vikingafestivaler och medeltidsveckor. Några skånska exempel är Glimmingehus medeltidsfestival, vikingabyn i Hög och Fotevikens vikingareservat, företeelser som med utgångspunkt i en platThe purpose of this dissertation is to discuss full-scale historical reconstruction in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. In recent years we have seen an accelerating interest among the public to visit reconstructed places with reference to ancient times. Reconstructions from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages are discussed. The emergence of reconstruction is presented in an historical overview of the phen

Skrivande som handling och möte - gymnasieelever om skrivuppgifter, tidsvillkor och bedömning i svenskämnet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen är att belysa hur elever i gymnasiet hanterar skrivuppgifter, tidsvillkor och bedömning i svenskämnet och klarlägga hur villkoren för skrivandet återverkar på elevers självbild avseende skrivande. Det empriska materialet består av skriftliga och muntliga intervjuer, fokusgruppsamtal, observationer och elevtexter och är insamlat under en period soThe purpose of this dissertation is to explore how students in upper secondary school can feel, react and cope with writing tasks, time conditions and assessment in the subject of Swedish. The study deals with two upper secondary classes from different schools, one at a natural science programme, one at an aesthetical programme with music as an area of emphasis. The empirical material consists of