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Current issues in pictorial semiotics. Lecture one: The Quadrature of the Hermeneutic Circle.
The first lecture will present pictorial semiotics within the framework of general semiotic theory. It will construe semiotics as a particular point of view taken on everything which is human or, more generally, endowed with life, rather than simply the continuation of the mixed or separate doctrines due to Saussure and Peirce. The historical part will describe briefly the development of pictorial
Creativity and innovation in organisations
The presentations start with a theoretical model by Kaufmann, distinguishing two types of creativity, proactive versus reactive, important when dealing with the goal of innovative activity. The next contribution, made by Hoff, empirically investigates in school children the importance for creativity of differences in imaginativeness, when facing competition or not. As regards another factor, feedb
Essays on Asset Pricing
[abstract missing]
Regionalization and spatial patterns of the pentad rainfall data in the semi-arid area of Tunisia
De onormala stör vår ordning
A cognitive approach to reference
When we talk about something, we need to indicate what we talk about. Sometimes we can use pointing gestures but mainly we have to rely on words. A pointing gesture can direct attention in perceived space, but how do we direct attention with words? What can we do with speech sounds we hear, to find out what somebody wants to tell us about something and what that something is? Questions about refer
World-systems Analysis
Transient waves in non-stationary media
This paper treats propagation of transient waves in non-stationary media, which has many applications in e.g. electromagnetics and acoustics. The underlying hyperbolic equation is a general, homogeneous, linear, first order 2×2 system of equations. The coefficients in this system depend only on one spatial coordinate and time. Furthermore, memory effects are modeled by integral kernels, which, in
Experiences with measuring marketing of unhealthy food to children on the Internet and TV.
Density-Functional Theory and Excitation Energies
During the past decade, the local-density (LD) approximation within density-functional (DF) theory has been the most important method for obtaining the electronic properties of realistic systems. The limitations of the method have to a large extent been computational in nature rather than theoretical. The conceptually simple one-particle equations arising in the method have often been too difficul
En demokrati som tömts på innehåll
Extending REBEKAH-IP with Central Port Allocations for Un-Ambiguous IPv4 Address Expansion
In recent times, the imminent lack of public IPv4 addresses has attracted the attention of both the research community and the industry. The problem becomes even more pressing with the introduction of third generation (3G) cellular networks which are predicted to introduce hundred of millions of new IP capable terminals over the next few years. The cellular industry has decided to combat this prob
Natural Lifetimes and Hyperfine Structure for K 39 in the 5p^(2)P_(3/2) and 6p^(2)P_(3/2) Levels of the K I Spectrum by Resonance Scattering of Light
The hyperfine coupling constants and the natural radiative lifetimes of the 5 p 2 P 3/2 and 6 p 2 P 3/2 levels of K 39 were determined in a level crossing experiment on an enriched K 39 sample in a sealed-off resonance cell. The following results were obtained: ----- -- a (5 p 2 P 3/2 ) = 1.973 (12) MHz -- a (6 p 2 P 3/2 ) = 0.886 (8) MHz ----- -- b (5 p 2 P 3/2 ) = 0.870 (18) MHz -- b (6 p 2 P 3/
Evaluation of a New Type of Sequential Lot Sizing Techniques
Exercise is Murder: Physical Culture in Josephine Tey’s Miss Pym Disposes and Gladys Mitchell’s Laurels are Poison
The 4P Quality Strategy for Breakthrough and Sustainable Development
En processutvärdering av projektet Apollo II
Projektet Apollo II var ett yrkesförberedande projekt för arbetshandikappade och långtidsarbetslösa i Eslövs kommun. Projektet var ett samverkansprojekt mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och Arbetsmarknadsinstitutet i Eslöv under år 1999. Utvärderingen omfattade intervjuer med deltagare och personal. Deltagarna beskrev betydelsen av det sociala utbyte de haft av projektet då de träffat andra i samma situa