Förtryck och revolt i Viktor Rydbergs Athen
Uppsatsen behandlar Viktor Rydbergs Den siste athenaren från 1858. Rydbergs roll som samhällsdebattör relateras till hans romanskrivande.
Uppsatsen behandlar Viktor Rydbergs Den siste athenaren från 1858. Rydbergs roll som samhällsdebattör relateras till hans romanskrivande.
The concept of a ”green economy” is rapidly gaining interest around the world. However, the idea is not new. It appeared in 1989 in the book “Blueprint for a Green Economy”. During the 1990s and most of the 2000s, the green economy was not a widely used term. But it gained a new lease of life after the financial crisis of 2008 when governments and industries around the world needed to respond to e
This paper describes two interleaver structures that reduce the memory requirement for the storage of interleaver rules. The first structure offers memory reductions of more than 50%, compared to storing the entire interleaver vector. The second structure is useful when a range of interleaver sizes are to be stored, offering memory reductions asymptotically approaching 50%. By combining the two st
I denna bok rapporteras resultat från sju forskningsprojekt inom forskningsprogrammet Skolkultur en framgångsfaktor? Forskarna kommer från olika vetenskapliga discipliner: etnologi, företagsekonomi, pedagogik, socialantropologi, sociologi och statsvetenskap. Förankrade i olika perspektiv och teoritraditioner och med hjälp av olika metoder undersöker de skolan. Resultatet är en bred och varierad be
Klimatförhållandena har stor betydelse för om en art kan ha livskraftiga populationer på en viss plats, både genom direkta effekter på organismerna, och indirekta effekter på andra arter i ekosystemet, det vill säga arter som den är beroende av, predatorer och konkurrenter. Den biologiska mångfalden är viktig för ekosystemens förmåga att klara klimatförändringar. Vårt användande av landskapet ka
Popular Abstract in English Typically, when we speak of ionic solutions we mean a salt (as solute) dissolved in some liquid (the solvent). In this thesis, we predominantly consider ionic solutions for which there is no solvent---room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs). It follows that these liquids have a large concentration of charged particles, a property that causes them to be effective electrRoom-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) are compounds composed entirely of ions, which are liquid at temperatures below 100 degrees Celsius. Their high ionic strength and strong coupling make them useful for a number of applications, e.g. as electrolytes in supercapacitors. These properties also make them interesting subjects for theoretical research, as the canonical theories of the electrical dou
Conventionally, minimax spatial/spectral filters for microphone arrays are designed by first discretizing the spatial and frequency domains into a finite number of grid points and then performing the optimization over these points. The drawback with this approach is that the response of the spatial/spectral filters in between the grid points can be poor. More recently, an approach that performs th
As reported in several studies, even though properly designed, it is possible that groin systems not only cause down-drift beaches to erode, but also contribute to the generation of rip currents. These rip currents run along the updrift side of the structure, moving sediment offshore where it may be, at least in part, lost from the system. It is well known that the directionality of the incident w