

527998 sökträffar

A Window of Opportunity A Minor Field Study of Empowerment in Women's Councils in Rwanda

The genocide in 1994 left Rwanda with economical, political and social structures in shambles. These circumstances equally forced and enabled women to take on new roles and tasks in the reconstruction of the country and opened a window of opportunity for women to the arena of Rwandan politics. A national structure of women's councils and quotas for women in parliament are initiatives with a hi

Tillfälligt avbrott : en studie om ohälsa på socialförvaltningen

This paper refer to examine how the employees at the socialoffices in Skåne feel. Our purpose was to bring light over the healthaspect on the basis of these questions at issue: - To examine the employees experience of their own health at the socialoffice. - To examine different factors that affect the health at the place of work. - To examine if the experience of meaningfulness affects the health.

Aktiva hundägares upplevelse av psykologisk behovstillfredsställelse i relationen till sin hund

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var att uppmärksamma och beskriva den relation som finns mellan aktiva hundägare och deras hundar. Fokus för undersökningen var den aktiva hundägarens relation till sin hund utifrån hundägarens behovstillfredsställelse. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tio kvinnliga hundägare som är aktiva med sina hundar inom Svenska Brukshundklubben. Resultaten visar a

Den åldrande befolkningens hot mot välfärden - En politisk myt i väst

The purpose of this thesis is to expose the political myth in the West about the ageing population seen as a threat against the welfare society. To do so I have described what a political myth is, and showed how it is presented in the most influential newspapers and organisations in the West. I have also presented alternative perspectives to the dominating view on the ageing population and it'

No title

Readers? eye movements were recorded as they participated in a newspaper reading experiment. The stimuli consisted of newspaper prototypes that were manipulated systematically according to two experimental conditions: (a) utilization of information graphics in conjunction with article text, and (b) variations of article placement on newspaper spreads. Viewing time of target articles was measured a

Industriell produktion av loggia - en studie om loggiarum som alternativ till inglasad balkong

Abstract Intense competition in the building industry has forced building companies to develop highly efficient and optimised building solutions. This project, with a loggia that works both as an extended living room and a glazed balcony offers a highly economic viable alternative to standard balconies. This alternative is likely to attract build master since the area of the loggia will be part o

Nationella identiteter i det återförenade Tyskland En studie om hur fyrtio års separation av den tyska nationen i BRD och DDR har påverkat den tyska identiteten

Abstract (magisteruppsats, 61-80p) This paper is concerned with the national sentiments in the Federal State of Germany, regarding the east- and west-German cleavages, since the unification of the country in 1990. The point of departure is the nationalistic theory crafted together by the scholar Anthony David Smith, which implies an ethno-symbolistic perspective on the dynamics of nations. Th

Levande centrum/mötesplats Mariastaden, Helsingborg ?ett förslag till levande centrum i Mariastaden

Sammanfattning ? ett förslag till levande centrum Mariastaden. Detta examensarbete utfördes för att undersöka möjligheterna till att skapa ett centrum/mötesplats i Mariastaden, Helsingborg. Arbetet skall även ge förslag till hur ett eventuellt centrum/mötesplats skall utformas. Mariastaden är ett gammalt sjukhusområde strax utanför Helsingborgs centrum. Detta område avvecklades som sjukhusområd

Diplomati till varje pris - En studie om varför USA väljer diplomati framför militär intervention i Nordkorea

North Korea is considered to be the most autocratic dictatorship in the world today. Its citizens are denied their most basic human rights and North Koreas ambition to pursue nuclear weapons is looked upon with great fear from the international community and the US in particular. Some experts say that the threat from North Korea is far greater than the one possessed by Saddam Hussein. Although Nor

Local Investment Programmes in Sweden Pulling the pulp and paper industry to profitable investments A study of four bioenergy projects in the Swedish pulp and paper industry

Switching from oil to biofuels appears to be good business for the Swedish pulp and paper industry today. Mixing traditional wood fuels with sludge residues makes the transition even more profitable. Public financial support of 159 MSEK has pulled the four pulp and paper industries studied in this thesis to invest another 538 MSEK, creating annual cost savings of 150 MSEK per year. This thesis sho

Det händer något visst när kvinnan blir moder : en kvalitativ studie som utforskar nyblivna mammors inställning till alkohol i förhållande till graviditet och moderskap

The argument whether women should drink alcohol during pregnancy, has been debated for centuries. Women's drinking behaviour throughout the ages is not a static phenomenon but has changed in compliance with the customs of the time. The purpose of this study was not to evaluate if alcohol damages the unborn child, but rather to explore how women, who have just given birth and hence have become

Assessing the practical relevancy of environmental cost accounting for industrial waste Waste accounting, process efficiency, and cleaner production

The main purpose of the Thesis work is to conduct an assessment of both the way companies currently account for their waste costs, and of the potential relevancy of engaging in a more comprehensive cost accounting for waste in terms of achieving industrial waste minimisation and cost optimisation. In order to do so, literature about environmental and cost accounting was reviewed, an empirical stud

Svenskar skattar ingruppens egenskaper lägre i närvaro av en utgruppsrepresentant : en studie av ingruppskorrektion

Psychological research concerning correction of stereotypes has mainly focused on how individuals adjust their negative attitude towards the out-group due to the apprehension of appearing prejudiced in front of out-grouprepresentatives. This study though, does not deal with estimations of the qualities of the out-group; it deals with estimations of the qualities of the in-group. Does Swedes correc

Tradition, förändring och splittring - En diskursanalytisk studie av bibliotekariers yrkesidentitet

The aim of this master thesis is to examine the identity of librarians. We have done this by conducting a text analysis where we have analysed texts produced by DIK, the major union of librarians, and by Library and Information Science departments in Sweden. The material we have analysed is texts produced in the aim of introducing and marketing the librarian occupation and education. The aim of th

Förebyggande arbetsterapeutiska miljöåtgärder för att minska fallrisken hos äldre över 65 år.

Sverige har idag en av världens äldsta befolkning och antalet äldre över 65 år beräknas att stiga. Detta innebär att fallolyckor i de äldres hemmiljö inomhus kommer att öka och detta bidrar enligt tidigare studier till ökade sjukvårdskostnader och minskad självständig aktivitet och delaktighet. En av arbetsterapeutens arbetsuppgifter är att arbeta förebyggande för att minska denna problematik. Stu

Kulturers påverkan på upplevelsen av arbetslösa och meningen med arbete

The aim of the study was to distinguish if there was a difference between how work is perceived and how unemployed are viewed by people in collectivistic and individualistic cultures. A phenomenological approach was used in order to capture the participants life-worlds and their meaning constitution of a phenomenon, in this case the meaning of work and how unemployed are viewed. Subjects from diff

Gymnasieskolan i förändring - hur väl anpassade är skolbiblioteken?

The general view of learning has dramatically changed during the last two decades. Today we talk about learning for life and educate to meet the demands of the information society. This new view forces us to constantly relearn and develop new knowledge ? something which has resulted in large restructuring within the upper secondary school. New forms of teaching, where the pupils are given the oppo

Verksamhetsstyrning inom ett hotell

Problemställning: En verksamhetsstyrning med fokus på de ickefinasiella styrmedel börjar framhävas som allt viktigare faktorer för ett företags långsiktiga framgång. Vårt främsta mål är att belysa de mest särskiljande drag och problem med verksamhetsstyrningen på ett hotellföretag. Detta gör vi då det finns mycket skrivet om styrmedel i allmänhet och, utifrån vårt intresse för branschen, har vi dä

The Subtleties of Retention - A Human Resource Management Perspective

Title: The Subtleties of Retention – A Human Resource Management Perspective Authors: Christian Wallin and Ivan Stipic Instructors: Hervé Corvellec and Filippa Säwe Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to discuss and explain the subtleties of retention in knowledge-based firms from a human resource management perspective. Furthermore, to investigate which employee demands firms should consider w

Facility Management - är Polen redo? En studie om hämmande faktorer, drivkrafter och marknadsutveckling i Polen.

Facility management (FM) kan förenklat uppfattas som samordnandet och styrningen av de aktiviteter som stödjer en organisations kärnverksamhet. De stora förändringar som skett i företagens omvärld har bidragit till att öka FM:s betydelse för företag och organisationer. Globaliseringsprocessen, privatiseringen av statliga företag, den teknologiska utvecklingen, företagens fokus på kostnadsreduktion