

Din sökning på "*" gav 526183 sökträffar

Reference Attribute Grammar Controlled Graph Rewriting: Motivation and Overview

Reference attribute grammars are a well-known language engineering technique for the implementation of semantic analyses. Reference attributes provide declarative means to extend abstract syntax trees to graphs and analyse such graphs; they are well-suited to deduce and reason about abstract syntax graphs. Efficient attribute re-evaluation in case of abstract syntax graph changes and a systematic

The determination of ecological status in shallow lakes - a tested system (ECOFRAME) for implementation of the European Water Framework Directive

1. The European Water Framework Directive requires the determination of ecological status in European fresh and saline waters. This is to be through the establishment of a typology of surface water bodies, the determination of reference (high status) conditions in each element (ecotype) of the typology and of lower grades of status (good, moderate, poor and bad) for each ecotype. It then requires

Nationell övervakning av dagfjärilar slår igenom

Fjärilar kan hjälpa oss att upptäcka och förstå miljöförändringar. Med många avkommor, korta generationstider och klimatkänslighet svarar de snabbt på ändrade förhållanden. Flera arter har minskat på senare år medan andra har ökat. Genom att systematiskt följa antal och utbredning av dagfjärilar går det att lista ut inte bara vilka faktorer som hotar och gynnar just fjärilar, utan även vad som påv

Den självorganiserade staden: appropriation av offentliga rum i Rinkeby

The objective of this dissertation is to analyse and discuss the issue of self-organisation from a spatial point of view. The thesis takes its point of departure firstly from the assumption that self-organisation concerns a process through which subjects aspire to become involved in societal development and decision-making from below, and secondly that self-organisation always takes place in a soc

Towards Integrated Product and Package Development

The global company operates from a number of locations worldwide, resulting in implications for the transport, handling and storage of product and parts transported within the company as well as between the company divisions and suppliers and/or consumers. In these companies, the package becomes a frequently used object to complement product features and achieve an effective and efficient means of

Two design problems for the IP/MPLS over WDM networks

Design problems related to the next generation Internet core networks can be difficult to solve in an exact way. Hence, for large networks they may require approximate algorithms. The paper considers two optimization problems for off-line design of robust NGI core networks carrying elastic traffic with a two-layer IP/MPLS over WDM architecture. The problems are NP-hard and are formulated as mixed-