

Din sökning på "*" gav 527960 sökträffar

Hur kan företag motiveras att uppnå minimal klimatpåverkan vid hantering av elektroniska enheter?

Scope är ett koncept framtaget av GHG Protocol med syftet att standardisera placeringen och beräkningen av växthusgasutsläpp. Scope har varit indelade i 3 delar som alla avser att placera den negativa påverkan en verksamhet har genom utsläpp. Det finns ännu inte ett sätt att pålitligt placera en positiv påverkan av en verksamhet. Denna studien undersöker det omtalade konceptet scope 4 med syftet aElectronic waste is the fastest growing waste category, seen as a consequence of the industry’s rapid technological advancement. The waste in this industry is problematic due to the inherent heterogenic property of devices, the toxicity of the waste, as well as resource intensive production of the required materials. To decrease this waste and the resource demand in the production of electrical de

Using Information Criteria to Select Averages in CCE

In the interactive effects panel data literature information criteria are commonly used to consistently determine which of the estimated principal components factors to include. The present paper shows that the same approach can be applied to factors estimated by taking the cross-sectional averages of the observables, as prescribed by the popular common correlated effects (CCE) approach. This shou

Did introduction of pneumococcal vaccines in the Netherlands decrease the need for respiratory antibiotics in children? Analysis of 2002 to 2013 data

To estimate the effect of the introduction of the 7- and 10-valentpneumococcal vaccines in 2006 and 2011, respectively in the Netherlands, we assessed respiratory antibiotic use in one to nine year-old children between 2002 and 2013. Seasonal autoregressive integrated moving-average models were applied to estimate the percentage reduction in respiratory antibiotic use. When compared with the pre-v

INFORM: INFrared-based ORganizational Measurements of tumor and its microenvironment to predict patient survival

The structure and organization of a tumor and its microenvironment are often associated with cancer outcomes due to spatially varying molecular composition and signaling. A persistent challenge is to use this physical and chemical spatial organization to understand cancer progression. Here, we present a high-definition infrared imaging–based organizational measurement framework (INFORM) that lever

Barriärer och Styrmedel för kommunal klimatanpassning

I Västra Götalandsregionen är riskerna till följd av klimatförändringen allvarliga och därför är det avgörande med en ökad takt av kommunala klimatanpassningsåtgärder som kan möta klimatförändringarnas effekter. Detta aktualiserar en diskussion om styrmedel för att stimulera ökad klimatanpassning. Genom att intervjua 13 tjänstemän i 11 kommuner i regionen kartlägger denna studie förutsättningar föIn the Swedish region of Västra Götaland, the risks induced by climate change are severe and the increased pace of municipal climate adaptation measures is paramount to meet the effects of climate change. This actualizes a discussion about policy instruments to incentivize increased climate change adaptation. By interviewing 13 civil servants in 11 municipalities in the region, this study maps the

Citizen science initiatives increase pollinator activity in private gardens and green spaces

Wild insect pollinators are essential to cultivated and natural ecosystems globally. Today, many pollinator species are declining. One reason is a general lack of flowering habitats at landscape scales. However, urban areas, including private gardens, may provide flowers, and constitute beneficial habitats for pollinators. Here, we evaluate the ecological outcomes of a citizen science campaign run

Policy brief: The fragmentation of international climate politics

Over the last decades, there has been a rapid increase of the number of climate change initiatives outside the UNFCCC. In research this is referred to as ‘institutional fragmentation’, and it encompasses a wide range of public, private and hybrid initiatives, at various levels of governance. This development is extensively discussed in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report AR5. Chapters 13-16 of the Wo

An immune score reflecting pro- and anti-tumoural balance of tumour microenvironment has major prognostic impact and predicts immunotherapy response in solid cancers

Background: Cancer immunity is based on the interaction of a multitude of cells in the spatial context of the tumour tissue. Clinically relevant immune signatures are therefore anticipated to fundamentally improve the accuracy in predicting disease progression. Methods: Through a multiplex in situ analysis we evaluated 15 immune cell classes in 1481 tumour samples. Single-cell and bulk RNAseq data

Betahistine prevents development of endolymphatic hydrops in a mouse model of insulin resistance and diabetes

BACKGROUND: Diabetes is associated with inner ear dysfunction. Furthermore, C57BL/6J mice fed high fat diet (HFD), a model for insulin resistance and diabetes, develop endolymphatic hydrops (EH).AIM: Evaluate if betahistine, spironolactone (aldosterone antagonist) and empagliflozin (sodium -glucose cotransporter2 inhibitor) can prevent EH induced by HFD and explore potential mechanisms.METHODS: C5

Internal viewpoints in a governmental organization on two capacity development initiatives

Capacity development in the field of disaster risk reduction is suggested by the Sendai Framework to be the primary tool for obtaining the goals of globally reduced disaster risk. However, ownership in capacity development initiative is often skewed towards the external organization. This thesis aims to understand the perceived success factors and challenges for the personnel in a governmental org

Hur kan träning påverka fatigue vid MS och stroke? En kartläggande litteraturöversikt

Inledning Fatigue är något som drabbar personer med MS och personer som har haft stroke i stor utsträckning. Cirka 70% av de som har MS och 50% av de som har haft stroke upplever någon gång fatigue. Inom båda grupperna kan fatigue ha en stor negativ inverkan på personens livskvalité och vardag. Träning har visats kunna minska fatigue vid MS och stroke, men det är inte klarlagt vilken typ av tränin

Hjälpmedelslogistikens möjligheter: en stagnerad marknad med stor potential

Hjälpmedelslogistikens möjligheter en stagnerad marknad med stor potential av Marcus Oknelid Vårdlogistik är inte planerbar på samma sätt som andra logistiska områden, då logistiken är beroende på vårdfall och behov. Med nya regulationer finns ett intresse i att tydliggöra hur regioner och kommuner arbetar med vårdlogistik idag, där tydliggörande av arbetssätt och förmåga kan leda till förbättrinAbstract Title: The possibilities of healthcare logistics, a stagnated market with great potential Author: Marcus Oknelid Supervisors: Bertil Nilsson, division of industrial management, The faculty of engineering at Lund University. Lars Eiring, CEO, Myloc AB Examiner: Johan Marklund, division of industrial management, The faculty of engineering at Lund University. Background: Healthcare logis

ManyBirds : A multi-site collaborative Open Science approach to avian cognition and behavior research

Comparative cognitive and behavior research aims to investigate cognitive evolution by comparing performance in different species to understand how these abilities have evolved. Ideally, this requires large and diversesamples; however, these can be difficult to obtain by single labs or institutions, leading to potential reproducibility and generalization issues with small, less representative samp

The bumpy paths of online sleuthing: Exploring the interactional accomplishment of familiarity, evidence, and authority in online crime discussions

Much of today’s public discourse on crime cases take place on online platforms, as long chains of high-speed posts: speculations, analyses, and laments, as well as ironic, sarcastic, and derogatory comments. These give excellent (and yet risky) possibilities to engage in homemade investigation, with other posters as instant reviewers and audiences. In this article, we explore the interactional ori

The Stern-Gerlach Spectrometer for Charged Particles : A step towards an alternative method for measuring spin

The purpose of this project is to investigate the performance of a spectrometer capable of measuring both momentum and spin of particles. More specifically, we investigated what parameters are required in order to separate particles with opposite spins at least 1 mm. This project can serve as the first step in the process of building such a spectrometer. This spectrometer takes the core principle